Let’s Talk Witch – Working With Lunar Energy

Moon & Witch Comments & Graphics
Let’s Talk Witch – Working With Lunar Energy


Without the Moon we cannot make use of the Universal Forces beyond her. In Moon Magic, the ritual altar is the focal point for the Lunar forces which are drawn upon. Women are the vessels for Lunar Energy, receiving and directing the magical force. Men can also become lunar vessels, but women are much better suited (as their biology is more attuned to the Moon’s Cycles, than are men’s biology).

· The Moon altar is placed facing the West Quarter. The altar itself should be round, but a square or a rectangle is OK.

· In the center of the altar, place a bowl of saltwater. A white sea shell is then set into the center of the bowl. As this is done, whisper the name of the Goddess who rules the current phase of the Moon, under which you are working. The new moon belongs to Diana (De-ah-nah), the Full Moon to Jana (Jah-nah) and the waning Moon to Umbrea.

· Around the bottom of the bowl. set nine white shells, forming a crescent (horns upward, as in a smile). If the magic is for the gain of something, place the shells from right to left. If the magic is for the removal, or loss of something, then place the shells from left to right. As each shell is placed, chant the name of the Goddess who presides over the goal of the magical influence you desire.

· Matters concerning “beginnings” are under Diana. Matters involving “forces”, energies, or powers are under the influence of Jana. Matters of Death, decline, and stagnation are ruled by Umbrea.

· Censers of Moon Incense are placed around the bowl, upon the altar, forming a triangle (so you have 3 incense containers forming a triangle, with the Moon Bowl in its center). A reversed triangle (V) is formed for manifestations desired upon the physical plane. Upright triangles (A) are formed for manifestation upon the astral plane.