July 30 Moon Goddess’ Current Phase

Today the Moon will be in a Waxing Gibbous phase. This phase is when the moon is more than 50% illuminated but not yet a Full Moon. The phase lasts round 7 days with the moon becoming more illuminated each day until the Full Moon. During a Waxing Gibbous the moon will rise in the east in mid-afternoon and will be high in the eastern sky at sunset. The moon is then visible though most of the night sky setting a few hour before sunrise. The word Gibbous first appeared in the 14th century and has its roots in the Latin word “gibbosus” meaning humpbacked.

Today’s Waxing Gibbous Phase

The Waxing Gibbous Moon on July 30 has an illumination of 81%. This is the percentage of the Moon illuminated by the Sun. The illumination is constantly changing and can vary up to 10% a day. To see how the lunar illumination changes throughout July 30 visit this Moon Illumination Chart.

On July 30 the Moon is 10.54 days old. This refers to how many days it has been since the last New Moon. It takes 29.53 days for the Moon to orbit the Earth and go through the lunar cycle of all 8 Moon phases.

From Moongiant.com
You can use this link to go forward or backward in time for Moon phase information. If
you are curious you can even find out what phase the Moon was in when you or
anyone else, you know was on the date the person was born.

30 July Southern Hemisphere Custom Planetary Positions

30 July (29) 2020
08:00 pm GMT 6:00 AM AEST
Zodiac: Tropical (Standard Western)

Sun:07 Leo 09
Moon:07 Sagittarius 16
Mercury:19 Cancer 08
Venus:22 Gemini 21
Mars:17 Aries 14
Jupiter:20 Capricorn 24 Rx
Saturn:27 Capricorn 59 Rx
Uranus:10 Taurus 35
Neptune:20 Pisces 37 Rx
Pluto:23 Capricorn 24 Rx

True Lunar Node:28 Gemini 36

Mean Lunar Node:27 Gemini 04 Rx
Lilith (Black Moon):20 Aries 40

Chiron:09 Aries 18 Rx

Ceres:11 Pisces 18 Rx
Pallas:16 Capricorn 48 Rx
Juno:14 Libra 45
Vesta:24 Cancer 28

Eris:24 Aries 33 Rx





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July 29 Moon Goddess’ Current Phase

The Moon’s current phase for today and tonight is a Waxing Gibbous phase. This phase is when the moon is more than 50% illuminated but not yet a Full Moon. The phase lasts round 7 days with the moon becoming more illuminated each day until the Full Moon. During a Waxing Gibbous the moon will rise in the east in mid-afternoon and will be high in the eastern sky at sunset. The moon is then visible though most of the night sky setting a few hour before sunrise. The word Gibbous first appeared in the 14th century and has its roots in the Latin word “gibbosus” meaning humpbacked.

Today’s Waxing Gibbous Phase

The Waxing Gibbous Moon on July 29 has an illumination of 72%. This is the percentage of the Moon illuminated by the Sun. The illumination is constantly changing and can vary up to 10% a day. To see how the lunar illumination changes throughout July 29 visit this Moon Illumination Chart.

On July 29 the Moon is 9.49 days old. This refers to how many days it has been since the last New Moon. It takes 29.53 days for the Moon to orbit the Earth and go through the lunar cycle of all 8 Moon phases.

The 8 Lunar Phases

There are 8 lunar phases the Moon goes through in its 29.53 days lunar cycle. The 4 major Moon phases are New Moon, First Quarter, Full Moon and Last Quarter. Between these major phases, there are 4 minor ones: the Waxing Crescent, Waxing Gibbous, Waning Gibbous and Waning Crescent. For more info on the Moon Cycle and on each phase check out Wikipedia Lunar Phase page.

From Moongiant.com
You can use this link to go forward or backward in time for Moon phase information. If
you are curious you can even find out what phase the Moon was in when you or
anyone else, you know was on the date the person was born.

Today’s Zodiac Sign Is Leo for the Birthday Horoscope Of People Born On July 29

JULY 29 birthday horoscope predicts that you are a Leo who is perhaps too idealistic when it comes to romance or life in general. You can be creative and inventive, but you are uncomfortable in the world of suit and ties. You always love to do things differently.

Those born under this zodiac sign are the imaginative and artsy individuals. You have a vivid imagination. However, you suffer from side effects of a stressful situation.

As a July 29th birthday personality, you can be an emotional wreck. Try to delegate your authority to relieve yourself some of the day-to-day responsibilities.

Anyone would help you out, as you are an expressive lighthearted individual. You enjoy sharing the latest technical or traditional information that could be beneficial to both you and your offspring.

If today July 29 is your birthday, then as a child, you may have felt like an outcast. You are not fully developed, even at your age. Age isn’t anything but a number to you, but following the rules is never out of style.

However, the July 29 horoscope also predicts that you have a yearning for money, power, and fame accompanied by a fear of failing. You can visualize all of this but have difficulty in putting plans into action.

With Leo on the loose, you tend to make a scene with all that kissing and stuff. You could prove to be a public embarrassment. As a negative, sulking certainly will not solve anything, and certainly, it does not earn any brownie points with the Lion, but you are very capable of being a big baby.

At home, the July 29th zodiac characteristics match your decor and sometimes, you may change your way of thinking. Those of you born on this day are known for little mishaps that normally don‘t last for very long.

On the other hand, you have integrity and a sense of what is right and wrong. Additionally, you have a strong sense of allegiance. You could be an observant Lion as you watch for every little detail. As a positive quality, you are an intuitive individual.

According to the 29th astrology analysis, the mature Lion is confident, maybe too confident. Your boasting may turn some off. Sometimes, your life is not all that it’s cracked up to be, but you will never admit to it. Nonetheless, you are brilliant individual who can be rational. You always know when things are getting out of hand.

What your birthday July 29 says about you is that you could turn all your negative qualities around by putting that energy into something positive and creative. Since you like to tell stories, you would qualify to be a great storyteller for your children. It will give you a chance to give back and perhaps feel better about yourself. It is speculated that insecurities replace arrogance.

People born on this Leo birthday may have a strong sexual desire and want someone like himself or herself as a partner in love. You may find it hard to separate love and sex. Although they go together, they are quite different.

You put so much effort into making your dreams a reality that you are eager to love. Let’s face it, everybody needs love and affection, and this Lion is no different. The perfect partner will pardon your faults as you have many good qualities. You, however, will not accept anything less than a lusty relationship.

The Leo July 29 birthday personality can be resourceful and ingenious but you know this and can be arrogant because of it. You can be humble and should try to change your attitude. Most people do not like you, but because of your level of intelligence, they respect you and your opinions. You could be a role model for some.

The July 29 horscope also suggests that you need love and are worthy of a loving relationship. You know what is right and typically do the right thing, but you are notorious for displaying your affections in public. Sometimes, you go too far, Leo. Get a room.

Famous People And Celebrities Born On July 29

Fernando Alonso, Elizabeth Dole, Peter Jennings, Geddy Lee, Benito Mussolini, Timothy Omundson, William Powell

See: Famous Celebrities Born On July 29

This Day That Year – July 29 In History

1751 – Jack Stack of England, the world title holder, defeats his challenger in 29 minutes
1844 – New York’s first Yacht Club
1899 – First motorcycle race held in Manhattan Beach
1920 – First flight from NY to SF

July 29 Simha Rashi (Vedic Moon Sign)
July 29 Chinese Zodiac MONKEY

July 29 Birthday Planet

Your ruling planet is Sun that symbolizes masculine energy and gives us the vitality to be successful in life.

July 29 Birthday Symbols

The Lion Is The Symbol For The Leo Sun Sign

July 29 Birthday Tarot Card

Your Birthday Tarot Card is The High Priestess. This card symbolizes that you have the insight to look into a situation before coming to a final decision. The Minor Arcana cards are Five of Wands and Knight of Wands

July 29 Birthday Zodiac Compatibility

You are most compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign Sagittarius: This relation between the two fire signs can indeed be exciting.
You are not compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign Cancer: This love relationship will end because of ego and anger issues.

See Also:

July 29th Lucky Numbers

Number 2 – This number signifies tact, intuition, flexibility, friendliness and new relationships.
Number 9 – This number signifies humanity, love, caring, helping, forgiving and peaceful nature.

Read about: Birthday Numerology

Lucky Colors For July 29 Birthday

Gold: This color stands for luxury, brilliance, success, wisdom, and happiness.
White: This is a calming color that stands for virginity, soothing, trust, stability and balance.

Lucky Days For July 29 Birthday

Monday – This is the day of planet Moon that helps you analyze your feelings and emotions when it comes to people in your life.
Sunday – This is a day of introspection, analysis, encouragement, and planning for new challenges.

July 29 Birthstone Ruby

Ruby gemstone that signifies serious relationships, love, focus and sexual desires.

Ideal Zodiac Birthday Gifts For People Born On July 29th

A pair of luxury cufflinks for the man and an imported fountain pen for the woman. The July 29 birthday personality likes gifts that are unique and different.

To find anyone’s birthday horoscope