Witchcraft/Magickal Correspondence Digest for Thursday

From APaganMess.com

Planet: Jupiter
Element: Earth
Colors: Deep blue, purple green
Keywords: Expansion, Luck, Abundance, Protection, Stability, Joy, Pleasure, Employment, Leadership

Thursdays are perfect for spells for money and abundance. Anything that you are wanting to bring in more of will benefit from the expansive and abundant energy of Jupiter.

From aMagickalPath.co.uk

Planet – Jupiter

Spells/Magic – money, prosperity, holiday, travel, business, luck, growth, self improvement, generosity, health, wealth

Magical aspects: controlled optimism, energetic growth, physical well-being, material success, expansion, money/wealth, prosperity, leadership, and generosity.

Oils – lime, magnolia, strawberry, vanilla

plants and trees – sage, nutmeg,oak tree,meadowsweet, hyssop,borage,butterfly weed,clove,dandelion chestnut,maple tree, anise .

Stones – Amethyst, laptis lazuli, sapphire

Colours – blue, metallic colours, green, turquoise, white, purple.

Metal – Tin

Energy Type – Male

Dieties – dedicated to Thor, god of thunder and agricultural work. his parallels in various European Traditions include Zeus, Taranis, Perun, and Perkunas.

Thursday is the best time to deal with such matters as: Business, Gambling, Logic, Social Matters, Political Power, Material Wealth, Publishing, Collage Education, Long Distance Travel, Foreign Interests, Religion, Philosophy, Forecasting, Broadcasting, Publicity, Expansion, Luck, Growth, Sports, Horses, The Law, Doctors, Guardians, Merchants, Psychologists, Charity, Correspondence Courses, Self-improvement, Researching, Reading and Studying.

Click here for more Thursday correspondences from Spells8.com

Magick Candle

Light a blue candle to connect deeply with your spirituality today. Meditating with a blue candle creates a sense of harmony, serenity and peace. It also boosts creativity, patience and mindfulness.

Ruling Deities

Wiccan Goddess Gaia Wiccan God Osiris Wiccan God Poseidon Wiccan God Pan Wiccan God ZeusCernunnos, Gaia, Osiris, Pan, Poseidon and Zeus are rulers of Thursdays.


Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Turquoise, Tiger’s Eye, and Sugilite.

Carrying these gemstones today can bring success and fulfillment of your goals. Wear them as a talisman or simply keep them close to you to harness their energy.


Drink a cup of Green Tea today to strengthen your focus. Green tea is loaded with beneficial antioxidants, and, besides caffeine, green tea contains aminoacids that help boost brain function. It has a large amount of L-theanine, an amino acid that is beneficial for memory, attention, concentration and learning.

From ask-angels.com

Angel of Thursday: Archangel Zadkiel or Archangel Sachiel

There are references which list Zadkiel and Sachiel as the same being… However, my experience is that they each have an individualized Divine I Am Core, so I’ll describe them both for you here.

Archangel Zadkiel “Righteousness of God” 

Zadkiel carries the flame of righteousness and forgiveness and will assist you in releasing any forgiveness held towards yourself or others so that you can remember the full truth of who you are. Forgiveness will assist you in releasing heavy emotions like fear and anger into the light to be transmuted back into love.  Archangel Zadkiel is happy to help you strengthen your connection with the Divine. He can also help you to transmute negative back into pure light, and positive energy, with the Violet Flame.

Archangel Sachiel “The Covering of God”

Sachiel or Sachael is an angel of wealth, water, success and prosperity. Sachiel’s energy is big, bright, soothing and incredibly uplifting. His bright loving presence brings hope, inspires health, cuts through negative emotional energy, depression and despair by reconnecting you with the true authenticity of your soul light and purpose. Sachiel supports with expansion and growth in all ways, helping those who call upon him to sync with the flow abundance, prosperity and good fortune.