Daily Feng Shui News for March 5th – ‘Saint Piran’s Day’

If you are reading this in the British town of Cornwall then you won’t be surprised to hear that today is ‘Saint Piran’s Day,’ a day dedicated to celebrating the life of the patron saint of that British town. St. Piran quickly became a favorite amongst tin miners after he accidentally became the first person in Cornwall to teach tin smelting. Tin, or the metal element on the whole, plays a very important role in the Feng Shui philosophy. Metal is one of the five favored Feng Shui elements and is associated with the center or middle of the right hand side of your living space. The presence of anything metal placed in this ‘Children/Creativity’ area energizes that element and is believed to attract silver and gold. If you want to bring success and wealth as well as child-like wonder and tons of creativity into your life, you are well advised to place something metal in that space.

By Ellen Whitehurst for Astrology.com