Daily Cosmic Calendar for December 14th

The admonition about Mercury – mentioned in yesterday’s calendar entry – is an important one. New students in astrology or those people who only have a smattering of knowledge of how astrology really works seem to believe that signing key documents, dealing with crucial legal papers and making agreements suddenly becomes simple and easy once Mercury is no longer in reverse – as though it was Mercury’s reversal that was the main impediment to success. The reality is that whether Mercury is forward or backward, all major transits and progressions need to be examined – relative to a person’s complete horoscope – if giant decisions are to come out favorably. Mercury does have much to do with signing a piece of paper, but all the celestial bodies are influential, too, and any or several of them can be detrimental to a significant cause, plan or goal in the works. The best alignment going on during this 24-hour time-period is a Sun-Venus parallel (3:27PM PST). Love vibrations increase in wavelength and social activities look promising. A reminder about parallels as well as contra-parallels is that they are calculated by watching cosmic bodies move north and south of the Celestial Equator. The zodiacal aspects usually reported on occur by noting the main aspects of celestial bodies relative to the Ecliptic – the Sun’s apparent path in the sky, based on our view from the Earth. Later today, Mars forms a tense contra-parallel with Saturn (10:27PM PST). The bright and comforting energy-field ushered in seven hours earlier by the Sun and Venus becomes extinguished as Mars and Saturn act as rowdy mischief-makers. Keep your wits about you overnight and avoid major decision-making to the best of your ability.