Lady A’s Spell of the Day for May 20th – A Spell for Wisdom and Knowledge

Gypsy Comments & Graphics
A Spell for Wisdom and Knowledge


Time: best done on a full moon.

Cast a circle your normal way, but with an altar facing to your corresponding direction.
(i.e. October birth=east watchtower) have at hand dragon’s blood, sandalwood and rain mist incense. Burn them as you call upon the Goddess and the God. Explain to them your situation and ask for wisdom, courage, strength, and knowledge to be bestowed upon yourself.

Once you have done this, do a chant of thanks. Thank the Goddess and God for their assistance then close the circle thanking all deities that assisted in your endeavors by making it easier to speak to the Goddess and God. Ensure that you close your circle well.

Sit there and meditate on your request a little longer whilst allowing the incense to burn out naturally. Once this is done thank yourself and the area that was bestowed upon you to allow you to perform such a nurturing ritual.