‘Twas The Night Before Thanksgiving

‘Twas The Night Before Thanksgiving

Twas the day before Thanksgiving and all through the town
Shoppers were hustling carrying groceries in bags of brown
Leaves of red and yellow falling to the ground
A touch of frost in the air
And low and behold what did I see
My two lovely daughters fair
Mercy me, mercy my
What is this tears I do fear
Bags were packed and hearts were broken
Not even a good bye token
No worries my girls it will be alright
We will prepare our dinner and toast to love lost
Let’s get a little tipsy if just for tonight
But not too much for in the morning we need not pay the cost

Cans were opened and packages emptied complete
Along with the bottle of Belvedere
Salt and pepper if you please
Careful not too much or you’ll sneeze!

Suddenly there was a sound
I jumped to feet and almost hit the ground
And to my surprise it was just the alarm clock ringing
It’s four am and the bird must go in!
And all through the house all could be heard was Trace Atkins singing,
Your one hot mama

So wash, cut, peel, and prepare
One more sip do I dare?
With a tear stained shoulder and a loving heart
I checked on the two broken hearted gals
As so sweetly they slept
No worries girls, I whisper as I closed the door
Mama will always be your pal no matter what and that will never depart

Back to the bird stuffing and all
I thanked the Gods as I laid down my head or did it fall?
For healthy safe daughters but can you just do one more thing, a simple wish
For Yule let the rest stay together and find new loves for the two
For this Inn is getting way too full!

Written by Patricia Gale
Published on PoemHunter.com


Good Wednesday Morning My Precious Brothers & Sisters!

Good Morning
Good morning to all our brothers & sisters of the Craft! I hope you are having a very safe & blessed day. I know most of y’all are getting ready to travel or cooking that turkey, which ever you might be doing be safe. Yes, be safe in the kitchen especially. Heck I can catch a pan on fire by just boiling water. Just kidding I ain’t that bad of a cook.

Since we are now doing our best to operate 7 days a week, we need to take the day off. The reason being is to stock our shelves full of merchandise for this weekend’s sales, hopefully. We have tons of new merchandise and we have the store set so you will save 25% on all of your items in your shopping cart. The price will not show any difference while it is in your cart. When you get to check out, enter the code “Black Friday,” and instantly all your merchandise will be marked down 25%. So if you buy two items, both items will automatically be marked down 25%. If you buy three, all three will be marked down 25%. Each item in your cart will be marked 25% guaranteed. You can save some money on a sale like this. Also this will probably be the only time, we do this. I know we have done something similar to this before but I believe our customers got discouraged. They expected the discount to apply the minute the merchandise hit the cart. No, have patience, go to the check out, enter the code and watch each of your items automatically be reduced by 25%.

We hate to take the day off especially since things are going so well here but we have to support the WOTC one way or another. I know we have had some generous donations but we don’t want to have to depend on you to support us continuously. So please understand why we are taking the day off,  to save you money.

We will be back tomorrow on Thanksgiving to resume our regular posts. 

Well if I don’t get it in gear, we won’t never get that merchandise on the shelves for you tomorrow. The next post will explain the sale we are having fully. I hope everyone has a very beautiful Wednesday. If you are traveling, be safe and we will see you tomorrow. Till then….

Love ya,

Lady of the Abyss


In case you want today’s horoscopes and a few other tidbits, I will be doing some brief postings on The Commentary Gazette. The reason I am posting over there is because it is faster and quicker. I don’t have to post as much there as I do here. I feel like y’all are special and deserve the best I can give you. Later on this afternoon, I will be wrestling with a huge ring of bologna to see if I can shape it into a turkey for the boys. Wish me good luck!

Coven Life will be Taking a Short Break

We will be back to posting articles and other things on Saturday because of Thanksgiving in the US. We will be answering all emails between Saturday and Sunday. Lady Beltane has family starting to arrive today for the holiday weekend some of whom she has not seen in over three years.

There might not be anything up or emails anaswered next Tuesday because Lady Beltane is having knee surgery very late afternoon on Monday.

I will try to get posts scheduled for these days but please do not expect it.

Try to find time to make a list to remind yourself of all the things in your life over the past year you have to be thankful and grateful for. If you want please share them below in a comment.

From all the staff at CL we wish you and your families a loving, fun, and blessed Thanksgiving