Question of the Day, Please Participate If You Like!

Instead of a quiz today, I have a question for everybody. I would like as many as possible to participate. You know sort of start a conversation. Now here’s the question……

I was watching the History Channel last night. They were previewing a new show that is coming on. But in the commercial for it, the same question was asked again and again. So after about 4 times of seeing the commercial I got to thinking about the question. I actually gave it some serious thought (which is unusual for me, lol!). The question that kept reappearing was….

If you could go back in time and stop an event from happening (like 9/11, WWI, assassination of JFK), which event would you try to prevent?

My answer to the question came quickly to me. I would go back and prevent John Wilkins Booth from shooting Abraham Lincoln. I have always admired Lincoln and his life was cut way too short. I believe he would have probably been one of our greatest Presidents ever. He was President during some very turmoil times but his judgment was good and he did what he thought was right. But there is one thing that has always baffled me about Lincoln. He was so against slavery that he was willing to go to war to free all the slaves. But in reality he had slaves of his own. That never made a lick of sense to me, the President having slaves. Then I stop to think, Lincoln and I had some pretty similiar thoughts and ideas. I don’t believe in slavery and I don’t understand what was wrong with the people back then. Every man should be free and what our forefathers were thinking is beyond me. He believed in equality for everyone. In this country that should be a given. And most of all, he was willing to fight for an idea that he believed in. It is ashame the way he was killed. Shot from behind, only a coward does that. When Booth jumped to the stage he should have broken more than his leg. He should have broken his neck. If Lincoln had lived, there is no telling if this country would have been better off. But it sure could get any worse.

Now it’s your turn, what event would you stop?

7 thoughts on “Question of the Day, Please Participate If You Like!

  1. Ladyimbrium made a point. I would go back in time to change things like Hitler, murders, my own history and my loss if I knew but… We never know if our world would be worse. I sure want to save lives, my mum’s and other people lives, but back in time… I don’t know. I think if I could, I would change the way things turned before… Let’s say… Homo sapiens sapiens? Or more seriously, the death of Lady Diana, but considering that past makes our present day and who we are. I don’t know.
    So my answer is ” maybe nothing” . It is a difficult topic though.


  2. Nothing
    I agree with ladyimbrium … our society has change because of the horrendous events that has happened. Whether it’s good or bad. From the Civil Rights movement, Womens Rights, Gay and Lesbians being allowed to marry, etc., and that’s just a few. I wouldn’t change a thing. History’s pass is ugly but beauty has come out of that ugliness as well.


  3. My first thoughts were of my personal history, then genetic, then globally. I am cursed or blessed with seeing numerous aspects of the answers. Finally though I think that Lady Imbrium may be correct… however much we wish to take away the ugly, painful, victimizations, it has made us who we are today… I do want to take away all pain and hurts but brutal as the human race is…who am I to pick and choose? I would want ALL of it taken and ALL people healed and ALL people free! I can’t … So if I only had one wish to change? I couldn’t in all honesty choose!


    1. It would be nice if we could erase all the cruelty that has been done to man. I know before I would ever even think about doing something like that, I would give it a very long thought. Just to think of the things you might change is scary. Change to much, we might not even be here. That would definitely be a bummer.

      Stopping Booth from shooting Lincoln and preventing the Burning Times are things I would like to do. When it got right down to it, I would sincerely hope my good sense would come into play.


  4. i think i read that hitler’s mom wanted to abort him. so i would try to get her to abort him, or to cause her to miscarry. sounds bad i know but it would mean so many people would have lived and there would be many more alive if he never was allowed to be born. this is a very interesting post! but i love all your posts here at W.O.T.C.!!


  5. Nothing.
    As ugly as our human history has been, it has made us who and what we are. I may be a minority here, and that’s ok, but I really don’t think I’d want to change anything. Ugly is part of life too.


    1. Hmm, this has definitely surprised me. I believe everyone thinks you are right, sweetie. I think you are right also. When I think back there are lots of things I would like to change. But it would be very dangerous to do so. No telling what effect you would have on the future. All we can do is learn from the past and dare not let those mistakes repeat themselves. I agree our history has made us who we are today. We have to accept the good as well as the bad. And life goes on….
      Thank you so much for your comment. I love hearing from you.


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