Divination Journal


Today’s Tarot card reading comes from The Green Witch Tarot Deck and The Green Witch Tarot Companion by Ann Moura. With the art done by Kiri Ostergaard Leonard. Copyright 2015 The 4 suits in this deck have an element the each relate to: The pentacle is related to the element of earth. The athame is related to the element of air. The wand is related to the element of fire. The chalice is related to the element of water.


Nature – Major Arcana

Pages 76 to 78

This is the card of wild Nature, where the path chosen may be joyful and unrestricted or fraught with unseen dangers and overgrown vines. Here the trapper is setting a bear trap, unaware that the bear is behind him, watching. The man is equally oblivious to the fauns of the wilderness dancing in a distant clearing, one even beckoning to the bear.

Choices are the highlight of this card, as are possible repercussions. The warning is that short-term goals that require personal sacrifice are not always in one’s best interests. Will the bear join in the revelry of the nature spirits, or will it risk being entrapped by reaching into something unnatural? People also choose the direction they travel in their lives, and sometimes what originally seems like a blessing turns out to be false. Then the choice becomes whether or not to liberate oneself. Staying in the job that pays well but has an unpleasant work environment or staying in an unrewarding relationship because of the experience of other only two examples of how one may take on undesired burdens. The restrictions that are self-imposed may also be self-released, so that one may better savory the joy of life and dance with the fauns. One may choose to act freely, to laugh at the result if necessary, or be tied to a situation, a way of life, or an attitude that is not enjoyed or liked.

Following the natural desire and inclination to find satisfaction in life is a matter of conscious deliberation and decision, whether in areas of attitude, materialism, or spirituality. Yet there is the allure of trying to control the material world or letting desire rule a person. The Divine in nature offers harmony in living a natural life, enjoying the material aspects as well as the spiritual, and regaining control over one’s life and laughing at the tripping vines. This comfortable relationship with nature is part of the path of the Craft, allowing one to be linked with nature and the divine. Comfrey, symbolizing binding, control, and liberation from control, grows close to the trap. The black bear represents endurance, introspection, and decisions.

Meaning: Accept or release self-imposed restrictions, follow inclinations, potential is obstructed or unleashed, allow the natural course to flow, freedom, choose what appeals.

Prompt Words: Choice of restriction or freedom.


Six of Chalices

Pages 208 to 209

This is a card of nostalgia, remembering and making happy memories. A reunion or an unexpected encounter with someone from the past is possible. With thoughts directed to the past, there may be an attempt to bring comfort or ideals of the past to be realized in the present. There may be a desire to relive good memories in the present, as when a parent passes a tradition or hobby interest down to children and grandchildren, or when one attempts to repeat one’s childhood in parenting. This could lead to disappointment when what was meaningful to one is not received with enthusiasm by the beneficiary. The initial disappointment could be liberating opportunity to step beyond the wistfulness of the past and move into the reality of the present, to be able to acknowledge and appreciate the differences of others. There is both longing for the good old days and a desire to bring some of those good memories into the present, but with care an relevance to the current life. Living in the past can create a sense of melancholy, yet there may be connections to the past that can be utilized to manifest past dreams in the present.

Marjoram, an herb of happy memories, comfort, connections, and family, is carried by the girl. A canary, a symbol of companionship, happiness, and harmony, is carried in a cage by the boy.

Meaning: Longings, happy memories, harmony, reminiscence, reunions, expectations manifested, self-analysis, renewal.

Prompt Words: Happy memories, renewal.



From The Rune Site


Sound: “s”
Stands for: Sun
Color: Yellow
Casting meaning: With the help of this rune we tend to be able to see things more clearly. Like the sun sheds light on dark times, with Sowulo we too can find the light during dark times.

Witches’ Rune

From summergoddess.wordpress.com

The Moon

The Flight Rune stands for a time when you will finally break free and overcome obstacles that have impeded your progress.

You can look forward to a time when all communications; physical, meta-physical and spiritual are of great importance.

Expect to be given news that will alter your direction. Look to gain sudden insights and crucial revelations.

This rune signifies the kind of communication that changes your course of action, so there may be shake-ups or surprises in events you had already planned.


From learnreligions.com


This symbol, used for the sound St, is Straith (sometimes seen as Straif), the Blackthorn tree. A symbol of authority and control, the Blackthorn is connected to strength and triumph over adversity. Blackthorn is a tree (although some might argue it’s more of a really big shrub) of winter, and its berries only ripen after the first frost. White flowers appear in the spring, and the bark is black and thorny.

On a medicinal level, Blackthorn berries–sloe berries–are brewed to make a tonic (this is what Sloe Gin is made from). The tonic can be used as a laxative and/or diuretic, as well as a skin astringent. In folklore, the Blackthorn has a fairly unpleasant reputation. An English legend refers to a devastating winter as a “Blackthorn Winter.” It also represents the darker side of magic and witchcraft. Because it’s a plant that becomes hardy when all around it is dying, it is associated with the Dark Mother, the Crone aspect of the Goddess, particularly the Cailleach in some parts of Scotland and Ireland. There is also a strong connection to the Morrighan, because of Blackthorn’s association with the blood and death of warriors. In fact, in early Celtic culture, the Blackthorn was popular for its use in the cudgel shillelagh.

Straith Correspondences

Mundane Aspects: Expect the unexpected, especially when it comes to change. Your plans may be altered, or even destroyed, so plan to deal with it. The appearance of Straith often indicates the influence of external forces.

Magical Aspects: You’re at the beginning of a new journey, and there will be some surprises–possibly unpleasant ones–along the way. Overcoming these obstacles will give you strength. Realize that you–and your life–are changing.

I Ching

From psychic-revelation.com

Hexagram Fifty – Two/52

Name: Ken.

Keyphrase: Keeping still.

Formed By The Trigrams: Mountain over Mountain.

General: Any and all effective action must be born out of stillness.

Love: In order to see things clearly you must let go of any preconceptions.

Business: Clear your mind before making any important business decisions.

Personal: Learn how to meditate to help achieve a still mind.

Overview: Ken reminds you that if your mind is full of clutter it will not be able to hold new thoughts and ideas. Ken appears when you have a need to take a break and withdraw from the world for a moment in order to clear out the old in your mind to make way for the new. Meditation is the key to this process. It is not simply a time for rest. It is not an easy task to free your mind from daily worries, but it is necessary to do so, so that you can see and think more objectively than before. Old thoughts hinder your actions, compelling you to make the same mistakes. Clear them out – don’t let them trap you.


From worldnumerology.com


The 6 is considered the most harmonious of all single-digit numbers in numerology.

The Numerology Meaning of the Number 6: THE CARETAKER

The most important attribute of the 6 is its loving, caring nature. Aptly nicknamed the motherhood/fatherhood number, the 6 is all about sacrifice, healing, protecting, and teaching others.

No family or community can function without the attention of the 6 – it is the glue that keeps a family and community together.

Creating an environment of peace and harmony is always at the forefront.

Home, family, and friends are top priorities. People with a 6 in their core numbers often focus on the young, the old, and those less fortunate.

The 6 is sympathetic, favors the underdog, and has a keen sense of what is fair and just. Perceiving injustice, the 6 will sacrifice immense time and effort to set things straight. Highly responsible, the 6 can be counted on to show up and do more than their fair share of the work. People with a 6 can be demanding, but they will work in the background when needed, without an expectation of reward.

The 6 is graceful, warm, and has a good sense of humor.

They are well respected in the workplace due to their sense of duty and responsibility – but also because they are genuinely well-liked. Many 6’s can be found in teaching, healing, counseling, construction, the legal field, and law enforcement.

On the negative side, the 6 can be jealous and small-minded, often focusing on small details while ignoring the bigger picture (often to their own detriment).

Not always the best judge of character, the 6 has been known to sacrifice for a person or cause not worth the price.

At times, the 6 can become too involved in the lives of those held dear, to the point where concern becomes intrusive and meddling. On the other hand, the 6 – ever sacrificing – can become a doormat to be abused and trampled on. The 6 is idealistic, trusting, and easy to take advantage of.

The 6 can be conventional, and must be wary of adopting the opinions of others instead of using their own mind.

They can also be smug and arrogant, especially toward authority figures and institutions. Sometimes annoyingly self-righteous, the 6 can become an intolerant zealot. A disproportional number of people with OCD have the 6 prominent in their charts and can suffer from anxiety and other phobias.

The 6, while loving, caring, and full of sympathy for others, can be self-centered and egotistical if people at the receiving end don’t show the gratitude expected. Typically, however, those fortunate enough to receive the attention of the 6 genuinely appreciate and cherish them in return.

Numerology views no number as without weaknesses and faults; that said, the 6 remains the most harmonious and stable among them. Perhaps for that reason, when the 6 (occasionally) falls into discord, it can become the most destructive and dangerous of all numbers. Beware of a cynical or angry 6, who can become a merciless wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Angel Number

From angel-numbers.com

Four Hundred and Twenty-Six

Angel number 426 is a reminder to stay focused on your prayer and positive intentions, instead of worrying about your material needs. Worrying only serves to make things worse, so remain positive and trust that angels are guiding and helping you to fulfill your dreams!

Animal Spirit Guide or Helper

From uniguide.com

Lion Symbolism, Meaning & The Lion Spirit Animal

Lion symbolism and meaning include majesty, courage, strength, protection, family, wisdom, and other admirable traits. Lions once roamed throughout the African continent as well as parts of Asia and Europe. So, the lion is a subject in the mythologies and folklore of many cultures around the world. In addition, the lion spirit animal is a power animal for those who feel a special kinship with these giant cats. Others are simply starstruck by their magnificence. In this post, you’ll learn about lion symbols and meanings, lion mythology, the lion spirit animal, and more.

Table of Contents

What does a lion symbolize?

Detailed Lion Meanings and Symbolism

Lion Spirit Animal

Lion Power Animal

Lion Totem

Lion Mythology and Folklore

African Lion Folklore

Lion Meaning in Ancient Egypt

The Lion in Greek Mythology

Sumerian Lion Legends

The Winged Lion

Lion Meaning in the Bible

The Lion in Celtic Mythology

Lion Meaning in Hinduism

Lion Symbolism in Buddhism

Lion Dream Meaning

Lion Tattoo

Organizations that Protect Lions