Your Daily Planet Tracker: Moon in Pisces, Jul 5, 2015 to Jul 7, 2015



Planet Tracker

Moon in Pisces

Jul 5, 2015 to Jul 7, 2015


On a Pisces Moon, think foot massage. Soak your soles in a calming lavender bath. Feet are ruled by Pisces; maybe it’s the way they cushion against the hard ground. Let yourself drift and dream today. Forget that pressured list in your day planner; don’t bother with a watch. You’ll accomplish more by letting your intuition guide you from this to that. Mood enhancers are films, music and poetry. But watch the spaced-out bag boy at the supermarket; he’s likely to leave your ice cream on the checkout stand. Steer clear of whiners and martyrs. There’s moisture in the air-fog, mist, tears. Better to convert self-pity or sentimentality into a broader compassion for the world. And if you’ve let your meditation practice lapse, this is a great Moon to return. Find the window that opens to your one-ness with all. is a Daily Insight Group Site