How to Get Your Free Lunar Journal

Write Dr. Ezzie Spencer at  to get on her email list. I have been getting them for a couple of years and always find something useful in them. Plus she does have a wonderful website with free give aways like her Lunar Journal.

This is part of the email I received from her yesterday:

The upcoming Full Moon offers immense transformative potential (times below).

May it bring healing to the planet, to those affected by the Australian bushfires, and to climate change policies that fan the flames.

Tomorrow’s Full Moon is a lunar eclipse, meaning that it is an especially highlighted opportunity to see and clear any blocks that are keeping us stuck and wasting our precious time and energy.

We need you to release these deep subconscious blocks so that you can show up as your best and most alive self, focused, and on mission in a world that urgently needs your presence and care.

Add in other karmic cosmic alignments right now, and this becomes an extra potent time to dismantle funky power imbalances and create new stable, healthy foundations.

So call on the support of this Full Moon. There’s a free guided Full Moon release meditation… do to copyrights I can not add the link from her email.

Her email address is at the beginning of this post. Look for a link to her website if she gives us permission to add it to our links page.