A Very Happy & Blessed Thursday To All Our Dear Brothers & Sisters!

Wiccan Blessing


Evil never wins.

It will always be defeated, but there will be casualties.

I look to the Goddess and see her standing besides me.

I find the power which is mine


I raise my sword and defeat the face of evil with the

hands of the Goddess.


She will keep me safe.

For we are her children forever.


I gather my Brothers & Sisters close to me

I gather the strength of the Witches from the past

I gather the animals around me


My prayer begins:

I stand before the Goddess under this new moon. I seize the power of the moon in my hands. I bring the children to my side. The Goddess sends her light to me. My family shows the love that we have for each other. May the Goddess send you her power.

May those around us feel the joy that we bring to the circle. May prosperity fill our lives.

As her children we show our love for Mother Earth daily. She shows respect for all that is alive. We pray for those who live in fear to find safety. We pray for those who live in pain to find compassion. We pray for those in cages to run free. See how the birds fly free in our skies. See how the animals roam free. May their days be long.

I send our power to the four corners. I send our wishes to all. Bless the children. Bless our families. Bless the animals. But most … Blessings to all.



—A Witch’s Prayerbook

JoAnne Spiese

Wake Up! Wake Up! It’s Beltane! What A Glorious & Beautiful Day The Goddess Has Blessed Us With! Blessed Beltane To All!

Beltane Comments & Graphics
Good Morning & A Very Blessed Beltane to Each and Everyone of Our Brothers & Sisters Here Today!

Before we get this celebration started, let’s take a moment to say a prayer for our country and the turmoil that is currently in. 

Please join us in this moment of silence and prayer…. 

Divine Mother

Loving and Wise

Help the people of Boston and

Anywhere unrest, violence and cruelty

to our fellow man exists.



Let go of their hatred and unrest

Open their hearts to compassion instead.

Let them be patient for the truth

And the shortcoming of others.



And let them have tolerance

For those who are different from themselves.

Help us to remember

That we are all your children

More alike than not

And equally loved in your eyes.



Banish the darkness

and negativity from their thoughts

Wash away prejudice

With the purity of your waters.

Let them love others

Let them love theirselves

As all are loved

By your encompassing spirit.


Most of all, let them realize when matters are

Placed in your hands, justice and peace will

Once again prevail across our land.



Let them know we are all of the Human race

Brothers, sisters, no matter what the color of the skin

We are all your children and must remember how to

live in peace once again.



Restore our compassion, our love and our tolerance

Bless us all, dear Mother, for we are all your children.

And your blessings are needed now more than ever.



So Mote It Be



A Very Blessed & Good Beltane Eve To All Our Brothers & Sisters Of The Craft!


I apologize for running late this morning. However, I did have time to scan through our email real quick. It was called to my attention by a very dear friend that I said a prayer yesterday for Nepal. But I neglected to say a prayer for peace for our brothers & sisters in Boston. If you have figured it out by now, I try to avoid civil unrest topics or activities in our country. I know you are probably wondering why. I wondered that myself this morning also. I found the answer while I was searching my soul. I like to think of all of us here in the states as being civilized with good heads’ on our shoulders. Common sense and good judgment will eventually rule out without our intervention. Unfortunately, that has not happened. The conflicts that are occurring in our own country are going by the day. I realized if we do not do something our country will get even further out of control. People mistrusting people, people shooting people in the streets, riots, burning towns down, we don’t want that for our great country. Order has to be restored. We have to play apart in that process.


The Goddess gave us this great country and I believe She entrusted us with the betterment of mankind. I would ask that each of you, every day, say a prayer for peace for our great country. Also every day we will start with an opening prayer for peace to return to our country. I hope you will join us in this prayer.


Today, join us as we pray for peace in the great city of Boston….

Divine Mother

Loving and Wise

Help the people in Boston let

Go of their hatred and unrest

Open their hearts to compassion instead.

Let them be patient for the truth

And the shortcoming of other

And let them have tolerance

For those who are different from themselves.

Help them to remember

That we are all your children

More alike than not

And equally loved in your eyes.

Banish the darkness

and negativity from their thoughts

Wash away prejudice

With the purity of your waters.

Let them love others

Let them love theirselves

As all are loved

By your encompassing spirit.

Let them know we are all of the Human race

Brothers, sisters, no matter what the color of the skin

We are all your children and must remember how to

live in peace once again.

Bless them, dear Mother, for we are all your children.

So Mote It Be



What A Glorious Day To Be Alive! It’s Yule, My Friends, It’s Yule!

Yule Comments & Graphics
To all our family, friends, brothers & sisters, we wish you a very Magickal and Blessed Yule!

May the Goddess & the Sun shine down on you, not only today but all the year long!

Brightest Blessings & Merry Yule,

Lady A and The WOTC