Spells for Creativity (part 2)


Breaking Out of Your Rut

Let’s say you’re stuck in a rut at work. You hate your job but at the moment, you don’t have any other prospects on the horizon. Even so, you’re preparing a résumé, putting out feelers, and setting things in motion. In the meantime, you can do some simple magick, and it starts with nothing more than taking a different route to and from work. On the first morning that you take the new route, give yourself some extra time. Leave ten or fifteen minutes earlier than usual. Notice how this route to work differs from the one you ordinarily take. Is it more scenic More hectic Is it longer or shorter Take note of any feelings you have during the drive, any thoughts and insights that surface. Throughout your day at work, notice if you feel differently about your job. Are you more committed to finding something else to do Are your thoughts any clearer Does your boss still rub you the wrong way Even by changing something as minor as this, you’re breaking out of your habitual ways of doing things. Once you change your drive to work, you can start doing other small, routine tasks in your work and home life differently. Changing old patterns and ways of thinking serves as a symbolic gesture to the universe that you’re ready for change. Never underestimate the power of change— with new dreams, you can create a new life.

Singer, Marian; MacGregor, Trish (2004-08-06). The Only Wiccan Spell Book You’ll Ever Need: For Love, Happiness, and Prosperity (pp. 159-160). F+W Media, Inc.. Kindle Edition.