Lady A’s Spell of the Day – Norse Spell to Ward off Night time Evil Spirits


Norse Spell to Ward Off Night time Evil Spirits

Sea Salt
Spring water

This Norse spell is one of the simplest and most effective spells for warding off any negative night energy. It is quite effective for banishing night mares.

Many children and even adults are afraid of the dark. It’s spooky! Night is the traditional time when spirits and demons rule. During the Middle Ages people never went out after dark for fear of catching their death.

To ward off evil spirits or bad dreams, place a bowl of fresh spring water on the bed stand. Slowly add a pinch of sea salt and say,

“Evil spirits touch not me nor mine. Thy power I drain into this brine.”

You must use three pinches of salt in total and repeat the verse as you add each pinch. In the morning empty the bowl down the sink or toilet. Repeat as often as necessary.