Daily Aromatherapy Tip – Relief for Stressed Caused Migraines

Daily Aromatherapy Tip

Depending on the cause of migraines, some recommended Essential oils include the German & Roman Chamomile, Coriander, Clary Sage, Lavender, Marjoram, Melissa, Peppermint & even Eucalyptus, Basil & Rosemary.

For stress caused migraines here are a few ideas;
As soon as the symptoms begin, sprinkle two drops each of Marjoram, Lavender and
Peppermint and one drop of true Melissa onto a tissue or into a diffuser and inhale deeply about three times.

Add three drops each of Lavender & Eucalyptus into a half ounce of carrier oil and use to massage your forehead and behind your ears.

Or, add three drops each of Sweet Marjoram, Roman Chamomile and Lavender to a bath

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