This Month’s Full Moon in Sagittarius Is a Moment to Be Totally Unfiltered

Your intuition is about to get too loud to ignore.

As the mutable fire sign, Sagittarius is adventurous, full of wanderlust, and a strong defender of the truth and justice. Thanks to its ruler, Jupiter, the planet of abundance, the ninth sign of the zodiac is associated with going big or going home, so as far as Sag is concerned, more is pretty much always better. And that expansive, unfiltered, go-getter vibe sets the tone for this month’s full moon in the sign of the Archer.

Falling on Tuesday, June 14 at 7:52 a.m. ET/4:52 a.m. PT, this spirited, romantic, and yes, plenty fiery moon is an opportunity to go with your gut, take a stand, and speak your truth. After the dramatic and often heady spring we’ve had, thanks to eclipse season and Mercury retrograde, it’s sure to be an especially empowering moment.

The full moon in Sagittarius is an opportunity to speak your truth. 

Full moons — which happen when the confident sun exactly opposes the intuitive moon — always present a monthly opportunity to wrap up projects you started six months or even two weeks prior. They’re culmination points, breaking points, and a chance to…

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