Your Daily Horoscopes for Sunday, May 3rd

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Your Daily Horoscopes for Sunday, May 3rd



There is a Scorpio Full Moon tonight, Aries, and in your solar chart, this lunation can bring sudden awareness or revelations and culminations to financial, sharing, or ownership matters. You might learn of money coming in, or experience a sudden awareness of what you owe and a need to settle debts. A revelation about your talents or worth, or a relationship, may be part of the picture. Emotions run very high now, so it’s especially important to keep things in perspective. While you need a push, wait to make critical decisions when things settle down. The Full Moon is exciting on its own, but other influences bring more temperamentality to the day. It’s important not to overstate or overcommit on a whim today. You can be feeling extravagant.


With the Full Moon in your opposing sign tonight, Taurus, you might suddenly become aware of feelings for someone or a relationship matter can turn the corner. There is a tendency to come to big conclusions. Something about you or a partner, or the relationship itself, can be exposed in some manner. This is a time of possibly epiphanies, announcements, and commitments. If you’ve been focusing a little too much on your own needs, circumstances occurring now can encourage you bring a better balance to your life. It’s important, however, to avoid speaking or acting too soon. Take a bit of time to process your feelings, new information that might emerge now, and recent revelations. Some tensions with family and friends are possible today, and the tendency to go over the top is strong, but you may very well benefit from splurging a little.


Today’s Full Moon in Scorpio is set to bring more clarity to work, daily routines, and health matters in your life, Gemini. Changes are necessary, and being flexible enough to allow them to happen will make transitions much easier. Revelations or events occurring now can stimulate a strong desire or need to get going on a work project or exercise program, for example, or a work project can begin or end. You may very well experience a re-igniting of passion for what you’re doing. This is a time when you could be taking stock of what you’ve accomplished and question whether it’s enough. You may want to expand, but avoid jumping in too quickly or too soon. Think big, but wait for emotions, which are running especially high, to settle in before making very important decisions.


Tonight’s Scorpio Full Moon can illuminate matters, Cancer, particularly revolving around a romantic affair, creative project, or children. There can be a turning point involving any of these things, or a revelation that forces an issue. Emotions or situations that you’ve been overlooking or ignoring are now emerging. Be careful now, as a desire to impress, or simply a good mood, can have you overspending, overstating, and overdoing in general today. Have some fun, but know your limits! This Full Moon can certainly bring a romantic or creative matter to your sudden attention, and emotions can be overflowing as you explore your feelings. Attractions, crushes, and admirers may come to light now and this week.


Tonight’s Full Moon in Scorpio brings out powerful emotions, Leo, and can also stimulate your extravagance as it is in challenging aspect to Jupiter in your sign. Previously buried, hidden, or overlooked matters can emerge now, and revelations might push you to make changes and improvements. Domestic conditions are illuminated. There may be a need for house repairs,  or there could be family or personal dramas that demand your attention, after several weeks of strong focus on your more worldly activities. You should watch for impulsiveness, cockiness, and exaggeration, particularly in your professional or public communications. Today and tomorrow, watch for errors made from ignoring or glossing over details and from your own ego. Be sure to honor your need for time at home or resting.


Emotions run high today, Virgo, not only due to a Full Moon tonight in passionate Scorpio, but also because of temperamental aspects occurring today and tomorrow. Occurring in your sector of mind, communications, and transportation, revelations or culminations occurring now can revolve around what you’re learning. What’s said, or left unsaid, can quickly become a full-blown issue today. Revelations about a personal interest, subject of study, or communications project can be experienced now, and these can clear the path for change and improvement. Avoid being too impulsive when it comes to expressing yourself, as much as you feel you need to communicate, as there is a tendency to speak too soon or too much, and to go over the top. A culmination of a writing or learning project can occur now. Publicity and promotion are themes.


The Full Moon in Scorpio and some challenging aspects today can point to a rather intense day, Libra. There can be heightened emotions surrounding money, possessions, values, and talents. There can be a culmination or epiphany occurring now. You can have an important revelation about money or business, but there might instead be a situation in which you need to stand up for your values and your worth. There can be significant news about a financial matter, but as much as you want to be in charge of things, there is also an excessive quality to the day. Feelings can be dramatic now, but as they settle in over the next few days, you should be better prepared to act on them. You may also be dealing with a conflict over whether to stick with what has worked for you in the past or to make risky changes. It’s not an easy day for decision making, but it’s a good day to gain more clarity about your life.


Tonight, the Moon is Full in your sign, Scorpio, and emotions reach a peak and point of release. You need to express yourself! You may be challenged to confront some important, perhaps previously buried, issues in your life. Instincts tend to trump reason or logic right now. You might have an important revelation, and this can be about a relationship or partner, or about your own needs and your image. There is a tendency for quite a bit of drama today, and while this may very well be what you need to release some of your pent-up feelings, excesses now could be costly later, so you may want to watch for over the top actions and assertions. As well, you could be dealing with building tensions surrounding money and compensation for all that you do. If people haven’t been treating you as valuable and worthy, the situation may reach a boiling point now.


With a Full Moon occurring tonight, an issue that has been brewing for some time may be forced to a head, Sagittarius. With this lunation occurring in your privacy sector and in challenging aspect with your own ruler, Jupiter, be very vigilant about what you say! Try not to speak too soon on an matter. For some of you, a work or health matter can reach a turning point. You may be alerted to a stronger need for rest, down time, reflection, and time spent quietly and/or alone. This Full Moon can very well bring an epiphany about a tricky matter (or relationship) from the past. The solar twelfth house, where it occurs, is a sector of gaining closure, letting go, and releasing negative energy, so circumstances occurring now may point out what needs to go.


Tonight’s Full Moon in Scorpio is passionate, dear Capricorn, and brings epiphanies and sudden awareness of a matter that’s been in the works for some time now. A creative, social, or romantic matter can reach a turning point. Harness the power of this revelation and exciting energy and set some important goals. Your social life can be laced with some drama now. When interacting with friends, lovers, and even associates, recognize the signs of a too-strong ego. There is extravagance in the air, and while you can be quite dissatisfied with some elements of your life, it may be better not to say or do the first thing that comes to mind. Think big, but don’t overshoot. Nervous tension is very possible today, especially if things are not very settled on the home front.


Tonight’s Scorpio Full Moon pulls out all sorts of emotions and stimulates passions today, Aquarius. Add to the mix some temperamental aspects, and the day’s energies seem quite loaded. The Full Moon can point to recognition or change in your career path. There could be announcements, awards, or simply strong realizations occurring now. The need to put your past behind you is strong so that you can make necessary changes in both your personal and professional lives. A project can come to fruition, or a decision may need to be made. Those things you’ve swept under the carpet demand attention this week. There may be frustrating issues surrounding friendships, transportation, learning, and mobility to contend with today, and you can also feel quite swamped with responsibilities that prevent you from getting ahead in areas you’re truly interested. Be as flexible as you can be – difficult with all of this very fixed, stubborn energy surrounding you, but nevertheless an important strategy now.


There is a Scorpio Full Moon tonight, Pisces, and whenever the Moon reaches full in Scorpio, a yearly occurrence, you can be all worked up on a mental level, as this lunation occurs in your solar third house of learning, the mind, and transportation. It can be difficult to channel and focus this excess energy, however, and it’s important to give yourself time to process whatever new information that comes in right now before leaping into action. It’s very important that even if some wonderful new projects and prospects come into your life now, that you don’t immediately jump to take them on until you’ve decided what these might replace. There are rather temperamental energies occurring at the same time, and for you, tension can revolve around money and work or major life-plan matters. Whether to go with what has worked in the past or to take a risk in order to innovate can be a tough decision on the table now.

Ah, Why not? Let’s See What the Planets Have In Store During The Week of 11 – 17


Weekly Astrology: May 11-17, 2014

All the planets are coming out to play!

Maria DeSimoneMaria DeSimone on the topics of Venus, Scorpio, moon, full moon, astrology

The sky is so busy this week you might not know which energy is affecting you or when. Thankfully, this handy-dandy overview should help you keep those planets straight.


Mars is still traveling retrograde in Libra, and Venus is now in fiery Aries. There may be tension in your love life because you want what you want, thanks to Venus, but you can’t seem to get it because of Mars.

On the same day, Mercury will square off with Neptune. This is the most significant red flag aspect for communication matters. Information is nebulous, at best, and deceptive at worst. Your mind is prone to fantasy and idealization, and you might want to believe in something so much that you ignore the whispers of your rational mind. Avoid signing contracts or making major decisions near this day!

Monday, May 12: Mercury in Gemini trine Mars Retrograde in Libra

Communication energy lightens up on Monday, when Mercury moves to trine Mars. You’ll think quickly and be ready to act on your thoughts, but this aspect is too close to the tail of that fuzzy Mercury-Neptune square. Resist the temptation and wait until later in the week.

Wednesday, May 14: Full Moon in Scorpio and Venus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn

Wednesday may bring a day of emotional reckoning. An emotionally severe Full Moon in Scorpio will link up closely to karmic Saturn. Letting go of a deep dark secret or personal demon is called for, but Saturn demands you make sure you’ve learned the lesson you are meant to learn  relating to this situation first. Emotions will be intense, that’s for sure!

On the same day, Venus will square off with Pluto, the planet of power and control. Perhaps you need to let go of one of your more obsessive love tendencies so it will no longer eat you alive? Or, if there are unsavory financial happenings in your life, it’s possible you’ll have to pay the piper now.

Thursday, May 15: Mercury sextile Venus and Uranus, and Venus conjunct Uranus

Thursday is the best day of the week, by far. Mercury will be well-behaved, as he’ll link up to Venus and Uranus in a favorable way. Your decisions will be revolutionary, but gracefully executed. Also, love planet Venus will connect to Uranus. Romance should sizzle! On Sunday, cosmic lovers Venus and Mars will oppose one another.