Today’s Crystal is Jasper

Today’s Crystal is Jasper



Chalcedony qtz. Multicolored, solid. Yellow, orange, brown, green. Yellow for stomach, intestines, liver, spleen areas. earthy grounding. Green: Respiratory/Heart Chakra. General tissue regeneration; mineral assimilation; general healing. Darker colors: more grounding. Suggested to be used for elixirs because it will not over-stimulate any part of the body. Considered more effective if it is used for long periods of time because it works slowly. It is a methodical and meticulous worker. Each color of Jasper has additional specific qualities when used alone. Jasper works well in conjunction with Opals. Recommended for executives as an aid to quick thinking. Also helps them endure stress.

Brown Jasper: Helps one find stability and balance. Benefits ailments that result from environmental pollution. Boosts the immune system and assist in extracting pollutants and toxins from the body. Keep in mind that this process takes some time since Jaspers work slowly. Helps one become more ecologically aware. Well suited for use by people who wish to relive past events through regression or analysis.

Green Jasper: Especially suited to tempering aspects of your life that have taken on too great an importance. Works as a gentle daily reminder that the whole is only the result of all the parts. Works best on ailments of the upper torso, digestive tract, and the cleansing organs.

Red Jasper: Much like Bloodstone in its link to the circulatory system. Beneficial in battling diseases of the blood and detoxifying blood-rich organs like the liver. It helps bring problems to light before they are a threat.

Yellow Jasper: Beneficial to the endocrine glands and the cleansing organs. Makes one feel stronger and in better physical condition.