The Witches Magick for January 4th – Umbrella Protection

The Witches Magick for Jan. 4th

The Umbrella Protection Spell

This spell is exactly what it sounds like. You are putting up a protective umbrella to shield and help all those who are underneath it.

The Spell

Find the biggest white candle available.

Carve your name and birth date into the candle, as well as the name and birth date of those needing your help.

Add five drops each of the following oils to a quarter cup of olive oil:

Oil of Spinenard
Oil of Myrrh
Oil of Sandalwood
Oil of Frankincense

Anoint your candle with the oil.

Now place your candle in a dish filled with sea salt.

Write your desire or wish on a piece of paper. It might be a wish for a loved one’s speedy recovery, or safety as they travel overseas, or help with difficult divoroce. Whatever it is, make sure your request is clearly written on the paper.

Place the paper under the candle and light the wick.

Now, summon the four spirit angels. Call to Uriel to the North, Raphael in the East, Michael in the South, and Gabrield angels of miracles, ij the West

When you can feel the Spirit’s presence in the room, speak your request from the heart, and ask for their help on behalf of someone else. Make sure your request is sincere and heartfelt, and it will be heard.