Celebrating Other Spirituality 365 Days A Year – Miracle at Lourdes

February 11th

Miracle at Lourdes (France)

It was on this day in 1858 that the famous apparition of Our Lady at Lourdes was seen by a poor peasant girl, Bernadatte. This was the last manifestation at the gorto which had been known for many centuries as the shrine of the Goddess.

Born Marie Bernarde Soubrious, Bernadatte (1844 – 1879) suffered from asthma, poverty, and a lack of education. At the age of 14, on February 11, Bernadatte experienced a vision of the Virgin Mary while collecting firewood on the bank of the River Gave near Lourdes. During the next six months, she saw a series of 18 visions in which  the Lady identified herself as “the Immaculate Conception” and told Bernadatte to drink from a nearby spring. The Lady also instructed Bernadatte to erect a chapel on the site. Since that time, the spring has produced 27,000 gallons of water each week and has been the site of countless miracles of healing.


Magickal Activity

Healing Bath

Items needed:

One white candle

Fresh mint

Fresh lavender

Light the candle and place it next to the tub so the water will reflect its light. As you fill the tub with water, add the mint and lavender leaves. Just before you step into the tub, stir the water with your hand as you chant:

“Elements and herbs lend your power,
Bring me healing from this hour.”

Soak in the tub for 15 minutes. At the end of this time, stand in the tub and let the water out. As the water drains from the tub, visualize all your ailments (or problems) leaving your body and flowing away with the water.

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