October 19th Birthday Horoscope

October 19 Zodiac Sign Is Libra

Birthday Horoscope Of People Born On October 19

IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS  ON OCTOBER 19, you are a person who is flexible and open-minded. You have no trouble making friends as you are sensitive to others and their needs. However, being the friendly person that you are can sometimes be misunderstood and get you into some minor disagreements.

You’re impartial but have the ability to see both sides of a situation and are able to compromise. Often times, you are the center of attention. It’s a natural and magnetic October 19th birthday personality trait that you have. This can cause jealousy and envy among your peers.

If today is your birthday you like being around other people, however, you are secure being your own best friend. You seem to express yourself well or so say your business associates, family, and friends. They appreciate your energy, loyalty, and astuteness.

Additionally, the 19th October birthday horoscope foretells that you are dependable and practical. You can pick apart a situation and analyze it. This could come in handy for your profession.

Your career choice could be based on how you feel about performing certain tasks. If you feel good about helping someone, then maybe social work is a field suited to a October 19 Libra birth day person. You, in addition, could be good as a therapist or a minister.

Usually caring professions are sought after by those with your gifts of attracting people. More often than not, those people have problems. They come to you for advice anyway so you may as well get paid for it.

As an alternative profession, you enjoy politics and find that changing things for the better gives you great rewards at the end of the day. You seek, in your own way, to make things better for those less fortunate. The October 19 zodiac birthday individuals have a tendency to be dedicated to linking people with programs that may advance their lives.

In life, you may find that it has its share of ups and downs. You have found your own way of dealing with those little setbacks or stumbling blocks. The October 19 birthday astrology analysis shows that you probably have the wisdom to know that knowledge comes with trial and error. If you don’t learn from your mistakes, then you end up repeating them.

When it comes to risking your money, you learn fast. Nonetheless, sometimes in life, you may have to take a gamble in order to get ahead. With a Libra born today, you can rest assured that your money is safe.

But the October 19 birthday personality also take their health for granted. Being young and active this is not so bad as you tend to ward off diseases and minor illnesses without much effort. However, as you get on in age, this could become a problem. Age has a way of showing up in many places mainly around the stomach and hips. You could take better care of yourself by eating a healthier diet and taking walks at least 3 times a week.


The 19 October birthday meanings also show that you are well-liked. You are smart, sensitive and practical. As a friend, you are dedicated and loyal. Some people are envious of your attention-getting magnetic force.

As a young Libra, staying active was easy but not so much as you get older. However, you can maintain a fit lifestyle by walking at least a few times a week or biking. Since you prefer to be around people, take a friend. It will make the time go by much faster and it won’t seem like exercise. Professionally, you’d make a great therapist or politician as you find that helping people is highly rewarding.

See: Famous Celebrities Born On October 19

This Day That Year –October 19 In History

1466 – The Thirteen Year War is over.
1941 – Anna Lee Wiley is the first female jockey in North America.
1982 – In the hit television show, “Dallas,” Jock Ewing is involved in an airplane accident and dies
2012 – Justin Timberlake marries Jessica Biel in Italy.

October 19 Tula Rashi (Vedic Moon Sign)
October 19 Chinese Zodiac DOG

October 19 Birthday Planet

Your ruling planet is Venus that symbolizes warmth, love, patience, happiness and the importance of relationships in your life.

October 19 Birthday Symbols

The Scales Are The Symbol For The Libra Sun Sign

October 19 Birthday Tarot Card

Your Birthday Tarot Card is The Sun. This card symbolizes success, joy, vitality, and prosperity. The Minor Arcana cards are Four of Swords and Knight of Cups

October 19 Birthday Compatibility

You are most compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign Leo: This is a match that can be excellent and passionate provided both of you make some effort.
You are not compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign AriesThis love relationship will be stubborn and headstrong.

See Also:

October 19 Lucky Number

Number 1 – This number signifies leadership and inspirational qualities.
Number 2 – This number signifies balance, tact, harmony and peace.

Read about: Birthday Numerology

Lucky Colors For October 19 Birthday

Orange: This color stands for illumination, vigor, enthusiasm and vibrancy.
Pink: This is a tender color that stands for love, harmony, wisdom and elegance.

Lucky Days For October 19 Birthday

Friday – This is the day of Venus that signifies everything beautiful and enjoyable in life.
– This is the day of the Sun that signifies renewal of faith and trust in everything that you believe in.

October 19 Birthstone Opal

Opal gemstone helps make you emotionally stable and balance your thinking with your actions.

Ideal Zodiac Birthday Gifts For People Born On October 19th

A stylish silk shirt for the man and a finger ring with a huge stone for the woman.

For Your Birthday Horoscope