Daily Horoscopes for Wednesday, July 18

We are ready to rebel against anything that constrains us today. Or, others may act out our need for freedom now if we try to deny it. Either way, an erratic Mars-Uranus opposition creates unstable tension. Although the emotionally sensitive Cancer Moon might increase our fear of change, we’re still likely to put ourselves in risky situations that raise our adrenaline levels prior to the Cancer New Moon tomorrow morning at 12:24 am EDT.


Aries Horoscope
Aries Horoscope (Mar 21 – Apr 19)

This is a power-packed day with red-hot Mars negotiating between your desire for independence and your need to be loved. Remember, Mars is not known as a peacemaker, so his brand of diplomacy may incite conflict today. Things might reach a tipping point when you don’t know what’s going to happen next. Nevertheless, real progress toward finding lasting solutions can be made if you build the future upon mutual respect and positive intentions.

Taurus Horoscope
Taurus Horoscope (Apr 20 – May 20)

Don’t lose sight of the value of your common sense since a total breakdown of routine at work can be circumvented if you maintain your composure. However, no one wants to face the difficult issues until all parties realize what’s at stake. Don’t be afraid to take an unpopular stand if necessary, for the current circumstances may require a disruption just to get everyone’s attention.

Gemini Horoscope
Gemini Horoscope (May 21 – Jun 20)

Usually you are the clever one who can miraculously pull a solution out of thin air, even if it is not a permanent one. But today, every tactic you try is met with surprising resistance or an unexpected response. The uncertainty is enough to make you lose confidence in your own ability to communicate. Don’t give up; your persistence could pay off once you hit on a strategy that settles down the energy.

Cancer Horoscope
Cancer Horoscope (June 21 – Jul 22)

Relying on your intuition now is a smart way to stay on your path. However, just because you know how to respond, this doesn’t mean that you’ll be able to do what you believe is right. In fact, you may feel as if your route to success is being blocked. Everything at work seems to be out of control, yet you aren’t comfortable expressing your feelings. Office politics are complicated, but restrained action and clear communication prevent things from falling apart.

Leo Horoscope
Leo Horoscope (Jul 23 – Aug 22)

Something may not go according to your plans today, even if you’re fully prepared. You carefully studied your lines and you know how to play your part, but it’s as if someone changed the plot and your lines are no longer relevant. You may even feel as if the other players have been given new scripts and no one informed you. Don’t lose control of your feelings; showing your anger will only make things worse. This is a test to see if you can let go of your personal agenda and graciously adapt to the changing scenery.

Virgo Horoscope
Virgo Horoscope (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Your logical analysis is usually a source of reason, but today it just makes everything unbearable. You can see what’s wrong and, fortunately, you know how to fix it. But you’re not in control. The harder you work to stabilize the situation, the crazier it becomes. Be aware that the dynamics of a relationship may have to get shaky for a while before they are able to improve.

Libra Horoscope
Libra Horoscope (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

This might not be the kind of pleasant day that you Libras dream about. It’s challenging to figure out exactly what is happening today, but it is apparent that loose ends defy being tied. Forget about putting everything back into balance now; you’ll only grow more aggravated if you try. Instead, concentrate on cooperating with others and you’ll make it through the day with flying colors.

Scorpio Horoscope
Scorpio Horoscope (Oct 23 – Nov 21)

Although you might like the idea of a romantic involvement, your need for self-determination is very strong now. Ironically, you won’t let someone else steer your car, even if you asked him or her to drive it. It doesn’t matter what kind of logic you apply to your current dilemma today; you still may not be able to figure out the best course of action because you are conflicted over the situation. Go ahead and do what feels right in the moment, but don’t focus on the distant destination just yet.

Sagittarius Horoscope
Sagittarius Horoscope (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

The cosmic tension affects nearly everyone today, yet you Archers seem to get away with pulling a few strings of your own. You can actually help someone work through a difficult situation while others just seem to make it worse. Thankfully, your actions have a powerful impact, but you’ll be even more effective now if you refrain from pushing your needs onto anyone else. Listening with an open mind is your secret strategy.

Capricorn Horoscope
Capricorn Horoscope (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

It may not matter today how much you have prepared for a big event. You might be better off to throw your strategy to the winds and simply start all over again. Fortunately, this is not as difficult as it sounds, for the real lesson of the day is about releasing buried tensions and re-establishing any lost integrity. Toss your battle plan if you must, but don’t negotiate away your feelings of security. Your chances for success are greater when you honor your own position.

Aquarius Horoscope
Aquarius Horoscope (Jan 20 – Feb 18)

Although it seems as if you can’t rely on anyone today, everything that’s happening is actually a projection of your own experiences. You might be feeling as if you’re stretched to a breaking point and the only solution is to stir things up even more by acting unpredictably. Don’t resist the current changes; be the initiator instead of the victim.

Pisces Horoscope
Pisces Horoscope (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

An unexpected encounter might prompt you to question a long-standing belief that has come between you and someone else. You are tempted to just throw your hands up in despair and walk away from a conflict, but it’s healthier to confront your fears, instead. Your world is transforming and you may have to alter your basic assumptions about yourself. Be courageous; stepping outside of your comfort zone and embracing change is the most direct path to re-establishing the stability you desire.

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