From Spirit Library for 2020

Here are some links for predictions for 2020. Individual speakers names will be in the link for their video or article.

All of these come from

2020: The Energy Forecast (1-Hour Live Broadcast From Lee Harris)

Release 2019 and Open Your Heart to 2020! Healing Ritual by Kari Samuels

It’s a beautiful day here in the Northeast with a pale-yellow sun high in the sky and the temperature at a balmy 42 degrees. I’ve just returned from a long walk around the lake, where I spent time contemplating the end of a decade and the start of the New Year.

I like the sound of 2020, don’t you?  It feels like a different kind of fresh, new beginning…

For the last few days I’ve made a point of relishing the darkness of the winter solstice. I’ve slept in, worked out later in the day, and enjoyed nine hours of solid sleep without waking up – a rare, delicious treat these days.

I’ve also been considering the same question I use at the beginning of every new year – one I’ve shared with you before.

Remember this…

Monday, 30 December, 2019  (posted 31 December, 2019)