A Thought for More Than Just Today

Priestess Hypatia and got to talk for a while Wednesday late afternoon. Physically she and her family are. But just as probably most Australians emotionally tore up with what has happened to their beautiful country basically needlessly. If the government would have been listening to the ingenious residents of many centuries and allowed those, to my way of thinking, who are learned and professional bush burners to keep the land productive with controlled burns that do not kill and destroy needlessly.

Aboriginal method to control fire

I ask each person reading this to pray or talk to or however you choose to communicate with the God or Goddess of your choice asking that they help open the closed minds of those with power and even those without open their minds to listen to the elders that have had instructions handed down from generation to generation on how to burn the bush in a manner that is safe for Mother Earth and her inhabitants.

Priestess Hypatia also told me there is talk of the ingenious elders teaching people from the USA how to safely do controlled burning to keep us from having out of control wildfires. Which to me would be answering many Californians prayers, especially those that have lost everything in a wildfire some people more than once.

In Wisconsin when I was a child, as you enter it from another state, in most rest areas along major highways, and in other locations they have very big signs of Smokey the Bear with his ranger hat on and a dirt shovel in his hands with his famous saying “Only you can prevent forest fires.” and blow that the risk of fire for that day in different colors depending on the level of risk for a spark or a carelessly thrown out burning cigarette or lightening or anything else that could start a fire. Even though we do not hear about fires in Wisconsin I have seen a couple and as a child I was terrified and as an adult just very angry at whoever the careless person had been. These fires I saw would be only a tiny drop in the bucket compared to the fires in Australia that burned so huge and hot as to create their own weather systems and kill even the seeds that would make the plants and trees starting to grow in the next year or so.

Us as humans, supposedly the smartest animal on this planted, need to learn that “new, improved modern ways” are not always better especially when it to caring for and living in harmony with all living things. We need to listen to the ingenious people who have inhabited the lands we live on for the best way to keep the land and I do not mean just the piece of land your own, as Priestess Hypatia told the land is the whole country around you not just your tiny piece of it, but your state, country, and continent you live in is also something we all need to take better care of. Than maybe…hopefully we will go back to when controlled burns were done instead of uncontrollable wildfires burning, actually having a distinction between the 4 seasons, enough rain globally for crops to grow, humans, domestic and wild animals would have clean water to drink, humans in what we consider 3rd world countries could live as their ancestors did and manage the land and fresh water in such away we would not see commercials asking for donations to feed hungry children or adults. It is time we look back before the industrial revolution to see how things with the land were done not just for the betterment of Mother Earth but for the betterment of all living things that grow upon her. It is time to quit raping the land and to again start caring about it.

So, please in your daily communication with whoever the Goddess and/or God you commune with ask for enlightenment not only for others but for yourself as well to open minds globally to listen to the elders of the land on the old ways of keeping Mother Earth healthy and living in harmony with her. Thank you for doing this!

Blessed be dear ones.