A Thought for Today

I know many different traditions of witchcraft and The Old Ways read this blog and I am truly grateful for you all. I felt the need to share this and the full Rede will be posted later this morning. As I am not fully Wiccan but an Eclectic witch, I changed the name of the Rede for myself to the Wicce Rede. Why Wicce? Wicce is an old English word meaning wise woman. I consider myself a wise woman not only when it comes to The Craft but also when dealing with other people my family included. On my birthday I tell people I am 1 year wiser not older Ok this might sound like I am boosting but it is a positive affirmation I had to use for more than a decade that I stay in an emotionally and mentally abusive relationship.

As somehow that woman I had to banish from my coven has gotten not only to me but to my husband as well. We are experiencing serve exhaustion even after a full, good night’s sleep. I am also having symptoms of I don’t know what because I have never felt like I do before this. I had increased protection around both of us, our 3 fur kids, our home and the land surrounding it and our vehicle. Only thing I can think of is she did some type of curse or cascading spell on me before I locked things down tighter than Fort Knox. She had told me a few times that she had done cascading spells on others but quit doing them when she started studying with me. So, I should have prepared for something like that but didn’t. As the saying goes hindsight is 20/20.

Anyway, if some posts come out a little wonky this may be the reason for it, or it could just be brain fog from the super fibromyalgia flare that started yesterday as our weather is taking a dramatic turn once again or my age checking up with me…lol

One thought on “A Thought for Today

  1. You may want to take down all your protections and do all the cord cutting and freedom spells you can think of all as quickly as possible. Do salt scrubs, too, if you can. Make sure the spells are off of you and home and family before putting the protection spells back on again. Otherwise, it’s like putting a band aid on with the splinter still in the wound. This is what I had to do when I trusted and tried to create a coven with people I shouldn’t have.

    The last spell I cast was a ring of fire around myself, my apartment, and my bird. After all the work I did, the energy started feeling better, finally; but that didn’t save me from people who don’t self quarantine when ill, so I’m still working the aftereffects. My immune system crashed.


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