August 30 – Daily Feast

August 30 – Daily Feast

How can we know another man’s heart or true desire? We’re not even sure about our own. So many potent suggestions have been made to us that we question our own hearts. If we can understand who we are, we will know others. To identify something valuable in another person is to know it in ourselves. The, Tsalagi, calls it intuitive or perceptive – to know something without tangible evidence. The miracle is in finding something good in someone else and realizing we have to have it in us to be able to recognize it. One who never has a good word or a good thought for anyone reveals his terrible need.

~ Sentiment was against the Indian, that they could not be civilized….could not be educated….were somewhat like human beings….but not quite in line of human rights…. ~


“A Cherokee Feast of Days” by Joyce Sequichie Hifler