4th OCTOBER S.H. Current Moon Phase and Planetary Positions

Current Moon Phase


Today the Moon will be in a Waxing Crescent Phase. A Waxing Crescent is the first Phase after the New Moon and is a great time to see the features of the moon’s surface. During this phase the Moon can be seen in the wester sky after the sun dips below the horizon at sunset. The moon is close to the sun in the sky and mostly dark except for the right edge of the moon which becomes brighter as the days get closer to the next phase which is a First Quarter with a 50% illumination

Custom Planetary Positions

October 03, 2019 (4 October 2019)
08:00 pm GMT (6:00 AM AEST)
Zodiac: Tropical (Standard Western)

Sun:10 Libra 19
Moon:18 Sagittarius 13
Mercury:00 Scorpio 42
Venus:23 Libra 56
Mars:29 Virgo 47
Jupiter:18 Sagittarius 35
Saturn:14 Capricorn 06
Uranus:05 Taurus 34 Rx
Neptune:16 Pisces 41 Rx
Pluto:20 Capricorn 38

True Lunar Node:13 Cancer 14 Rx
Mean Lunar Node:12 Cancer 58 Rx

Chiron:03 Aries 21 Rx
Ceres:14 Sagittarius 53
Pallas:15 Scorpio 00
Juno:17 Virgo 43
Vesta:27 Taurus 18 Rx

Eris:23 Aries 54 Rx


October 4th Birthday Horoscope

October 4 Zodiac Sign Is Libra

Birthday Horoscope Of People Born On October 4

OCTOBER 4 birthday horoscope predicts that you could be very different from the rest of the people born under the same zodiac sign. This Libra birthday person could be a rebellious soul. You think very differently from the people around you.

Although you have good manners and traditional values, you enjoy being the “black sheep.” It is not often that you behave this way, but it is certainly a part of your mystic.

If today is your birthday, you are likable people. It is not like you to toot your own horn because you typically dislike arrogance. Those who know you would probably let you get away with it, as they know this mood is just temporary. On the other hand, the October 4th birthday personality enjoys people. You have a great understanding of how humans work so it’s probable that you would make a sacrifice to ensure their happiness. Your friends and family say that you are a thoughtful Libra and are thankful for you. They say that you make the best friend anyone could have.

The October 4th astrology predicts that you are likely responsible but fascinating people. You like having fun and are often misunderstood because of your laid-back attitude. You are verbal people who like to learn. On occasion, you can be tenacious when it comes to what you want.

As a negative birthday characteristic, you tend to stretch the truth a bit. In your mind, you do this to protect yourself. Typically, you are innovative, and your ideas may be odd to some who are conservative. Don’t mind them as you have insights that others do not have. Besides, most people respect your ideas and are interested in your success.

Let’s talk about you as a parent and you as a lover. It would seem that this does not mix friendships with perspective romantic interests or co-workers. In love, you will do you can to maintain a loving and trusting relationship and are usually the one to keep the peace when it comes to an argument.

Libra, as a parent in many cases, is the provider so, you may be away during some of those precious moments. However, your children may understand this as otherwise; you are a devoted member of the family. You have a genuine interest in their upbringing. The October 4 horoscope predicts that your way of showing your love is very unique.

The October 4 personality can be overactive. You seem to never sit still. A high intensity works out could be what you need to work off this extra energy. You have the ability to control what your state of health is and how you look.

You love having the power over your body, your mind, and your soul. However, you would benefit from methods that are approved by experts and should avoid fads and experimental drugs.

The October 4th zodiac also predicts that you are sensitive to others. You would love to solve the world’s hunger problems as well as everyone’s financial status or lack thereof. You feel that nobody should have to go without a roof or clean water. If your career meets these goals, you would be one happy camper.

Politics could be a means to help many people. Money is not the object when it comes to obtaining a position of employment. You prefer to help others and feel that your lifestyle should not suffer because of your beliefs. However, you live a decent life, as you know how to manage your money.

The October 4 astrology suggest that this Libra is conscientious and down-to-earth. You are flexible but can be stubborn about certain things. You like to learn and to share your knowledge and ideas.

It happens on rare occasions, but you will exaggerate the truth a bit but only to protect your character. This zodiac birthday person is slow to make important decisions. But usually, you arrive with answers that are profitable and give surety to your standing as a respectable individual.

See: Famous Celebrities Born On October 4

This Day That Year –October 4 In History

1648 – First volunteer firefighters program established by Peter Stuyvesant.
1862 – End of the Battle of Corinth.
1904 – NYC opens subway; 350,000 rides.
1931 – Chester Gould presents Dick Tracy comic strips.

October 4 Tula Rashi (Vedic Moon Sign)
October 4 Chinese Zodiac DOG

October 4 Birthday Planet

Your ruling planet is Venus that symbolizes your tastes in life and the money you are ready to spend behind fulfilling your fantasies.

October 4 Birthday Symbols

The Scales Are The Symbol For The Libra Star Sign

October 4 Birthday Tarot Card

Your Birthday Tarot Card is The Emperor. This card symbolizes authority, power, structure, and organization. The Minor Arcana cards are Three of Swords and Queen of Swords

October 4 Birthday Zodiac Compatibility

You are most compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign Pisces: This can be a rewarding match.
You are not compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign VirgoThis love match will be disturbing and troubled.

See Also:

October 4 Lucky Number

Number 5 – This number signifies adventure, curiosity, courage, and healing.
Number 4 – This number signifies a dedication, determination, motivation, and progress.

Read about: Birthday Numerology

Lucky Colors For October Birthday

Lavender: This color stands for imagination, intuition, spiritual energies and mental balance.
Silver: This is a modern color that stands for prosperity, feelings, telepathy, courtesy.

Lucky Days For October 4 Birthday

Sunday – This is the day of Sun that symbolizes the day of renewal of goals, feelings, relationships, and thoughts.
Friday – This is the day of the planet Venus and signifies excellent relationships and new avenues of earning.

October 4 Birthstone Opal

Your lucky gemstone is Opal which is a symbol of love, intuition, faith, stability, and clear thinking.

Ideal Zodiac Birthday Gifts For People Born On October 4th

A tuxedo for the man and a beautiful opal finger ring for the woman. The October 4 birthday horoscope predicts that you love gifts that are not regular and a little out of the way.

October 3rd N. H. Current Moon Phase and Planetary Positions

Current Moon Phase


Today the Moon will be in a Waxing Crescent Phase. A Waxing Crescent is the first Phase after the New Moon and is a great time to see the features of the moon’s surface. During this phase the Moon can be seen in the western sky after the sun dips below the horizon at sunset. The moon is close to the sun in the sky and mostly dark except for the right edge of the moon which becomes brighter as the days get closer to the next phase which is a First Quarter with a 50% illumination

From Moongiant.com

You can use this link to go forward or backward in time for Moon phase information. If you are curious you can even find out what phase the Moon was in when you or anyone else you know was on the date the person was born.

Custom Planetary Positions

October 03, 2019
11:00 am GMT (6:00 AM CDT)
Zodiac: Tropical (Standard Western)

Sun:09 Libra 57
Moon:13 Sagittarius 13
Mercury:00 Scorpio 10
Venus:23 Libra 28
Mars:29 Virgo 32
Jupiter:18 Sagittarius 32
Saturn:14 Capricorn 06
Uranus:05 Taurus 35 Rx
Neptune:16 Pisces 42 Rx
Pluto:20 Capricorn 38

True Lunar Node:13 Cancer 15 Rx
Mean Lunar Node:12 Cancer 59 Rx

Chiron:03 Aries 22 Rx
Ceres:14 Sagittarius 46
Pallas:14 Scorpio 50
Juno:17 Virgo 33
Vesta:27 Taurus 20 Rx

Eris:23 Aries 55 Rx

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