A Thought for Today

“How far you go in life depends on you being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and the strong. Because someday in life you will have been all of these.”
–George Washington Carver

S. H. Current Moon Phase and Planetary Positions 6/16/2019


SUNDAY, JUNE 16, 2019

Today the Moon will be in a Waxing Gibbous phase. This phase is when the moon is more than 50% illuminated but not yet a Full Moon. The phase lasts round 7 days with the moon becoming more illuminated each day until the Full Moon. During a Waxing Gibbous the moon will rise in the east in mid-afternoon and will be high in the eastern sky at sunset. The moon is then visible though most of the night sky setting a few hour before sunrise. The word Gibbous first appeared in the 14th century and has its roots in the Latin word “gibbosus” meaning humpbacked.


Current Planetary Positions

Custom Planetary Positions
June 16, 2019
04:00 pm GMT (2:00 AM AEST)
Zodiac: Tropical (Standard Western)

Sun:25 Gemini 14
Moon:17 Sagittarius 00
Mercury:18 Cancer 57
Venus:09 Gemini 16
Mars:20 Cancer 15
Jupiter:18 Sagittarius 43 Rx
Saturn:18 Capricorn 50 Rx
Uranus:05 Taurus 22
Neptune:18 Pisces 43
Pluto:22 Capricorn 32 Rx

True Lunar Node:17 Cancer 40 Rx
Mean Lunar Node:18 Cancer 44 Rx

Chiron:05 Aries 43
Ceres:03 Sagittarius 26 Rx
Pallas:11 Libra 21
Juno:27 Cancer 51
Vesta:02 Taurus 56

Eris:24 Aries 14


S. H. Horoscope Today’s Your Birthday and Daily for 6/16/2019

Sorry no Love Horoscope today.

June 16 Zodiac Sign Is Gemini

Birthday Horoscope Of People Born On June 16

JUNE 16 birthday horoscope predicts that these individuals are dreamers with fertile imaginations. The June 16th zodiac sign is Gemini. You may be someone who has a prophetic quality as your instincts are usually on point. You have a strong sense of premonition.

Also, you are youthful but possess a persuasive personality. You could be known to take frequent breaks. This is so you can rest your mind and clear out any negative forces that may try to invade.

Usually, Gemini is motivated, focused and creative but you can become easily frustrated and find faults because you are not the most patient person.

The Gemini, according to the June 16th horoscope profile,  are visual communicators equipped with many interesting topics. You are likely versatile and receptive. Those born on this day are caring emphatic individuals.

Your concern for others is accompanied with a sense of logic and an appreciation of life. Usually, you are inquisitive and have to evaluate everything. Your cool exterior is just a cover-up for a social and friendly personality say the June 16th birthday meanings. You love mixing with people and making new friends.

According to the June 16 astrology analysis, a Gemini is usually found in a relationship that is committed. You love the togetherness of a long-term partnership. You seek stimulation and are typically emotionally open as your instincts guide you.

You are sensitive when you need to be, and you know when you should pull back from a situation. Romance comes easy to you, the dreamer. The June 16 birthday characteristics predict that you appreciate a partner who understands your need for freedom.

When you are together, you like to relax your mind and body, but you can be playful and are inclined to pamper your partner. You like to touch, so a massage is very likely to be one of your and your partner’s ways to connect mentally and physically.

Being born today on June 16suggests that you are a determined and motivated person. Usually, you shoot for personal happiness with a positive attitude. You tend to look for a job that gives you satisfaction rather than one that offers an office with a view.

You “keep it real” as you face difficulties with a free mind. You can be slow to make decisions that would give you a potential to grow financially. Maybe you should take a few calculated risks every once in awhile.

Favorable professions allow you to express yourself, as you love to talk. You are intelligent, and you would make a persuasive salesperson. You also like to write in which you are excellent. A Gemini born on this day are a combination of financial planners and extravagant spenders.

According to the June 16 zodiac analysis, your health is generally good. It is a rare occasion that you become ill as you take care of yourself. You like looking your best. Those born on this day enjoy cooking up delicious and beautiful looking dishes.

Also, you make your scheduled medical appointments. However, as a negative, you take exercising lightly. Staying active is good, but you cannot tone your body or get the full benefits that exercise can provide. You also need to take note of your circulatory systems. Working out will well increase blood flow and aid in staying fit and trim.

The June 16 astrology birthday meanings show you to be convincing, charming and positive individuals. You have excellent intuitive skills that make you an exceptional business manager.

You may be weak in the areas of tolerance and decision-making. Those of you born on this day are easily hurt. Your negative birthday character traits are probably that you are self-centered and controlling.

Famous People And Celebrities Born On June 16

John Cho, Geronimo, Stan Laurel, Eddie Levert, Phil Michelson, Rich Nash, Erich Segal, Tupac Shakur

This Day That Year – June 16 In History

1779 – Spain, a hostile enemy of England, goes to battle in defense of the United States
1880 – The first Salvation Army in London
1909 – Glenn Curtiss buys a commercial airplane for $5,000
1943 – Two people died in Beaumont, TX race riot

June 16 Mithuna Rashi (Vedic Moon Sign)

June 16 Chinese Zodiac HORSE

June 16 Birthday Planet

Your ruling planet is Mercury that symbolizes expression, coordination, curiosity, versatility.

June 16 Birthday Symbols

The Twins Is The Symbol For The Gemini Zodiac Sign

June 16 Birthday Tarot Card

Your Birthday Tarot Card is The Tower. This card symbolizes excellent changes in your way of thinking and looking at issues. The Minor Arcana cards are Ten of Swords and Queen of Cups.

June 16 Birthday Zodiac Compatibility

You are most compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign Libra: This is an entirely energetic and stimulating love match which is full of passion, love, and understanding.
You are not compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign CapricornThis love relationship will require a lot of work and patience to survive.

See Also:

June 16 Lucky Numbers

Number 4 – This number signifies an eye for details, management and coordinating between people.
Number 7 – This number signifies meditating on issues and coming to conclusions with a logical mind.

Read about: Birthday Numerology

Lucky Colors For June 16th Birthday

Orange: This is the color of joy, rebirth, vibrancy, healthy and an uninhibited personality.
Yellow: This color is often associated with brightness, new beginnings, happiness, purity, and visibility.

Lucky Days For June 16th Birthday

Wednesday: The day ruled by planet Mercury that helps in the proper management of projects and excellent synchronization skills.
Monday: The day ruled by the Moon represents sympathy, caring, intuition, love, and feelings.

June 16 Birthstone Agate

Your gemstone is Agate that helps overcome fears, increases strength and is a symbol of good luck.

Ideal Zodiac Birthday Gifts For People Born On June 16th

A smartphone for the man and an exciting book for the woman. The June 16 birthday personality loves gifts that will them develop their psychic skills.


Daily Horoscope
Sunday, June 16, 2019

Moon Alert

We have the “all clear” today to shop and do business. The Moon is in Sagittarius.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Today your idealism is aroused. You have big ideas about travel in the future or further education or exploring a career in publishing, the media, medicine and the law. You want to do big things, and you can because you are the warrior of the zodiac!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You feel genuine compassion for others today, which is why you will be generous to someone in need if you have a chance. Meanwhile, you see that shared wealth can benefit not only you but others, especially people who are less fortunate.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You have high ideals and expectations about your closest relationships at this time. In one way, there’s nothing wrong with wanting the best. But we are all frail mortals, and your partners and close friends are as human as you. Keep your head in the clouds and your feet on the ground.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You have high ideals about your job this year. Naturally, you want to improve your job, and enjoy your work and earn as much as you can; but if you can also improve the lives of others or help someone else – how rewarding your work will be. You can do this!

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

You have creative ideals and hopes to express your creative talents. This is why you dream about doing different that resonates more closely with who you are and who you want to be. Today these feelings are strong within you. Everything begins with a thought.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

If you can help a family member today or do anything to improve the lives of your family, you will do this because this is your hope and your dream. Likewise, you want to improve your own living situation this year – and you can.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

The power of positive thinking is true. Our thoughts create our world, and in a more immediate way, they create our attitudes and our feelings. This year you have optimism for your future and the welfare of others as well. It’s the right beginning — totally.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Continue to look for ways to boost your income because this can happen this year. However, you might also see ways to help others as well, which is a good idea because we all know – what goes around, comes around. You plant daisies – you get daisies. You plant onions – you get onions.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

You are the philosopher, the traveler, and the great seeker of the zodiac. You want to know the answers to the big questions. Today your idealism is aroused, which is why you are thinking big ideas and trying them out for size in your head.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

After giving up much from 2014 to 2018, you are on a new path. It’s important to know that by the end of this year, your good fortune will be enhanced when lucky Jupiter enters your sign in December. This blessing comes along only once every 12 years.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Today you feel idealistic about friendships and your interaction with specific groups. It is rewarding for you to see where you have made a difference and where you can still make inroads and contributions. This gives great meaning to your life.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

In big ways and small ways, many things are happening this year that put your name up in lights. You are getting publicity in a way you never expected; furthermore, this publicity is affirming and encouraging. Accept these kudos because you have earned them!

If Your Birthday Is Today

Rapper Tupac Shakur (1971-1996) shares your birthday today. You are quick witted, sharp tongued and have a sweet natured. (But you can be impatient.) Now is the time to clarify future goals because you are entering a year of exciting changes and new beginnings! Start to define what you want for yourself in the next several years. Be pro-active! This year you will feel physically energetic.


Spell for Healing

Kwan Yin, Sirona, Ancient powers of Air, Fire, Water, and Earth,

Come to (person’s name) at their hearth.

Help heal whatever is keeping them down

That they might feel more like getting up and moving around.

Repeat spell three times and end it with So mote it be or however  you seal your spellcasting.

I wrote this that you can use this spell for yourself or others. I also use it to empower a large green jar candle so if I  need some healing help I just light it while saying, “Candle burning bright, release your powe with all its might.” Repet this three times.

N. H. Horoscopes Today’s Your Birthday and Daily for 6/15/2019

No Love Horoscope posting for today.

June 15 Zodiac Sign Is Gemini

Birthday Horoscope Of People Born On June 15

JUNE 15 birthday horoscopepredicts that your zodiac sign is Gemini, and you are likely to avoid an argument and are very humorous people. Although you can be understanding, open and approachable, the intelligent Gemini can be indecisive as you have a litheness to see both sides of a problem. You need to learn to make up your mind and stick to it.

Gemini born on this day June 15th, want affection but can be naive people when it comes to others. Your birthday meanings say you should seek social attachments that are emotionally gratifying and intimate.

The June 15 birthday horoscopepredicts you tend to enjoy a good debate as your verbal skills are fluent. Having said all of this, you are still reticent people who have practical life skills.

The birthday personality of a Gemini born on June 15, can be sensitive. Normally, you are prone to moodiness and stress. An overworked person may show signs of being impatient. Otherwise, you are an individualist with a positive attitude. You are well equipped with ideas and dreams.

According to the June 15 zodiac analysis for love, you may be seeking to find a lover made just for you. In this person, a Gemini such as yourself would prefer to find a mirror-like image. For a long-term relationship to last, the partner must stimulate you romantically.

You are likely to put your partner’s needs first, but then when you are not happy, you display unstable behavior. The perfect partnership will endorse your need for freedom. The Gemini born on this birthday June 15 is usually youthful but can be authoritative. This ability can be both positive and negative.

The June 15 horoscope says that you could be effective as a counselor or in a place dealing with law enforcement. Your awesome communications skills are shown in your approach to people who are generally without prejudice.

According to the Gemini birthday predictions, you could also do well in a variety of sales positions. No matter what job you have, you take pride in your work. Money is a vital key to discovering your career choice. Versatility is as essential as you don’t like to be bored.

If today is your birthday, you are normally healthy people. You set standards that are inclined to keep you looking and feeling good. You eat right, drink plenty of water and keep your doctor’s appointments.

On the other hand, some Gemini born on this day could be lazy individuals when it comes to getting into a regularly scheduled routine. Sleep is vital to you.

The June 15th birthday astrologyreports that you are likely to avoid confrontations as you are a happy-go-lucky kind of person. More than likely you tend to get involved in verbal debates as your practice your verbal skills.

Those born on this day are impatient but otherwise, have a good attitude. Under favorable conditions, you attract social mates but prefer to have one emotionally satisfying relationship. You are very enthusiastic and motivated.

The ideal love partnership will complement your attributes, but you love being free. You may put your partner first before your needs, but when you are not happy, you can show a side that is unstable. Otherwise, you can be lethargic when it comes to working out, but typically you make healthy choices.

Famous People And Celebrities Born On June 15

Jim Belushi, Ice Cube, Courtney Cox, Kate Ford, Neil Patrick Harris, Helen HuntWaylon Jennings

This Day That Year – June 15 In History

1184 – Norway’s King Magnus dies in the battle of Fimreite
1804 – The 12th amendment deals with how we choose a president
1866 – Austria is under Prussia’s raid
1916 – A club for boys, the Boy Scouts of America, enrolls for the first time

June 15 Mithuna Rashi (Vedic Moon Sign)

June 15 Chinese Zodiac HORSE

June 15 Birthday Planet

Your ruling planet is Mercury that symbolizes co-ordination and the kind of communication we make.

June 15 Birthday Symbols

The Twins Is The Symbol For The Gemini Zodiac Sign

June 15 Birthday Tarot Card

Your Birthday Tarot Card is The Devil. This card symbolizes some kind of addiction that we might have and the need to get over our obsessions. The Minor Arcana cards are Ten of Swords and Queen of Cups.

June 15 Birthday Zodiac Compatibility

You are most compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign Leo: A sexually passionate and intelligent relationship.
You are not compatible with people born under Zodiac Sign VirgoThis is an intelligent relationship that is difficult to survive.

See Also:

June 15 Lucky Numbers

Number 3 – This is a significant number that represents communicating with people in different ways and artistic nature.
Number 6 – This is a caring number that stands for responsibility, nurturing, love and compassion.

Read about: Birthday Numerology

Lucky Colors For June 15th Birthday

Green: This is a color that symbolizes growth, balance, good health and respect.
Orange: This is a rejuvenating color that symbolizes passion, joy, stability, and strength.

Lucky Days For June 15th Birthday

Wednesday – This day ruled by Mercury stands for learning, management, and expression.
Friday – This day ruled by Venus stands for relaxation, love, bonds, relationships, and creativity.

June 15 Birthstone Agate

Agate is a gemstone known as a power stone as it helps ground our inner energies and become stable.

Ideal Zodiac Birthday Gifts For People Born On June 15th

An assorted gift hamper of small accessories, chocolates, perfumes for the man and the latest laptop for the woman. The June 15 birthday personality is smart yet understanding at the same time.


Daily Horoscope

Moon Alert

After 5 AM EDT today (2 AM PDT) we have the “all clear” to shop and do business. The Moon is in Sagittarius.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Today you want to get away from your daily routine and go off somewhere. You feel restless and eager for adventure because you need a change of scenery. You feel bored with your everyday life and you want some excitement!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Today your emotional experiences are more intense than usual , which is why you might attract intense people to you. It’s also easy to feel possessive about something or desire something that someone else has. Fortunately, this is a year where you will benefit from the wealth of others!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Because the Moon today is opposite your sign, loved ones and partners will be more important to you than usual. However, in the same way, conflicts with others will be more emotional. Find that happy middle ground. It does exist.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You’re playing things low key or behind the scenes. But today, you might have to put the wants and needs of someone else before your own. (It’s just what’s happening.) Remember this is the year that you can improve your health.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Today you feel more in harmony with yourself and others, which is why you want to socialize and enjoy the company of others. Flirtations, romance, vacations, sports and fun activities with children are great choices. You’re in a playful mood and ready for fun!

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This is the only month all year when the Sun is at the top of your chart shining a flattering spotlight on you. This is why you easily impress bosses, parents and VIPs. Today you want to cocoon at home and have a heart-to-heart conversation with someone.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

You’re eager to talk to others today because you have something to say. What you want to have a genuine conversation with someone – not superficial chitchat. You’re ready to explore big ideas and expand your mind because you want to learn more.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Both the Sun and the Moon are in different Money Houses in your chart right now, which is why you’re concerned with financial matters. Gifts, goodies and money from others can come to you now. If shopping today, keep your receipts because you might make emotional choices.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

You are a generous, easy-going sign and today the Moon is in Sagittarius, which boosts your luck a little bit! This means you have an edge over all the other signs. Why not test this out by asking the universe for a favour? What have you got to lose?

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You have been industrious lately, which might be one of the reasons why you are easily annoyed with someone, especially a partner or a close friend. However, today you want a day off! You want to hide somewhere to relax and watch the world go.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

This is a warm, social day for you. You’re up for some fun and you will enjoy hanging out with a female friend or member of a group. Sports events, fun activities with children plus a warm discussion with someone about your future goals will please you.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

You are high viz. today, which means people notice you more than usual. In fact, personal details about your private life might be public. Meanwhile, your focus is on home, family and redecorating where you live right now. Enjoy good things.

If Your Birthday Is Today

Actor Neil Patrick Harris (1973) shares your birthday today. You are talented with a wide variety of interests. In particular, you’re a talented speaker. This year you are winding up something you began nine years ago. It’s time to leave behind heavy burdens and move to something new and lighter! Start to identify what is no longer relevant in your life. You are lightening your load to get ready for new beginnings.


N. H. Planetary Positions 6/15/2019

Current Planetary Positions
June 15, 2019
04:54 pm GMT (11:55 AM CDT)
Tropical Zodiac

Sun:24 Gemini 19
Moon:04 Sagittarius 21
Mercury:17 Cancer 39
Venus:08 Gemini 05
Mars:19 Cancer 38
Jupiter:18 Sagittarius 50 Rx
Saturn:18 Capricorn 54 Rx
Uranus:05 Taurus 20
Neptune:18 Pisces 43
Pluto:22 Capricorn 34 Rx

N. H. Current Moon Phase


On this day the Moon will be in a Waxing Gibbous phase. This phase is when the moon is more than 50% illuminated but not yet a Full Moon. The phase lasts round 7 days with the moon becoming more illuminated each day until the Full Moon. During a Waxing Gibbous the moon will rise in the east in mid-afternoon and will be high in the eastern sky at sunset. The moon is then visible though most of the night sky setting a few hour before sunrise. The word Gibbous first appeared in the 14th century and has its roots in the Latin word “gibbosus” meaning humpbacked.

I don’t get as much information on my cell phone.


Good Spellbind Saturday Everyone

Welcome to a day of the birds sing under slightly clouday skies or Ihope where you live the day is blessed with blue skies and Ra shinning down upon you.. Or welcome to a beautiful evening that hopefully you have a clear sky to see Luna and the staars in all their wonderst beauty.

I apologize for not getting the regular daily posts up yesterday but we are already having a horrible allergy season in Illinois and the allergins are kicking butt but not taking names…lol.

Than when I went to post this morning thhis site somehow got switch to the “Private” setting instead of “Public.” I have a good idea who is messing around with this website because this isn’t the first abnormality I have found this week. I just have to figure out how, the unfriendly witch is doing it. I guess it’s time to put on my thinking cap.

As anyone with allergies and/or sinus problems can understand it feels like my head weights about 50 pounds, and not from ego, and hurts more when we sit up. So I am going to try to do your Moon phaase, current planetary positions, and hopefully the birthday and general horoscopes up fo both hemispheres for today and tomorrow.

Ok, on with my experiment. Sorry it took so long to start getting the daily posts up something came up I had to deal with.

May your blessings be plentiful and your troublems be minimal.