Lunabar Moon Almanack for Friday, 01 May, 2015


Lunabar Moon Almanack for Friday, 01 May, 2015


Waxing, Gibbous Moon Age: 13 ¼ days.

Moon in Via Combusta, at Ascending Node.

Moon in 18th degree of the Sign Libra, the Balance; also in 25th deg. of the Constellation Virgo, the Virgin.

Moonset: 4:54 morn. Moonrise: 5:40 eve. Souths: 11:39 eve.

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Aspects of Libra:

Yang, Masculine, Solar, Positive, Diurnal, Airy, Cardinal, Semi-fruitful, Horary Western, Autumnal, Austral, Obeying, Equinoctial, Moist, Vocal, Sweet, Hot

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Spells and rituals involving the Air Element should be performed when the Moon is in the Air sign: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.

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Moon Moon, Mother Moon Lunar Lore

What’s this midsummer moon? Is all the world gone a-madding? ~ Dryden, “Amphitryon,” iv. 1. • • • •

The Moon is in the Lunar Mansion

Al’awwa, The Barker in the Kennel, also known as Canis, The Dog. Marked by the fix’d Stars: Zavijava, Vindemiatrix, &c.

*** Virgin August! come in thy regal state With soft majestic grace and brow serene; Though the fierce Lion’s reign is overpast The summer’s heat is all thine own as yet, And all untouched thy robe of living green By the rude fingers of the northern blast. ~ R.J. Philbrick, “Virgo.”

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Courtesy of GrannyMoonsMorningFeast


Elemental Magick – Air


The elemental Spirits of Air are the Sylphs.

Mastering the element Air…

1- Make a list of the things which have the combined qualities of warmth and moistness. Practice this for one week. Be sure to record the results each day in your magickal diary.

2- Find a place where you can be alone, take a lounge chair along with you. Wear as little clothing as you can (if possible, nudity is best), and sit or lie in the chair. Begin pore breathing. This is started by doing the relaxation ritual. Next, become very aware of your breath. Become aware of the slow in and out motion of the physical air. Notice the way the air feels as it enters your body. Now imagine that your body is nothing more then a huge breathing apparatus. Imagine that every part of your body only has the function of breathing. You should do this exercise daily for one week.

3- Spend a period of up to three minutes (no more), once a day, imagining that you are the element Air. Feel the lightness, the giddiness, the warmth and moisture of Air. Feel how physical things don’t seem to matter. Do this exercise for only one week, NO MORE. If you wish to do it again, only do it once a month.

4- Once you have learned to “be Air”, the next step is to control the element Air. Take a moment and imagine yourself to be Air. Bring the feeling from the previous exercise into your consciousness. Next, hold your hands 9-12 inches apart, palms facing each other. Imagine a bottle or box between your hands. Now, as you exhale, visualize all of the Air element which is in you going out with your breath and into the container between your hands. Three to five breaths should be enough to fill it. Then, with three breaths, inhale it back into you and go back to normal consciousness.

The next time you feel heavy, slow or lazy, do this exercise. If you feel relaxed and refreshed, you have succeeded with the test AND with mastering the element Air.