Calendar of the Sun for November 24

Calendar of the Sun

14 Blutmonath

Day of Feronia


Colors: Purple and white
Element: Air
Altar: Set out a cloth of white overlaid by a cloth of purple, a white cloth cap with the word “Freedom” on it, several rough ropes, and a blade.
Offerings: Coins, to be donated to the appropriate cause, such as Amnesty International.
Daily Meal: Wine mixed with fruit juice, fresh fruits, sweetened breads and cakes.

Invocation to Feronia:

Hail, Lady of Freedom!
We are all bound by ropes and chains,
Some of them serving a purpose,
And some of them forced on us
By the selfishness of others,
Or by our own fears.
Give us the freedom
To choose our chains,
To bear only those bonds
That will uphold our spirits
And be free of those which harm them.
Let us not serve unworthiness
Out of illusion or fear,
But give us the strength to break free
Of the chains that hold us back
From following the path
The Gods have intended for us.


Bene meriti servi sedeant, surgant liberi.
(Let the deserving sit down as slaves and arise as free people.)

(Let one who is chosen to do the work of the ritual come forth with the ropes, and bind the hands of all present. As s/he does so, s/he should ask, “What binds thee?” They may speak, or remain silent. If they speak, all present repeat it forth in unison. Then a second ritual worker comes forth with the blade, and to each s/he asks, “What frees thee?” If they speak forth, all present will repeat it forth in unison, and s/he will cut the ropes. If they cannot speak forth, they must remain bound until the end of Sponde, and must meditate before the altar of Feronia, and ask of her to show them the way out. At the beginning of Akte they may untie, but not cut, the rope, and they are to sleep with it knotted and hanging above their bed until such time as the answer comes to them, at which time it may be burned in an offering to Feronia.

[Pagan Book of Hours]