The Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp

The Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp

Learn all about the personality of the “Cusp of Revolution”

Tarotcom Staff    Tarotcom Staff on the topics of scorpio, sagittarius, cusp, astrology

If you were born on the Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp, from about November 19 to November 24, you were born on the “Cusp of Revolution,” and you are full of strength and rebellious energy.

Individuals born on between the signs of Scorpio and Sagittarius are ruled by the planets Pluto, Mars and Jupiter, and are a dynamic mix of Scorpio intensity and bold Sagittarius action. The result is a fearless individual quite capable of running wild!

If they can learn to channel all that energy toward something productive, these cuspers are likely to be successful at most endeavors because they’re not afraid to charge ahead, speak their minds freely and pursue their passions.

“Scorsagiuns” who learn to balance their complex personalities are well liked, and appreciated for their good humor and open minds.

Learn more about the revolutionary Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp:

Name of Cusp: The Cusp of Revolution

Date Range: November 19 to November 24

Strengths: Energetic, adventurous, powerful, accomplished, generous, passionate, humorous.

Weaknesses: Secretive, selfish, rebellious, wild, aggressive, blunt, misunderstood.

How Scorpio-Sagittarius energy works together: Scorpio’s is Water and Sagittarius is Fire, an opposing mix that creates complex personalities who are often misunderstood. If they can learn to balance their aggressive qualities with more adaptable traits, they will be powerful, generous and friendly folks to have around.

What they love: Freedom. Don’t try to box in a freedom-loving Scorpio-Sagittarius cusper! Their intense passion and need for action cannot and will not surrender to being controlled!

What they need: To be self-employed. Conflict can arise with authority figures because of this cusper’s rebellious nature and forthright manner, so they are better off working independently — as well as putting their efforts toward a humanistic cause they are passionate about.

Advice: Try to be less selfish and more in tune with others’ feelings, as well as more forgiving of other people’s mistakes.

Famous people born on the Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp: Calvin Klein, Dick Cavett, Jodie Foster, Indira Gandhi, Larry King, Meg Ryan, Ted Turner, Bo Derek, Richard Dawson, Gene Tierney, Robert F. Kennedy, Edwin Hubble, Goldie Hawn, Bjork, Voltaire, Marlo Thomas, Scarlett Johansson, Billie Jean King, Charles de Gaulle, Jamie Lee Curtis, Boris Becker, Franklin Pierce, Bruce Hornsby, Miley Cyrus, Harpo Marx, Billy the Kid, Geraldine Fitzgerald, Ricardo Montalban, John Larroquette, Amy Grant, Joe DiMaggio, Christina Applegate, John F. Kennedy Jr.

Mercury In Sagittarius – December 10 to December 31

Planet Tracker

Mercury in Sagittarius

Dec 10, 2012 to Dec 31, 2012


Mercury, the Info Guy, has very mixed feelings about being in Sagittarius. Expansive Sagittarius can be overwhelming to detail-oriented Mercury. Small things are easily blown out of proportion. Facts are out of whack. Tall tales abound. Yet, this is also when the lens of perception is widened and the mind opens.

Mercury in Sagittarius can be a time of enthusiastic words, confident messages and creative communication, but big promises may stretch the truth. The trick is to drop your prejudices, but not your reason. In the desire to find one big answer to all of life’s questions it is easy to overlook nuance and appreciate different points of view.

Sagittarius looks toward the future, so that perceptive Mercury’s presence here supports visions of tomorrow. The trick is to fill in all the details so that the picture you’re selling is the one that actually develops.

The humorous side of Mercury in Sagittarius is well expressed by Woody Allen, Roseanne, Randy Newman, Tracey Ullman, Goldie Hawn and Bette Midler. There’s something rock ‘n’ roll about Mercury in Sag because it shows up in the birth charts of Neil Young, Stephen Stills, Jimmy Hendrix, Little Richard, Tina Turner, Jakob Dylan and Patti Smith.

Athletes and actors born with Mercury in Sagittarius include Troy Aikman, Bobby Hull, Calista Flockhart, Jeff Bridges, Ed Harris, Sally Field, Diane Keaton and Jamie Lee Curtis. Others born with this placement include defrocked preacher Jim Bakker, friend taper Linda Tripp, radical activist Abbie Hoffman, director Steven Spielberg and author Umberto Eco.