December 16 N. H. Moon Phase and Planetary Positions

Current Moon Phase


On this day the Moon will be in a Waning Gibbous Phase. This is the first phase after the Full Moon occurs. It lasts roughly 7 days with the Moon’s illumination growing smaller each day until the Moon becomes a Last Quarter Moon with a illumination of 50%. The average Moon rise for this phase is between 9am and Midnight depending on the age of the phase. The moon rises later and later each night setting after sunrise in the morning. During this phase the Moon can also be seen in the early morning daylight hours on the western horizon.

To find any Moon Phase
You can use this link to go forward or backward in time for Moon phase information. If you are curious you can even find out what phase the Moon was in when you or anyone else you know was on the date the person was born.

Custom Planetary Positions

December 16, 2019
12:00 pm GMT ((6:00 AM CST)
Zodiac: Tropical (Standard Western)

Sun:24 Sagittarius 13
Moon:18 Leo 41
Mercury:10 Sagittarius 30
Venus:25 Capricorn 20
Mars:18 Scorpio 00
Jupiter:03 Capricorn 06
Saturn:19 Capricorn 37
Uranus:02 Taurus 56 Rx
Neptune:16 Pisces 02
Pluto:21 Capricorn 54

True Lunar Node:08 Cancer 26
Mean Lunar Node:09 Cancer 04 Rx

Lilith (Black Moon):25 Pisces 19

Chiron:01 Aries 26
Ceres:11 Capricorn 44
Pallas:16 Sagittarius 20
Juno:13 Libra 41
Vesta:12 Taurus 46 Rx

Eris:23 Aries 17 Rx


To calculate GMT to Your Local Time for any Date for your local planetary positions in the past, or present, or future use this link can be used to go to so you can covert into GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) to your local time To find your local Planetary Positions

If you have questions about using any of the links please leave them in the comment section as others may have the same question and it is easier to answer once than many times via email. Thank you.