Contact Us and Sabbat Gathering Information

We at Witches Of The Craft always enjoy receiving your questions, comments, and inquiries.

As you all know we have our own private lives that require our attention. Due to this fact, we would ask you to look through the blog. See if there is a topic relating to your question or concern. If there, please leave your comment or question there. The comments you leave on the blog do directly to the back. We know every time we receive a new comment. This is probably the fastest way to get an answer to your question or your comment viewed.

If you choose to use the contact method below, we ask just a few things.

  1. Do not write us for spells.
  2. Do not write us for rituals.
  3. Do not write us asking us to cast spells for you.
  4. Do not write us asking us to perform exorcisms.
  5. Eighteen years old is the standard age for anyone outside the Craft to begin studying. If you are not 18, then do not write to us asking for assistance on how to practice. For those interested in studying The Craft go to Online Witchcraft School and click on it.
  6. We are also starting a coven. The same age requirement as studying witchcraft applies to joining Heart’s Spirit Coven.

Only five rules, which we feel are very reasonable. As you know, no one can write a spell or ritual for you, you have to do this yourself. There is information on the blog to do exactly that. We hope these rules don’t offend anyone but they are for our sanity. Can you imagine getting 400 requests for love spells? We can and did that why #1 exists, lol!

If you would like to make a personal comment to one of our witches, please feel free to do so. Please do not get discouraged if your email is not answered promptly. We are at time flooded with comments and it does take some time to read and answer all of them.

Below you will find Lady Beltane’s contact information. At this time there is no snail mail address for WOTC. As an ordained Pagan minister Lady Beltane can perform a Wiccaning, Handfasting, and Funeral Rites via Skype but you will have to have a government official where you live sign the actual paperwork.


We look forward to hearing your comments and suggestions.

Northern and Southern Hemisphere Online Sabbat Gatherings

More information will be posted soon for the next Sabbats

134 thoughts on “Contact Us and Sabbat Gathering Information

  1. I feel like i would only say what has been said by anyone new. So i look forward to reading and exploring this circle because it has a good feeling to it.


    1. Thank you for the wonderful comment. I am glad to know that we give you a good feeling and welcome you. We do our best to promote harmony and peace among the many different Paths, Traditions and Religions that are here. Stay as long as you like, which I hope will be forever, explore and if you have any questions or suggestions, let me know.
      Have a very Blessed Beltane,
      Lady A


      1. I don’t really know what to do on Beltane. its tomorrow correct? I looked up the meaning of it and if any local groups celebrated it, but they were all sites that were no longer running. Anything i can do on my own? I’m very inclined to follow the air path. And to be honest, i’m not entirely dissapoined they were not running. Reading these posts i can see you can make a lot of trouble for yourself wth the wrong influence.


  2. Hi, I just read your reply to the question asking how to get a print of the beautiful picture of the house. Is it still posted on the site – not sure where to look. Thank you.


  3. I am very frustrated. I can do things, but not on purpose. My words come to fruition, but not when I mean for them too. I can’t use my gifts when I want to they use me when I am not expecting it. The older I get the worse my control is. I don’t have anyone to talk to about it. Its not like I can tell people that I know when something bad is happening to people I love or that I can’t pinpoint the person until it has already happened. I can’t say I blank out and ghost write or that I dream things and they happen. I can’t say that I can want something out of anger or out of love and it happens. The only person I know that is like me doesn’t even know how powerful she is. So, I have been looking at sites to find out how to gain understanding. This is the first one I have seen that seems to understand that it comes from inside through feelings and emotions not just through books and spellwork. Sorry for the long post. I know what I am I just don’t know how to unlock it fully or how to lock it away. I ask Artemis for clarity and now I am here asking ya’ll.


    1. I sincerely apologize for taking so long to reply to your comment. Things around here have been a bit hectic and this is the first time I have had a breather. I am a Hereditary Witch so I will tell you what I tell others. By your comment I would say you are familiar with the Craft. I am not sure what your personal beliefs are, whether you believe in a power higher than yourself or not. You are working with Artemis which is good. The next step I believe you need to do is start to look into yourself. You can do this by meditating and calling upon the Divine to guide you to your center. The center is the spot your power is at. You have to find it and learn how to use it and control it. Calling upon the Divine or Artemis would do just that. I am guessing you haven’t had much luck with the deity you are currently using. My personal deity is the Morrighan. I love Her and She has always responded when I ask something of Her or need Her help. You can also talk to Her through a candle flame. You can call upon Her and ask Her if She would help. Watch the candle flame and She will reply to you by the flames movements. But you do have to meditate, ask a deity or the Divine to guide you to your center. I can guarantee you, you will know when you find your spark. Everyone I have mentored has told me that they seem to change. It is a feeling they can’t describe but they know they have found it. I can also sense a difference in them. When you find your center it is sort of like you are getting a fresh look on life. You see and feel things that you never known existed. You can start to feel the power running through your entire body. Next step after you have found the power, I would suggest that you start studying the Craft. Make a serious commitment to it for a year and a day. When you start your journey in the Craft, the Divine will help you walk that Path. The Divine unfolds things to you as you progress through your Path. You are never overwhelmed and things are revealed when you are ready for them. Also you can ask questions here and I promise we will be quicker on responding next time. Again, I am so very sorry for taking so long to respond. It makes me feel terrible that you had to wait so long for a reply. If you need anything else at all, feel free to ask.
      Have a great week,
      Lady A


  4. Is this place like legit? i mean this is pretty wierd but also pretty cool and i dont know if i should believe it and like do you have to be a witch to do all this stuff or can anyone do it? and if you need to be a witch, how do you know if you are?


    1. In regards to your question, yes, we are very legit. We have been on the internet for 15 years teaching Witchcraft to those who want to learn our ways. Myself, I am a Celtic Hereditary Witch. I should also add I am a Solitary Practitioner. The others that work with me, their traditions range for Wicca to Hoodoo and Vodou. We are very legit and the information you find here is also very legit and correct. It might seem weird because of the stereotype Hollywood and all the myths that have been imposed on us. Here you will find the truth about witches and witchcraft. As far as believing, I can’t answer that for you. That will be something you will have to decide for yourself. I know if you are coming from one of the mainstream religions, our religion might seem a little confusing to you. My suggestion would be that you stick around, read, learn and decide if the Goddess is calling you to her. We all have the ability to do Witchcraft inside us, we just have to find it and learn how to use it. I would also add it would be for your own safety that you learn how to be a witch before you ever attempt to cast any spells or rituals. Magick is very real and it is very powerful. If a novice tries and doesn’t know what they are doing, it can be extremely dangerous. But seriously stick around for a bit, let me know what you decide and I will try to help you. Till then…
      Have a very blessed day,
      Lady A

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Unfortunately we don’t. But I do know a very reputable company online that just might, Azuregreen ( They have huge site full of lots of goodies. I haven’t visited them lately but they have everything in the book. Give them a try, they might have just what you are looking for.
      Lady A


  5. trying top find out if the poster for the witches season is for sale
    would like to get one for my girl who is a high priestess


    1. I have had many inquiries about that image. I originally found it on Pinterest. The place I found it on Pinterest gave no credit or if it was a calendar front or what. But there is good news, I have several trying to track down its origin. Just as soon as they found out something, I will let you know. It is a very beautiful graphic and it would make a lovely gift for a high priestess.


  6. Hello, I am conducting an interview for a school project on interviewing someone quite peculiar, and I immediately though of this. Besides school, I also ponder what the answers would be to these questions below. It would be amazing if you would answer the following:

    1) How and when did you started practicing witch craft?
    2) What exactly is witch craft?
    3) What exactly is a spell? What do witches use them for? How do you write a spell?
    4) What exactly is a ritual? What is your favorite?
    5)Why do witches practice magic?
    6)Why is the color black associated with witches?
    7)Are all witches psychic?
    8)Do witches have powers?
    9) Describe a time you felt challenged. What was this like and how did u deal with it?
    10) How would you describe your journey of life so far? Have things gone according to plan? What lessons have you learned while being a witch?
    11) What important lessons do you want others to learn from you?
    12) Are there different kinds of witchcraft?
    13) What is your favorite part about being a witch?
    14) What is the most important thing witchcraft has taught you?
    15) How does one become a witch?
    16) What is the Witches Creed and the Rule of Three?
    17)Are their different types of witchcraft?

    Thank you so much for reading this, if you can I would love if you would answer these questions. You don’t have to answer all!

    Blessed be,


    1. I would be happy to answer your questions if you would email me. To find my email address go to the banner on this site’s home page for Coven Life and click on it to come to my site. My email address is there.


  7. Hi Lady/ Brother or sister,

    Any animal communicator here, as my dog was seizure today, however he has diagnosis spleen mass, i would like to know what he want is last , anyone can help ? thousands of thanks, beloved

    Jeff Chan


    1. Your story touches me greatly. I have little familiar that has been diagnosed with congestive heart failure. But with medicine and a few of my herbal mixtures, she has the promise of several more years to come. I have the ability to enchant animals. I can get into their heads and calm them down, get them to trust me and understand what they are thinking. Perhaps I might be able to help you. There are a few things I would need to know first, one the type of dog, the dog’s name, the dog’s birthdate or close too it, and most of all a general idea where you are located. You don’t need to publish that here, you can email me at our addy, I know from your comment I am feeling that your friend is feeling very alone right now. He feels as if he is letting you down. Reassure him you love him no matter what and will always be with him. He is not ready to leave you yet and there is hope for him. Don’t give up on him. His spleen can be removed and with a healthy diet, he has a few more good years left in him.

      Goddess bless you & your best friend,
      Lady of the Abyss


      1. Dear Lady,

        Thanks gods hear my pray, i got you help, however, he tumor is spread to liver , the vet said one have a week for liviing, i decided to put him to sleep, before that i want to comfort and and tell him how much we love him, how greatiful he become my family. i pray mother of god, father of sky take care his soul, and rest in peace without painful, and i will get him one more night to stay with us. hope you can help me delivery our love to him.
        His name is Yat Yat, Male, 18 yrs old , we lived in Taipo, Hong Kong.

        Thousand thanks for your help, blessed be .

        Goddess bless you and you family , your best friend,
        Jeff Chan


      2. I sincerely hope I can too. I am having a very emotional time writing this. I have a swelling up of tears, I believe I am picking up on your tears and Yat Yat’s tears. You both are involved in a very emotional upheaval. He has been your best friend and part of your family for 18 years. He knows you very well. That is why he has the feeling he has let you down. He loved you very much. You were his family. His essence is still in your home. I can feel that. Go to a place where you can be alone. Call out to him to come to you. He will. When something like this happens animals are very scared and most of all feel betrayed. They don’t understand why we did what we did. All they understand is that we are no longer in their lives. Animals have a very hard time moving on due to this fact. That is why you need to find a private space and call to him. You will be able to sense his presence. Tell him everything you want him to know, tell him you did not betray him, you couldn’t stand to see him suffer anymore and in pain. Tell him it broke your heart to lose him and he will always be with you. Your love for him will never die. Tell him you expect him to be waiting at the Rainbow Bridge for you. Until then, go, run, play and finally be free of pain. Reassure him, he is in a very safe place. He will now know more love and joy than he could ever imagine.

        Don’t rush and get another animal. Take time to mourn him, he deserves that. I had to have my hybrid wolf put down. I had her for 15 year. The night before it was just me and her. I talked to her, hugged her, loved her and cried like a baby. I had no idea the next day would be her last, but it was. She might have left her physical form but she stayed with me for over a year and a half. I could feel her fur brush against me, seeing her laying in front of her fan, my husband saw her too so I know I wasn’t crazy. She stayed to my little Pom came along. It was a wonderful day because I got my new Pom but it was a heart breaking day also. Mocha appeared in the bedroom and laid her head in my lap for the last time. I knew then I would never see her on this plane again and I haven’t.

        He would much rather hear your words than mine. He is with you, I know. Now just talk to him, it will make you and him both feel much better. It might even help him to move on. Tell him about what waits for him on the other side. Tell him he won’t be alone and he will have a very loving and caring Mother to look after him till you get there.

        I know I am sensing way too much emotion coming from you. You are keeping it bottled up. Let it go, have a good cry, talk to someone, release that emotion one way or the other. Neither one of you will move on to you do. If I can help you in anyway, please let me know.
        May the Goddess bless you and give you comfort during this difficult time,
        Love to you, my friend,
        Lady A


      3. Dear Lady,

        Thanks your reply, your reply so encourage me, last night i try to discharge Yat Yat back home. and would like him to stay with our family in rest of his life. however, once he back home, he keep non stop walking about 3 hours, in between, i try to hug him in my arm, he stongler jump out form my hug, i try to put him in cage for rest. he keep standing, finally. i have no choice , i bring him back to hospital. once i put him in the hospital cage, he fall asleep very soon, i don’t really no idea, why he feels home no uncomfortable. but during we on the way to hospital, he keep look at my home direction, before that , i found a animal commucatior talked with him. he told her he don’t want leaving the world at home, because he thinks my mom can’t handle it. during i goint to working . maybe this reason. make him feel uncomfort, as my mom cerebral stroke before and months ago she spinal pain in hosptial.
        Or the other reason i though, is my place have some negative energy around, i really don’t know.
        whatever, now he can rest in hospital, so i decided let he be there frist, at least he can sleep then.
        Will keep you update about Yat Yat

        once again , thousand thanks for you support..

        Blessed be, my friends
        Jeff Chan


      4. Unfortunately, just like people, animals knows when their time is almost up. Each time Yat Yat goes to the animal clinic, he sees some pretty upsetting events. He sees others in pain, being put to sleep and having surgery. The clinic has been good to him. He knows there he will be able to find help for the pain he is in. That is the reason he couldn’t sit or lay at home, he was in pain. You did a smart thing taking him back to the clinic. His looking back at your home just indicates he wants to keep an image of your/his home in his mind. He has lots of fond memories there and tons of love poured on him. He thinks he might never see it again. He does feel bad about leaving your mother but there are times when his pain is unbearable. He is tore between his suffering and your mother’s suffering. He doesn’t want to leave any of you. But the pain he doesn’t understand. He doesn’t know what is happening to him nor why. He knows you are trying your best to do right by him.

        There is no easy way to say this, most animals (especially our pets) do not want to be around us when they pass on. I know as them being a part of our families for so long, we want to be with them when their time comes. But they don’t want us to be. They want to pass on by themselves. After all these years, I haven’t figured that one out, have a theory or two though. I believe they eventually accept that they are leaving this world. To have their loved ones there, tears them between this world and the next. They know they are leaving love and kindness behind here but do not know what to expect on the other side. Animals lack one thing humans have and that is faith. We know their is an after-life. We know what it is going to be like, Yat Yat doesn’t. It is important that you tell him about the afterlife. Let him know what is to come, then perhaps his passing will be a little easier on him. Tell him that you and him will meet again. You and your mother are his life, you both have cared for him, love him, feed him, provided him with a good home, why would he want to leave. But poor Yat Yat’s pain gets worse every day. I don’t see him just drifting off to sleep and never waking up. Instead, I see you having to make the decision to put him to sleep. When that time comes, don’t let him be alone. Stay with him until he is gone. He will be frightened and will not understand what is going on. Death is frightening for us but even more so for animals. Be there with him, love him and pet him as he leaves this plane. Tell him that you love him and you and him will meet again. Tell him also what a beautiful and wonderful place you will next meet in.

        You can rest assured that he knows you love him. He also loves you very much. You have been his life.
        May the Goddess bless you & yours during this difficult time,
        Lady A


      5. Dear Lady,

        I thinks start losing my judgement, i wish goddress can help me clear my mind, the vet tell me that Yat Yat neuro exam is abnormal. that why he keep walking , keep eating . maybe it was the will to live. i felt that he didn’t feel pain, didn’t feel tired didn’t feel satisfied to eat. and didn’t to recognize me. i really dones’t know what should i do. is the best for him. even now i don’t know he is surfering or not. as i’m vet clinic receptionist, everynight i on duty. i will bring him to reception holding him in my arm, or perpare a nice bed for him. so that i can’t let him felt not alone. and we being together.
        now im doubt am i do the right thing. becasue keep him make his brain get more damage?
        Please Please ours God give me a sign to do a right thing to him. i pray for you, please hear my pray.
        Anyway, thanks for your suppoiting and encourage. it so meaningful to me.
        May the Goddess bless you and your family. happy life forever.

        your friends
        Jeff Chan


      1. Blessed be! I have always believed in Wicca and always been interested in it but recently I have been given the book Hans halzer witches also a box set and book how to use tarot cards, since reading the book Hans halzer I have become a lot more interested and involved in the old religion, what is witchcraft, the truth about witchcraft, modern Wicca and it’s practice I would like to become a part of a coven I understand to become part of a coven I will have to be accepted by a high priestess what I don’t understand is where or how am I able to see or talk to a priestess? Can you help? Also I would like to percuse some Wicca tools is there a online store what you know of were I could possible buy a cauldron, athame and a couple more tools? I also understand that no one but a bonafide initiate of a coven own a book of shadows so if I was to buy one online without being part of a coven would that be a bad idea? And how would I know if it was real? Thank you hope to hear back from you. Katie


  8. I would like to become a Wiccan, and be initiated into a coven in Portland Oregon. I’ve been into wicca since I was 15. I am now 23.


    1. Dearest Aviella, Usually to become part of a coven you need to be invited in by the High Priestess. You may come recommended by a member of the group. One way is to become involved in the majickal community in your area. You could take classes in any subject of Wicca. Many times a High Priestess will teach such a class hoping to find someone who is just the right “fit” for her or her group. I wish you success on your path.


    2. Aviella
      I am starting an online coven which may give you an alternative and some insight to covens and allow you to learn more about The Craft. I am a Wiccan High Priestess but I also use other spirituality traditions in my mentoring. Keep an eye out the Coven and Classes part of the WOTC site should be ready soon.


  9. I was reading your spell for strengthening intuition but noticed that you made a reference twice about the spell being for a Capricorn… I’m a Cancer. Can you please let me know what I need to do to, the changes I need to make so I can cast this spell for myself? I appreciate any help you can give me for this. Thank You.


  10. I left something out. I dressed the candles with tangerine and cinnomen leaf… The red candle may have been a little over dressed which may be the reason it was falling out its holder, but…. I checked to see if it was slippery feeling on the inside of the case or bottom of the candle and it was not so…. So I don’t know… Unsure what I should do. Should I throw away that red candle and only keep the white? Or should I just throw it all away?


    1. No, you can still use the red candle. We all make mistakes that is just part of it. I don’t know what you are going to use the candle for but here is what I would do. Gather all your herbs pertaining to the spell you are getting ready to do. Next, take the red candle and turn it over on its bottom. I am assuming you are using a round pillar candle here. Get a knife and hollow out the bottom of the candle. Make sure you stay away from the edges and also be sure the hollowed out part is big enough to hold your herbs. The best way I can describe it is, when you are finished hollowing out the candle, it should like a small drinking cup (well it looks like one to be, anyway). Next, take your herbs and place them in the hollowed out spot. I know some will disagree with me but I get a small tealight candle and light it. As the wax starts to build up in the tealight, I start to pour the wax on top of the herbs in the red candle. When the herbs are completely covered and the new wax is flush with the original candle, let it dry. When it has dried put the candle up right and you are ready to go. I do this to the biggest part of my protection candles. It gives them a little extra kick and by using the clear wax, you can see what herbs are in there (sort of, it gives you a general idea anyway). I hope I have helped you out some. Please forgive me for taking so long to respond. If you need anything else, just holler.
      Have a very blessed day,
      Luv & Hugs,
      Lady A


    1. Hey there, sweetie! Thank you so much for the nomination. It is definitely an honor having someone like you recognize me and also mentioning us. To me, you are an inspiring blogger and an inspiration to us all. Thank you again, I will get my rump in gear today and get the steps involved in accepting the award done. By the way, I love your site. If I don’t talk to you again before Yule, I hope you have a very happy and blessed one.

      Thank you again & Happy Yule!
      Lady A


      1. Hi Lady A, for us in Oz it is not Yule till June, we will be celebrating Litha as its summer. I hope you have a blessed Yule over there. Blessed Be!


      2. Summer! I forgot, I am sorry and jealous. My feet are freezing and haven’t been warm since last of October. Thank you for the reminder. We could do some info on Litha, hmm! I hope you have a very Blessed Litha! Thank you again for the nomination.
        Happy Litha,
        Lady A


  11. Greetings!!…You are being nominated for the One Lovely Blog Award: I nominate you for your creativity; for your art; your photographs; your writing style; and your beautiful spirit…I understand if you don’t have the time or inclination to accept this award, but know that you are deserving of it in every way– Your blog shines bright!!


    1. Thank you so much, Amythyst for the honor. I am an awards hog, I always take time to accept an award, lol! Thank you for all your kind words but I still feel like I am the one who should be honoring you. As I said before you are a very amazing woman and witch. To have you nominate us for this award is truly an honor.Thank you, dear friend.


  12. Thank you Lady A. for answering my question. I knew it was the 31st, but wasn’t sure what time spells should be cast on the 30th ater midnight or through out the entire day of the 31st. When would be the most powerful time for casting??? Have a blessed Samhain ❤


  13. Wishing All of the Craft a most Blessed Samhain…thank you again for this site Lady A, light and love to you. ❤


    1. Samhain is the day and night of October 31. So be prepared to cast all your spells on that evening. Samhain is the night when the veil is the thinnest between the worlds. I have a suggestion for you to try, stay up all night and see if any of your ancestors come calling. Truthfully! I have done it but none of my ancestors have ever shown up. Don’t get disappointed if they don’t, it only means they have already reincarnated into another life. Have a very blessed & wonderful Samhain.
      Luv & Hugs,
      Lady A


  14. Your website gave me such peace after a long week at work, and dealing with the manipulative powers my x-husband has over our girls. The negative energy I was carrying seemed to blow off of me after reading a bit of your website. (I thank you for that!)
    I have felt in my heart for many many years that I am more drawn to the energy of nature and often times feel relief with practiced yoga and breathing, but I often times feel alone in the strong Catholic and Lutheran backgrounds that are in our community (my current husband was raised German Catholic). I know of a Wicca community a bit north of me, But was wondering if you have any contacts in central MN that I can connect with? Feeling not so alone, but isolated right now.

    Blessed be


  15. Man’s Thoughts on The Goddess

    September 25, 2014 donaldcutler44 1 Comment Edit

    As I was growing up I never thought about a Goddess. I went to church with my family and of course a Goddess was never in the sermons. Never mentioned by the pastor. In my life I have attended many different churches, none mentioned the Goddess. I was never satisfied with them because there was something fundamentally wrong with what I was being taught, something was missing. What was it?

    As I grew older I began to search for something that had more meaning in my life and that’s when I found witchcraft. A belief system based on something tangible, nature. I could feel it everywhere. I could look out at the forest and see it. I could feel the power that we all have. There was an aspect of witchcraft that I had never thought of though, the Goddess. I guess in a way it just made sense. For nearly every living thing on earth there is both a male and a female. So where was the female in religion. It seems as though it has always been there, right in front of me. You cannot see it unless you look though.

    The concept of a Goddess dates as far back as the early Paleolithic, some 25,000 years ago. Small female Venus figurines dating to the Gravettian-Aurignation cultures have been found through out Europe spanning some 10,000 years. They featured women, seemingly pregnant. The knowledge of sex between man and women being the cause of pregnancy did not exist, therefore women were considered sacred. The Great Mother found its way into the human mind. Women were sacred. Even today in some cultures it is only the woman who can own property and are the head of the house hold. It is the man who moves to the woman’s village when married, not the other way around.

    The Goddess slipped from power, but never disappeared. The early Hebrews had a Goddess that has been for the most part forgotten by modern day religions. Her name was Asherah, worshipped by “The Children of Israel” as the chief consort of their God Yahweh. She is also known as Sophia mentioned in the Old Testament. She is the Goddess of Wisdom found in the Book of Solomon and in the Apocryphia in the center of the Catholic bible.

    It has been archaeologically confirmed that the earliest law, government, medicine, agriculture , metallurgy, wheeled vehicles, ceramics, textiles and written language were all developed by societies that worshiped the Goddess. She was intrinsic in the foundation of human culture. In the Holy Bible there is the Trinity, The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit is translated from the Old Testament and is the Greek word pneuma, which is a feminine being. The Goddess has never really left us.

    So, how do I feel about the Goddess. Does the Goddess have a place in my life? She has to. If I am going to have a connection with the universe and the world around me, I must believe that there is a male and female in all things. I must see the Goddess in all that is life. Each one of us has had a woman in our lives. A woman is a mother, wife, lover, caregiver, house cleaner, cook and so many things. I do not know what I would have done without the women in my life. To me at least, all women are Goddesses. A title richly deserved by the ones we as men call “my better half”. The Goddess does exist, in history, in nature and in the lives of all you see. They touch us in profound ways which can only be realized if you take a serious account of your life and know that the world we live in is deeply shaped by the Goddess that we have had the pleasure of touching each and every one of us. So to you Goddesses of the world, I thank you.


  16. A Man’s Thoughts on The Goddess

    September 25, 2014 donaldcutler44

    As I was growing up I never thought about a Goddess. I went to church with my family and of course a Goddess was never in the sermons. Never mentioned by the pastor. In my life I have attended many different churches, none mentioned the Goddess. I was never satisfied with them because there was something fundamentally wrong with what I was being taught, something was missing. What was it?

    As I grew older I began to search for something that had more meaning in my life and that’s when I found witchcraft. A belief system based on something tangible, nature. I could feel it everywhere. I could look out at the forest and see it. I could feel the power that we all have. There was an aspect of witchcraft that I had never thought of though, the Goddess. I guess in a way it just made sense. For nearly every living thing on earth there is both a male and a female. So where was the female in religion. It seems as though it has always been there, right in front of me. You cannot see it unless you look though.

    The concept of a Goddess dates as far back as the early Paleolithic, some 25,000 years ago. Small female Venus figurines dating to the Gravettian-Aurignation cultures have been found through out Europe spanning some 10,000 years. They featured women, seemingly pregnant. The knowledge of sex between man and women being the cause of pregnancy did not exist, therefore women were considered sacred. The Great Mother found its way into the human mind. Women were sacred. Even today in some cultures it is only the woman who can own property and are the head of the house hold. It is the man who moves to the woman’s village when married, not the other way around.

    The Goddess slipped from power, but never disappeared. The early Hebrews had a Goddess that has been for the most part forgotten by modern day religions. Her name was Asherah, worshipped by “The Children of Israel” as the chief consort of their God Yahweh. She is also known as Sophia mentioned in the Old Testament. She is the Goddess of Wisdom found in the Book of Solomon and in the Apocryphia in the center of the Catholic bible.

    It has been archaeologically confirmed that the earliest law, government, medicine, agriculture, agriculture, , metallurgy, wheeled vehicles, ceramics, textiles and written language were all developed by societies that worshiped the Goddess. She was intrinsic in the foundation of human culture. In the Holy Bible there is the Trinity, The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit is translated from the Old Testament and is the Greek word pneuma, which is a feminine being. The Goddess has never really left us.

    So how do I feel about the Goddess. Does the Goddess have a place in my life? She has to. If I am going to have a connection with the universe and the world around me, I must believe that there is a male and female in all things. I must see the Goddess in all that is life. Each one of us has had a woman in our lives. A woman is a mother, wife, lover, caregiver, house cleaner, cook and so many things. In my life I do not know what I would have done without the women in my life. To me at least, all women are Goddesses. A title richly deserved by the ones we as men call “my better half”. The Goddess does exist, in history, in nature and in the lives of all you see. They touch us in profound ways which can only be realized if you take a serious account of your life and know that the world we live in wholly and personally is deeply shaped by the Goddess that we have had the pleasure of touching each and every one of us. So to you Goddesses of the world, I thank you.


  17. A poem for the Witches, By Donald Cutler

    September 27, 2014 donaldcutler44 Leave a comment Edit

    The Circle

    With starry skies on Full Moon nights

    that’s when we dance with witch delight.

    A Goddess asked to join in praise

    of natures glory a circle is made.

    Within the circle an alter rests

    with tools of magic and Goddess crest.

    With cauldrons fire their wishes soar

    to fulfill the trust of ancient lore.

    In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust

    the circle is entered without lust.

    With just good will for beast and man

    a magic wand we have in hand.

    To cast a spell, a magic trade

    a witches life is lovingly made.


  18. My dear Lady. I shared your site on FB. If you go to my page you will see some pictures I just put up. One on the kind of concrete work I do and one on a sample of the leather work I do. Brightest of Blessings. Also check out my other site on FB, The Honest Witch Community.


  19. My dear Lady A. I am sorry that I have not been here to post anything. I have been remodeling my ex wife’s house top to bottom and it has taken all my time. You asked me to write a post on a man’s perspective on the Goddess and I want to do it. I have however lost the address as to where to send it. Would you please email it to me at or post it on your site. Thank you and Brightest of Blessings Don )O(


  20. I have a question … On the witches correspondence section, you have a list of the candle color’s then a list of the candle color magick, which is completely different. Whats the difference between them?


  21. Hello how can u tell if ur being bewitched, it’s weird but my step son goes to his mom house and for some reason he always seem to have one of his teeth missing each time and she keeps all his clothes,my husband ex wife has practiced this before she has done witchcraft on him, she is one bitter ex wife that she is willing to hurt anyone including her kids.


    1. I honestly do not like people who use magick on children. That is about as low as you can go. If I were you and knowing that she has practiced magick before, I would make him a protective mojo bag. Let him put it in his pocket and tell him not to let her see it or even talk about it with her. There are several mojo bags on the site for protection for another witch. If you can’t find them let me know and I will definitely post a few for you. I just did a doubt take on your comment, if she is keeping something of his personal (like a tooth) she wants control over him. So I would say she is definitely practicing witchcraft on him. You will probably need a spell and a mojo bag to break her work. The bad thing, you will have to do this every time he goes over there(the mojo bag) and comes back(the spell).

      We have about every kind of spell in the book, I know we have spells for breaking a witch’s power also. If you can’t find them, let me know and I will glad to help you.
      Goddess Bless You & Yours,
      Lady A


  22. I’am extremely thankful for your website…Because I just recently found out that, I’am a Earth Witch! SO thank you so much sister goddess blessed be!


      1. I didn’t desert you, I went back through the comments to see if I could find my reply. Apparently someone didn’t think my reply to you was good enough, it is gone. Deleted! Let me see if I can find a healing spell and I will post it on the main board, then I dare anyone to delete it.


  23. I have been looking for a networking site to enjoy and discuss issues with like minded people in my area. I have been a practicing Wiccan for 20 years and I think your site is wonderful! It is packed with so much wonderful information!


  24. I was wondering if I was a member of this community! My name doesn’t appear to be underlined ,like most other names are here!!


    1. Thank you, dear sir! You have an awesome site yourself. Now if I could figure out how to play it, I would be doing great! There is no hope for me, lol!


  25. Ok, new at this…um electronics hate me, they glitch, stop working, and my truck loves to shock me..literally. I can’t sleep because I wake up at 12, 1, and 3 but mostly 3am…I take a lot of meds for the insomnia but sometimes they don’t work. I hear a phone ring, car drive up or a person knock at the door, no one is there..but then it occurs 5min later. My palms itch like crazy right before I get money, and I have dreams filled with color, smell and knowledge of stuff sometimes..I’m very high strung and I try to control it to no avail…I have lived this way so long without much guidance or any explaination, and nowhere to begin. Any ideas on that? There’s a flip side to all this? But that’s another issue…Sam


  26. I also love your site. I am also proud to be a part of it, just by reading and taking in all the wisdom you share. I really wish I could find someone in my area to help teach me. I read and am trying to learn the craft but I would love to have someone I can ask a question . Would you or someone around you know how I can maybe fine people intrested in this subject.


    1. Hey guys, just wondering if you know an ETA on the wand that I won? I’m so exited to get it. Just wondering 🙂


      1. You haven’t gotten it yet? It was suppose to have been shipped last week. Let me check with the wholesaler and I will let you know something. I am sorry you haven’t received it yet. I know it has to be on its way but let me check!


  27. For Mistress of the Myst


    I just sent you message but I’m not sure if it was posted correctly to you. This is my second go. This is the sort of interruption I get in my life quite regularly. I simply asked if you could send me an email address so that I can send you an email with an attachment (my story).

    May the Goddess bless you for your kind heart.

    Graham Segal


    1. Welcome and Merry Meet, Sajal,
      It is a pleasure to have you with us. All you have to do to become a part of our online family is hit the follow button. I don’t know about us being a coven. Starting out we weren’t. But now things have sort of changed and people think of me differently. You see I am just a little old Solitary Witch from the hills of Kentucky. But over the years, people no longer think of me as a Solitary. Instead they think of me as an on=line High Priestess. So perhaps the WOTC has went from a group to an on-line coven. I don’t care if you call it a coven or a group, just as long as you call it home. You will always be welcome here and be a part of us, dear one.
      Once again, welcome,
      Blessings, Peace & Comfort,
      Lady A


  28. I was just sent to this page by a friend who knows that I call myself a celtic faery wild elemental witch and walk a solitary path.

    when I read what you term the fairy faith, it is what I have been walking since late 2008 but was doing it alone.

    I knew it was a type of traditional path of the witch but with the fey involved. I am glad that others like yourself feel this way. I donot feel as alone.

    and I agree it is more estatic than fertility path. thank you for having this page and place. now I do not feel alone.


  29. Hi, I am not able to access your herbal shop. I can’t see any items at all. Is that normal or just me?
    Blessings an thank you for sharing all of your knowledge 🙂


  30. HELLO, How you doing I like to give thanks for you Beautiful Page I love all the help you giving me and inf. I will like to ask you with all the respect if you can please point me to the right direction I will love to became part of you COVEN o if you please can sent me inf.. thank you very.


    1. No it is not your imagination. You are the first one to see Lady A’s little touch of magick she added to the graphics. The clouds do move, very slowly. You have to be watching very carefully to see it. Lady added the magick (and not graphic magick) but her own personal magick to prove we are really a witchcraft site. Congratulations, hun!


      1. Just posted it on the site. If you need any help with it, let me know. I believe I have a private group where I can blow it up to full size. But I won’t swear to it, lol!


      2. how do i purchase through paypal. there is no cart to add goods to all it seems to let me do is donate, can you help


      3. The donate button is the one that you use to make a purchase with. You just hit the donation button, then you will be taken to a spot where you make out your check. Put in the total for the item plus shipping and then hit make donation. After that you will be asked to log into your PayPal account. When you come to the part where you confirm purchase at the bottom simply put the item you would like in that space, along with the correct shipping address. Then your order will be on its way to you. I never made purchase buttons for all of the items because everyone just found it easier to use the donate button. It is on the size, easy to find, so we just stuck with that. I am sorry if you found it hard to use or anything but at the time that is what everyone agreed upon. Oh, one more thing, if you are out of the United States, you might want to check on shipping first. I hope you do make a purchase. We would look forward to doing business with you.
        Goddess Bless,
        Lady A


    2. No it is not your imagination. You are the first one to see Lady A’s little touch of magick she added to the graphics. The clouds do move, very slowly. You have to be watching very carefully to see it. Lady added the magick (and not graphic magick) but her own personal magick to prove we are really a witchcraft site. Congratulations, hun!


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