Magickal Activity for the 16th Day of July, The Pilgrimage to Saut d’ Eau Waterfall

"Midnight Brings Us Back To Humanity"

Magickal Activity for the 16th Day of July, The Pilgrimage to Saut d’ Eau Waterfall

Charm Lamp

Items needed: Yellow paint; olive oil; a magnet; cane syrup; honey; jasmine flowers; a floating wick; a bowl made from one-half of a coconut shell, cleaned and sanded smooth.

Turn the coconut bowl over and paint the Ve-Ve (heart sigil; pictured) around the bottom of the bowl. Allow to dry. When the paint is dry, fill the bowl with %3 each of the liquid ingredients, beginning with the cane syrup, then the honey, and then the olive oil. Make your wish and drop the magnet into the bowl. Thread the loose wick through its metal holder, and float it on top of the oil along with the jasmine flowers. Speak your desire over the bowl, and light the wick. When the wick has completely burned out, take the still-filled bowl to the nearest lake or river along with seven pennies. Make your wish one more time, toss the bowl and pennies into the water then turn and walk away. Do not look back.