The Astrological Correspondences Of Herbs And Plants By Emma Kyteler


Herbs have many correspondences that can help you use them in spells, including astrological correspondences. For instance, an herb may correspond with one of the 4 elements (EarthAirFire, or Water), one of the planets, or one of the astrological signs.

Knowing the correspondences of plants can tell you how and when to use them in a spell. For instance, an herb that corresponds to Sagittarius can help you bind the spell to a Sagittarius person you are trying to influence. Or, an Aries herb may help you to add a bit of enthusiasm and strength to a spell because that is what that sign represents.

Having the knowledge of herbal correspondences also helps you to wing it when making a spell. If you know instinctively that an herb has a specific association, you don’t have to check a book before completing a spell.

What Is Herbal Astrology?

When applying astrology to herbalism, we are usually looking at each astrological sign’s unique energies and powers.

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