Celebrating Other Spirituality 365 Days A Year – St. Paul’s Eve

Celtic Comments & Graphics
Celebrating Other Spirituality 365 Days A Year – St. Paul’s Eve

St. Paul’s Eve

It was at this time that St. Paul was converted from a Roman persecutor to a member of the Christian faith. Due to the profound atmospheric conditions at the time, St. Paul’s Eve became a time of great importance, and a weather omen for the coming year:

“If the day of St Paul’s proves clear,
Then shall betide a happy year.
If it chance to snow or rain,
Then shall be dear all kinds of grain.
But if high winds shall be aloft,
Wars shall vex this realm full oft.
And if thick mists make dark this sky,
Born beasts and fowl this year shall die.”

—Erra Pater, 1694

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