Prosperity and Luck Spell

Prosperity and Luck Spell

A Gold Candle
A piece of Jade (or other lucky stone)

Light the Gold Candle. Focus on the changes you would like to happen. Hold the stone in your hand and focus those changes “into” the stone. Visualize your energy combining with the stone and say these words:

“Changing energies,
Universal luck,
Weighted my way~
Fortunate door opening,
Beginning this day.”

Visualize the release of energy to the universe. Extinguish the candle. Keep the stone with you as a reminder to be alert for new opportunity or as in the words of Lucille Ball:
“Luck? I don’t know anything about luck. I’ve never banked on it, and I’m afraid of people who do. Luck to me is something else: Hard work — and realizing what is opportunity and what isn’t.”

Purification Ritual for New Magical Tools

Purification Ritual for New Magical Tools
by Jame Kambos

Whenever you buy a new tool for magical workings it is important that the tool is purified. This is a simple purification ritual that I use to cleanse my new magical tools:

caldron or any heat-proof dish
dandelion leaf

Ignite the herbs and let them smolder awhile. As the smoke curls about you pass your tool through the smoke and say:

“Smoke rise,
Let me be wise.
This (name of tool) is cleansed.
I will use it only for good.”

The item is now ready to use!

Prosperity and Success Spell

Prosperity and Success Spell
Original Author D.J. Conway

1 small cauldron
1 small green or brown charm bag
3 silver coins
Cedar oil
A small table to use as an altar

Place a little dish or cup inside the cauldron with a small amount of cinnamon and cedar in it. Lay the three coins next to it on your altar. Tap each coin with the forefinger of the hand you write with (your power hand) and chant:

“Glistening silver coin of the Moon,
Shiny and round, bring me a boon.
Draw to my hands many more of your kind.
Multiply, grow, like the image in my mind.

Place the coins in the cauldron with the herbs and three drops of oil. Using your power hand, stir the air clockwise seven times over the cauldron and chant:

“Earth elements, cunning and bright,
Share you treasures here on this night.
Share with me riches of silver and gold,
Success, prosperity, all I can hold.”

Place the herbs and the coins in the talisman bag. Carry this with you until the Full Moon goes through her phases and returns to Full.

Full Moon Scrying Ritual

Full Moon Scrying Ritual

The upcoming summer months are the perfect time for Full Moon Scrying and I’d like to pass on an old, time honored scrying ritual originally written by D.J. Conway that I have used many times during the long summer nights:

Items Needed:
1 bright, shiny silver coin
1 small, black cauldron or scrying bowl filled with water

Perform this ritual outside where the rays of the Moon can fall directly onto the water in the cauldron. If you cannot go outside, stay in a darkened room near a window that the Moon shines through. Place the coin in the water and take the cauldron in both hands. Gaze up at the Moon and say:

“Lovely Lady of the night,
Mysteries old and futures bright,
Give me a glimpse of that to be
And as I will so mote it be.”

Look down at the coin shimmering in the cauldrons water. With your eyes half closed, adjust your vision as if you were looking into and through the coin. Don’t try to analuze anything you might see or that might come into your mind. Just accept it. Some people, rathar than seeing actual pictures within the cauldron, will have mental impressions, feelings or pictures. When you have finished, bow to the Moon and say thank you. Pour the water out on the ground. You’re done!

Home or Business Protection Spell

Home or Business Protection Spell

To bless your home or business, place a bowl of candy, herbs or stones by your front entrance. Bless then bowl’s contents by speaking aloud the following verse:

“As all who enter here are Children of the Great Mother,
May those who pass always walk safely in her steps.
May they feel the guidance of her hand,
And know she is always with us,
From the time we meet till we meet again.”

Invite visitors to take an offering as they enter the premises.

Witches Lucky Candle Spell

Witches Lucky Candle Spell  
Take an Orange Candle anointed with Cinnamon oil, Clove, or Lotus oil.
Light the candle and say 3 times:

“Brimstone, Moon, And Witch’s Fire,
Candlelights Bright Spell,
Good Luck Shall I Now Acquire,
Work Thy Magic Well.
Midnight Twelve, The Witching Hour,
Bring The Luck I Seek.
By Wax And Wick Now Work Thy Power
As These Words I Speak.
Harming None, This Spell Is Done.
By Law Of Three, So Mote It Be!”

Do this spell at midnight.

Candle Cleansing and Consecration

Candle Cleansing and Consecration  
Cleansing a candle removes any psychic debris or residual energy, think of a cleansing as a spiritual ‘reset’ button.

You can cleanse a candle using any of the following methods:

Pass it through incense smoke
Allow it to bath in the light of the moon overnight
Bury the candle in sea salt, and leave it for a day

Consecration is when you reprogram the tool, in other words – you tell the item what it’s purpose is:

Hold your projective (writing) hand over the candle and imagine that white light is beaming from your palm, and into the candle – say the following:
“I consecrate you, candle of wax,
to cleanse you and purify you,
so that you may serve me in my magickal workings.
In the name of the Mother Goddess and Father God
you are consecrated.”

After this you need to charge it, hold the candle with both hands, and say:

“I charge you by the power of the Ancients: the Goddess and the God
by the powers of the Sun, the Moon and the Stars
by the elements of Air, Fire, Water and Earth
May you serve me well.
So Mote it Be.”

The candle is now ready for use.


Pagan Magick

Candle Magic  
One of the simplest of magical arts which comes under the heading of natural magic is candle burning. It is simple because it employs little ritual and few ceremonial artifacts. The theatrical props of candle magic can be purchased at any department store and its rituals can be practiced in any sitting room or bedroom.

Most of us have performed our first act of candle magic by the time we are two years old. Blowing out the tiny candles on our first birthday cake and making a wish is pure magic. This childhood custom is based on the three magical principals of concentration, will power and visualization. In simple terms, the child who wants his wish to come true has to concentrate (blow out the candles), visualize the end result (make a wish) and hope that it will come true( will power).

The size and shape of the candles you use is unimportant, although highly decorative, extra large, or unusually shaped candles will not be suitable as these may create distractions when the magician wants to concentrate on the important work in hand. Most magicians prefer to use candles of standard or uniform size if possible. Those which are sold in different colors for domestic use are ideal.

The candles you use for any type of magical use should be virgin, that is unused. Under no circumstances use a candle which has already adorned a dinner table or been used as a bedroom candle or night-light. There is a very good occult reason for not using anything but virgin materials in magic. Vibrations picked up by secondhand materials or equipment may disturb your workings and negate their effectiveness.

Some magicians who are artistically inclined prefer to make their own candles for ritual and magical use. This is a very practical exercise because not only does it impregnate the candle with your own personal vibrations, but the mere act of making your own candle is magically potent. Specialist shops sell candle wax and molds together with wicks, perfumes, and other equipment.

The hot wax is heated until liquid and then poured into the mold through which a suitably sized wick has already been threaded. The wax is then left to cool and once is this has occurred the mold is removed , leaving a perfectly formed candle. Special oil-soluble dyes and perfumes can be added to the wax before the cooling process is complete to provide suitable colors and scents for a particular magical ritual. Craft shops which sell candle-making supplies can also provide do-it-yourself books explaining the technicalities of the art to the beginner.

Once you have purchased or made your ritual candle it has to be oiled or ‘dressed’ before burning. The purpose of dressing the candle is to establish a psychic link between it and the magician through a primal sensory experience. By physically touching the candle during the dressing procedure, you are charging it with our own personal vibrations and also concentrating the desire of your magical act into the wax. The candle is becoming an extension of the magician’s mental power and life energy.

When you dress a candle for magical use, imagine that it is a psychic magnet with a North and a South pole. Rub the oil into the candle beginning at the top or North end and work downwards to the half-way point. Always brush in the same direction downwards. This process is then repeated by beginning at the bottom or south end and working up to the middle.

The best type of oils to use for dressing candles are natural ones which can be obtained quite easily. Some occult suppliers will provide candle magic oils with exotic names. If the magician does not want to use these, he can select suitable oils or perfumes from his own sources. The oils soluble perfumes sold by craft shops for inclusion in candles can be recommended.

The candles you use can be colored in accordance with the following magical uses:

White – spirituality and peace.
Red – health, energy, strength, courage, sexual potency.
Pink – love affection and romance.
Yellow – intellectualism, imagination, memory and creativity
Green – fertility, abundance, good luck and harmony
Blue -inspiration, occult wisdom, protection and devotion
Purple – Material wealth, higher psychic ability, spiritual power and idealism
Silver – clairvoyance, inspiration, astral energy and intuition
Orange – ambition. career matters and the law.

If you wanted to use candle magic for healing, you would select a red candle to burn. To pass an exam, burn a yellow candle, to gain esoteric knowledge burn a blue candle or for material gain, burn a purple one. It is obvious these colors relate to the signs of the zodiac and the planetary forces.

The simples form of candle magic is to write doesn’t the objective of your ritual on a virgin piece of paper. You can use color paper which matches the candle. Write your petition on the paper using a magical alphabet, such as theban, enochian, malachain, etc. As you write down what you want to accomplish through candle magic- a new job, healing for a friend, a change of residence, a new love affair, etc.- visualize your dream coming true. Visualize the circumstances under which you might be offered a new job, imagine your employer telling you that your salary has been increased or conjure up a vision of your perfect love partner.

When you have completed writing down your petition, carefully fold up the paper in a deliberately slow fashion. Place the end of the folded paper in the candle flame and set light to it. As you do this concentrate once more on what you want from life.

When you have completed your ritual, allow the candle to have completely burned away. You do not need to stay with the candle after the ritual, but make sure that is safe and that red-hot wax will not cause damage or fire. Never re-use a candle which has been lit in any magical ritual. IT should only be used in that ritual and then allowed to burn away or be disposed of afterwards.

If you are conducting a magical ritual which involves two people (e.g. an absent healing for a person some distance away) then the second person can be symbolically represented during the ritual by another candle. /all you need to do is find out the subject’s birth date and burn the appropriate candle for that zodiacal sign. These are as follows:

TAURUS green
GEMINI yellow
CANCER silver
LEO orange
VIRGO yellow
LIBRA pink
AQUARIUS all colors
PISCES mauve


Pagan Magick



A large bowl A wooden spoon A sifter or colander
As many of the following herbs as you can find: Cinnamon, basil, clover, ginger, marjoram,
tea, catnip, jasmine, ginseng, lavender, pine, sage, cloves.
This is inherently a simple spell but you can make it into an all-out ritual.
Best if done when the moon is waxing, unless you are wishing to get rid of a problem.
Place all the ingredients into the bowl. Stir and grind them with the spoon.
Continue to grind and blend until everything is mixed into a coarse substance –
there should be no large pieces. It should be grainy and almost powder-like.
Dump the substance into the colander or sifter and gently shake it back and forth over another bowl.
The finest powder will get through the sifter but the large pieces will not.
What you should have when you are finished is at least a handful of herbal wish powder.
Make sure you go out on a nice day to perform the spell.
Find a nice clearing and take your wish powder with you in a pouch.
Take a handful and say a chant – it’s best that you write your own so you can state the specific
need of the wish. Make sure you are very clear about what you wish for and how you want to get it.
Throw your powder to the wind and let it carry your wish away to come true!

Dark Goddess Invocation

Dark Goddess Invocation

I am the Darkness behind and beneath the shadows.
I am the absence of air that awaits at the bottom of every breath.
I am the Ending before Life begins again,
the Decay that fertilizes the Living.
I am the Bottomless Pit,
the never-ending struggle to reclaim that which is denied.
I am the Key that unlocks every Door.
I am the Glory of Discovery,
for I am that which is hidden, secluded and forbidden.
Come to me at the Dark Moon and see that which can not be seen,
face the terror that is yours alone.
Swim to me through the blackest oceans
to the center of your greatest fears–
the Dark God and I will keep you safe.
Scream to us in terror, and yours will be the Power to Forbear.
Think of me when you feel pleasure, and I will intensify it,
until the time when I may have the greatest pleasure
of meeting you at the Crossroads Between the Worlds.



In a small pot, crush items that the person you are wishing away hates (say, if they hate
china berries, then crush those!) While you crush, visualize that person staying away from
a certain place. When everything is crushed, then add the four representations of the elements.
these are: 1 pinch of salt (earth,) 1 sprinkle of water (water),
something flaming, (fire) (dip in, then pull out three times),
and incense (air) (do the same as the fire)
Crush again. Before putting in elements, ask the lord and lady to bless them for you,
so that they may work their purpose faster, longer, and stronger.
Visualize the person staying away, while you chant :
“Berries of the trees, make true the wish to me.
Keep (name of person) away from here,
so that I may rejoice and cheer”
Then, smear a bit of the mixture over whatever you want the person to stay away from.


If there is a situation, problem, possible menace you are facing, there is a knot spell for this.
Take the cord and firmly visualize the problem in all its agonizing detail.
Become emotional about it; seethe with anger, crumble into tears, whatever works.
Then firmly tie the knot. Walk away from it, out of the room if possible.
Take a shower, eat, do whatever will get your mind off the spell and allow you to relax.
When your emotions are stabilized return to the knot. With calm and peace untie the knot.
See the problem vanishing; dissolving into a dust that is swept away by the cleansing,
refreshing North wind. It is done.

A Ritual of Necromancy

A Ritual of Necromancy

Outside the circle, set up an altar with three candles (the original rite calls for red, white, and black) situated around a black and red triangle, with a picture or representation of the person to be called within the triangle. Burn wormwood and horehound as incense.

1. Make your openings/quarter calls as you feel appropriate.

2. Call upon a force which presides over the dead. The original rite calls upon Hecate with a poetic incantation, followed by an ad-lib request for the deity’s help in successfully completing the operation.

3. Call upon the spirit of the deceased. The rite gives the following: “Colpriziana, offina alta nestra, fuaro menut, i name …….. the dead which i seek, …….. thou art the dead that i seek. Spirit of ……, deceased, you may now approach this gate and answer truly to my calling. Berald, Beroald, Balbin, Gab, Gabor, Agaba! Arise, i charge and call thee.” {The magic words are from the Grimoirium Verum, and though i don’t wish to go track the reference down right now, they are clearly corruptions of latin and hebrew words.}

4. Make an X sign, calling the person’s name. When there is some manifestation in the smoke, Say to it: “Allay Fortission Fortissio Allynsen Roa!” which is also a combination of hebrew and latin. The intent of the words seems to be the giving of strength (fortis) and breath (ruach).

5. Do your business with the deceased.

6. When you wish it to depart, say “Go, Go departed shades by Omgroma Epic Sayoc, Satony, Degony, Eparigon, Galiganon, Zogogen, Ferstigon. I License thee to depart unto thy proper place and be there peace between us evermore.”

7. Close shop.

Incidentally, the rite from the Grimoirium Verum is not nearly as explicit, has different components, and was most likely used to *raise* the dead rather than to evoke them. The process is kept alive today in the caribbean with the aid of certain frogs and fish, and it is possible that the french grimoire records an ancestor of the practice. In both the very real carribbean and the hypothetical 17th century french cases, the victim of zombification is only “mostly dead” and thus the rites fall under the domain of psychological manipulations and not of magic.

To Charm a Victim

To Charm a Victim


  • (1) Small Glass Bottle
  • Piece of Paper, 1″ x 3″
  • Sugar
  • Water

Directions: Write your victim’s name on the piece of paper. Put it in the bottle with the water and sugar and shake vigorously. Leave the bottle thus as long as you wish your victim to be more pleasant.



Best time to cast this spell: sunset on the eve of a New Moon
–A yellow candle a teaspoon of salt half a cup of Olive oil
–a chicken feather (you should gather feathers in a non-harmful manner)
The spell: gather up your ingredients and go to a quiet area in your home where you can be alone.
Light the candle and put the salt into the cup of Olive oil. Pick up the feather and repeat these words:
Cauda Draconis (or a deity you choose to work with)
Help me in my time of need
I want (the person’s name here) to move away from me,
In good health let them be their possessions – let them keep
Let wheels begin to help them to move away from me.
This is my will – So Mote It BE!
Dip the feather into the olive oil and soon as you are able – wipe the feather on the ground
in front of your house and near the neighbor’s house (make sure no one sees you!)



Use this to bind someone from hurting others and themselves. ONLY do
this if there are no other options available to you.
You need:
Black cord- long enough to tie 3 knots in, A photo of the person harming others
First of all sit and cast circle.
Explain to the universe what you are about to do and ask if it is the right thing.
Think about how the person is hurting others and let the anger build up.
Then all at once say loudly:
(person’s name) I bind you from hurting others!
Then quickly tie a knot tightly in the cord.
Repeat the process three times or as many times you feel necessary.
When done, say:
Three times three, I bind you (person’s name)!
Hide the cord and photo in a safe place where the knots won’t_come undone.
Or better still, burn the cord so the knots never_come undone.
(you don’t really need a photo, but it helps make the Magick stronger)

Ritual to Cause Pain to One Who Has Made You Suffer

Ritual to Cause Pain to One Who Has Made You Suffer

This ritual is designed to get revenge on someone who has caused you emotional pain,
for example if the person you love abandons you and it transpires that they were merely using
you, then this would be perfect. The amount of suffering this causes the victim is largely
proportional to the amount of pain and hurt they gave you. It involves re-living all the sadness
that your victim has caused you and magickally returning it to them.
The usual riders apply to this ritual. Don’t try it on anyone who you still love in any way,
otherwise you might end up with a load of guilt and backlash on top of everything else.
Performing the ritual is also quite a traumatic experience for yourself.
Now, on to the ritual.
Gather a few small object links to your victim. A photograph, something they written, a copy
of their signature or personal sigil, etc. You then have to visualize and re-live the pain your
victim has caused you. The sadness you felt at being abandoned. The sense of betrayal.
Everything. Feel it welling up inside you, then project it at the links.
You can then culminate the ritual in a way you that you think would send it to you’re victim.
Some people would destroy the charged links, some people would just visualize the negative
energy extending to the victim via the links and keep them somewhere where they are unlikely
to run across them, while others would plant them in the victim’s home. I favor planting the
charged links at the back the victim’s drawers of personal or magickal items, myself.