March 17 Northern Hemisphere Current Moon Phase and Planetary Positions

Current Moon Phase

 TUESDAY, MARCH 17, 2020

Today the Moon will be in a Waning Crescent phase. In this phase the Moon’s illumination is growing smaller each day until the New Moon. During this phase the Moon is getting closer to the Sun as viewed from Earth and the night side of the Moon is facing the Earth with only a small edge of the Moon being illuminated. This phase is best viewed an hour or 2 before the sunrise and can be quite beautiful if you’re willing to get up early. It can also be a great time to see the features of the Moon’s surface. Along the edge where the illuminated portion meets the dark side, the craters and mountains cast long shadows making them easier to observe with a telescope or binoculars.


You can use this link to go forward or backward in time for Moon phase information. If you are curious you can even find out what phase the Moon was in when you or anyone else, you know was on the date the person was born.

Custom Planetary Positions

The time for the Custom Planetary Positions is from the local time in Chicago, Illinois, USA

March 17, 2020
11:00 am GMT (6:00 AM CDT)
Zodiac: Tropical (Standard Western)

Sun:27 Pisces 19
Moon:10 Capricorn 00
Mercury:00 Pisces 40
Venus:13 Taurus 10
Mars:20 Capricorn 43
Jupiter:22 Capricorn 21
Saturn:29 Capricorn 38
Uranus:04 Taurus 25
Neptune:18 Pisces 44
Pluto:24 Capricorn 37

True Lunar Node:04 Cancer 38 Rx
Mean Lunar Node:04 Cancer 11 Rx

Lilith (Black Moon):05 Aries 37

Chiron:04 Aries 53
Ceres:17 Aquarius 35
Pallas:20 Capricorn 56
Juno:17 Libra 19 Rx
Vesta:28 Taurus 41

Eris:23 Aries 35

If you need to calculate the planetary positions for a specific use and time, click on this link

To figure out GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) to your local time use this link

For Your Local Time and Date

If you have questions about using any of the links please leave them in the comment section as others may have the same question and it is easier to answer once than many times via email. Thank you.

2 thoughts on “March 17 Northern Hemisphere Current Moon Phase and Planetary Positions

  1. I’m part Irish so yes I do celebrate just not the same way Christians do. I celebrate Ireland’s strong will and interesting culture from the Celts to modern times.


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