Get A Jump On Tomorrow, Your Daily Horoscopes for Tuesday, February 23rd






Get A Jump On Tomorrow….

Your Daily Horoscopes for Tuesday, February 23rd



Aries Horoscope

Your emotional focus tends to be on work and health or daily matters today, dear Aries. With Jupiter in your work and health sector this year, there can be a lot of enthusiasm generated for work projects and/or health routines. However, with Chiron opposing Jupiter today (this first happened in November), some insecurities or inconsistencies can have you second-guessing. You may be thinking of past mistakes or missed opportunities, but try not to dwell. Recognize areas that may be weak or not working well so that you can go forward with better plans. Attach yourself to dreams that are realizable, and you’re in a good place. If you have taken on too much, then you are at the risk of poor productivity due to a feeling of overwhelm. Simplify for best results now, rather than falling for the idea that doing more will make you happier – it won’t!



The Moon’s alignment with Jupiter in your creativity sector today amps up emotions surrounding the joys of romance, love, entertainment, and creative activities in your life, dear Taurus. However, Chiron’s opposition to Jupiter can serve to pull up some doubts. This influence first occurred in November, and will come exact again in August. If things are moving too fast or if you’ve neglected to take care of special friendships, you are inclined to worry about it now. Second-guessing yourself may occur now, but it could also serve you well to take a breather, especially if you’ve taken on too much. If you’re uncertain of where you are headed, it’s important to avoid allowing someone else to make important decisions for you.



The Moon aligns with Jupiter in your home and family sector today, dear Gemini, emphasizing your joy in settling in, getting comfortable, and enjoying down time. However, with Chiron opposing Jupiter today, insecurities about where you’re headed in your career or in the longview can interfere with comfort levels. Aim to learn your true wishes and needs before making the bigger decisions, and avoid going along with plans that others make for you if you’re not totally on board with them. Find ways to fill your very real needs for familiarity and comfort today, without guilt. This might be achieved more easily by filling some duties or paying due attention to the outside world before settling in.



The Moon aligns with Jupiter in your communications sector today, dear Cancer, expanding your sense of emotional satisfaction from learning, connecting, and communicating – areas of general increase and good fortune in recent months. Jupiter has a way of magnifying feelings, whether they’re good or bad, so that any discomfort in these areas might be felt strongly. Today, there can be some second-guessing your current ideas or projects as you become aware of a different perspective, inconsistency, or setback. It’s better not to put too much stock into news you hear or what others are saying now, unless you use it to jumpstart your own thinking. It would be best to wait for clarity rather than handing over decision making to someone else.



The Moon aligns with Jupiter in your solar second house today, dear Leo, expanding your feelings of emotional satisfaction surrounding your level of comfort or security, talents, or current financial situation. There may be some confusion involving matters of finances and ownership, however, with Chiron opposing Jupiter – a longer-term influence that first appeared in November and will form again in August. You may have been counting on certain support and now you could be questioning whether it’s as strong as you anticipated, as an example. Insecurities about reliance on support from others could be an emerging issue for some, but avoid making big decisions based on worries of the present. Give yourself time to think things through. Be a little more vigilant with money matters and contracts now, and avoid putting all of your eggs into one basket, or too much faith in an iffy proposition.


Virgo Symbol/Glyph

The Moon is in your sign all day, dear Virgo, and aligns with Jupiter, pulling up your feelings of emotional satisfaction for review. With Chiron’s opposition to Jupiter, insecurities can emerge through a relationship or another person’s perspective. If you feel misunderstood, drained, or demotivated, know that it’s temporary and try to pull into yourself a little. Allowing yourself to be ruled by others’ emotions and opinions is a draining experience, and you owe it to yourself to look for happiness within. It’s also important to avoid giving up decision making to someone else if you’re not totally on board with others’ plans for you, as the tendency now is to second-guess your choices or to feel too exhausted to argue a point.


Libra Glyph-Symbol

Insecurities about your current work projects or performance may be stimulated today, dear Libra, on a day when you otherwise might thoroughly enjoy a breather or healthy escape from the demands of daily life. You may not know what is expected of you, or could have incomplete information to work with now. Try not to go overboard with people-pleasing, as you may end up feeling taken advantage of or left feeling unappreciated. Your own expectations of others may need some adjustments. Tackle areas of guilt that may be preventing you from getting the break you need and deserve. If this involves applying yourself to a duty or task first before settling in, then so be it.


Scorpio Symbol Glyph

The Moon meets with Jupiter in your social sector today, dear Scorpio, pulling up strong feelings about friends, goals, hopes, and dreams. Socially, there can be some insecurity to deal with before moving forward. Insecurities about your relationships or creative talents can emerge today, and a balancing act may be in order, but also emotionally draining. Your ability to support people emotionally is a strength, particularly with lovers, friends, and children. However, if you’re not feeling up to par, you should also tend to your own needs. Try to avoid allowing insecurities or guilt to influence big decision making today. Think of ways you might boost your confidence or sense of worthiness with regards to expressing your creative side and/or relating with lovers and friends.


Sagittarius Glyph Symbol

The Moon aligns with your ruler, Jupiter, today, dear Sagittarius, but Jupiter also forms an opposition with Chiron, which tends to have you second-guessing recent choices. While you’ve been feeling rather confident about your work and performance or general life direction, today you could be entertaining some insecurities or dealing with some lack of support for your goals. This may give you pause to think and lead you to make important edits and adjustments, don’t let anyone take the wind from your sails. Consider that you may need to make changes if someone has brought up a good point, but aim to pick yourself up and get back in the game once you’re prepared. Don’t give up decision making to someone else unless you are certain they have your best interests at heart.


Capricorn Symbol/Glyph

Plans may hit a snag today, dear Capricorn, and the obstacles may very well be psychological ones. Insecurities, once identified and addressed, can be overcome with some work. These are likely to revolve around intelligence or ability to concentrate and pay attention to details, as you can be very distracted these days. While you should consider others’ input or deal with any inconsistencies that might become apparent today, this is not the time to throw out a plan or give up on a project. Take a break or a step back, and then return to it in a stronger frame of mind. The goal may now be to attend to daily affairs well enough that you can pursue other interests more freely. Handle those things you’ve pushed aside in order to free yourself of guilt.



You may need to address any insecurities you may have been feeling when it comes to income or self-worth, dear Aquarius, before enjoying yourself fully, as you deserve to do. Jupiter opposes Chiron today – an influence that first occurred in November and that will emerge again for final handling in August. This is a time for getting in touch with what may be holding you back from enjoying the gifts of Jupiter’s transit of your solar eighth house, which include increased support from others and an improved intimate life. Be a little more vigilant than usual with your money and energy until you have a better grip on who and what you can trust. Aim to strengthen trust with others, rather than avoiding the situation, and consider ways to improve your own feelings of worthiness.



The Moon aligns with Jupiter in your partnership sector today, dear Pisces, putting sharp emotional focus on the satisfaction you’re deriving from your relationships. However, Chiron in your sign opposes Jupiter today, and this can point to a misunderstanding or clash of beliefs and values with a partner or someone important to you. There could also be a question raised about commitment or involvement. If conflicts arise, or a different perspective on a matter is uncomfortable, consider if a middle ground or compromise might be found. Don’t let insecurities about your ability to be independent drive decision making in or about a partnership. Look for ways to more fully enjoy your connections with others.