Esbat Incense

For use at all Full Moon rituals. Ensure that the incense is burning before the Sacred Space is created.

2 parts frankincense

2 parts sandalwood

1 part rose petals

a few drops of musk oil

Banishment of Unwanted Influences

These can be external influences or simply the day-to-day emotional baggage that we all carry around with us.

3 parts frankincense

2 parts sandalwood

1 part bay

(bay leaves often need to be torn or cut up before adding to your pestle) pinch of salt(this may cause your incense to sparkle on the charcoal)

Ground and Center

Ground and Center before all magickal work to avoid depleting personal energy levels. Begin by being still, gathering within and releasing through the fee (and palms if need be) into the ground all static, chaotic internal energies. Now feel the inner calmness, centered around the heart, and draw up through the feet strong Earth  energy (through the floor if indoor), feeling the power and energy rising up and intertwining with your own energies up through the legs, body, arms, neck, and head, out the top, circled around and up again until all portions of the body are in balance. Once this power is felt and is in balance, then Circle Casting, Ritual, Divination, and Spell Work may begin.

Grounding after all magickal work to avoid overload of personal energy levels; touch the Earth/floor with palms of the hands after magickal work and feel the excess energy drain out, leaving a balance of personal energy, augmented only by that amount of Earth necessary for healthy functioning of the body. Too much retained energy will result in headache, depression, or irritability. Too Little will result in fatigue, depression or faintness. You must find the inner balance and adjust according to how you feel.