A Thought for Today to Honor My Mom

M If not for my Christian mom believing in more than Christianity teaches I probably wouldn’t be the pagan I am today. When my ability surfaced at about 3-years-old to talk to and see spirits my mom took it in stride as she was a spirit talker also and never denied her ability to do this even when she got in big trouble from her parents growing up.

Today would have been her 88th birthday in this lifetime but she crossed the veil on August 24, 2015. She also believed in reincarnation so when her spirit is ready to incarnated again she will. There is still not a day that goes by that I don’t think of her both the good times and bad. My mom knew what unconditional love was and showed it to me time and time again. Did I fully appreciate her when she still walked this earth? No but with us being able to still communicate I have the chance to tell her all things I should of when she was on this plane with me. I very strongly suggest if your parents are still here with you that you make it a point to talk to them, thank them for helping you become the person you are today, and anything else you’ve wanted to tell them but haven’t. If they are across the veil you can still thank them and say everything you didn’t get a chance to when they walked with you.

Happy birthday my beautiful, opened heart and mind Mom!!! Thank you for always having my back and loving me know matter what I put you through good and bad. I love and miss you.

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