Daily Motivator for December 5th – The moment when you can

The moment when you can

Now is the most important time in your life, because now is the time you can  do something about. Now is your most powerful moment, because now is when you  can exercise the power of your intention.

Don’t waste this powerful moment complaining about the past or worrying about  the future. Invest your time, this time right now, in living with purpose,  passion, creativity, effectiveness and joy.

This is not a time to be timid or vengeful, angry or disappointed. This is  your time to find sweet fulfillment in using your wisdom and your efforts to  make a difference.

It doesn’t really matter what’s been happening lately, or whether you’ve been  falling behind or speeding ahead. Now is a valuable new moment, filled with new  possibilities, ready for you to live with all you have.

Now is jam-packed full of great opportunity. Grab some of that opportunity,  right here, right now, and do something beautiful and meaningful with it.

You are here, this moment is here, the possibilities are here, and you can  immediately start to transform those possibilities into fulfilling reality. This  is the moment when you can, so do.

— Ralph Marston

The Daily Motivator