The Crone

The Crone

The Crone is a being of age-old wisdom. She is shrew and counsels well. She
cares for the Maiden and the Mother as well as the off-spring thereof. She is
logical and can be terrible in her vengeance. She stands at the door to the
dimension of death. In human years, she is approximately 45 or older.  The Crone is the Most difficult of the three to place in human age. The Crone’s
traditional colors are black, gray, purple, brown or midnight blue.

Rituals using the Crone

* Ending relationships, jobs, friendships
* Menopause, or coming to terms with aging.
* Divorce.
* A regrouping of energies needed at the end of a cycle of activity or problem.
* Rest and calmness before making new goals and plans.
* When the garden or plants are ready for winter.
* Harassment of any kind.
* Retribution on rapists, murderers, abusers.
* On the death of a person or pet; of any animal or human. Contemplation at the end of your own life cycle.
* When moving from a dwelling or job.
* When strong protection is needed for attacks on the physical or psychic
levels, or even annoyance by spirits.
* To understand the deepest of mysteries.
* Developing trance or communication with the guides or other spirits.

Dietary Treatment for Crohn’s Disease

Dietary Treatment for Crohn’s Disease

Inflammation has recently emerged as an important player in the development  of age-related disability and many of our major chronic diseases including heart  disease, cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease. Now that laboratory tests  such as C-reactive protein have been developed, we can measure the effects  different foods and diets have on inflammatory markers.

Most plant-based foods decrease inflammation. Processing destroys the  anti-inflammatory effects of some (garlic decreases inflammation but garlic  powder does not), but improves these effects in others (tomato juice decreases  inflammation but whole tomatoes do not).

Do these anti-inflammatory plant foods actually have an impact on  inflammatory disease mortality though?  I profile a new study  out of Australia, which followed about 2,500 older adults and their diets for 15  years. In that time, about 200 participants died of inflammatory diseases,  allowing the scientists to calculate the specific aspect of the survivors’ diets  that seemed to help the most. It was nuts! The equivalent of half a walnut a day  appeared to cut the risk of dying from inflammatory disease in nearly half. Fish  consumption, to their surprise, didn’t seem to help, which may be due to pro-inflammatory  industrial pollutants that build up the food chain. This may help explain  why most studies done to date on those eating vegetarian or vegan have found  lower levels of inflammatory biomarkers in their bodies.

However, just because plant-based diets decrease markers of  inflammation doesn’t necessarily mean that plant-based diets can successfully be  used to fight inflammatory disease. To find that out, you’ve got to put it to  the test. The gold standard for evidence in nutritional science is an  interventional trial. You split people into two groups and ask half to go on one  diet, half to go on another, and then stand back and see what happens. That’s  just what researchers recently did for the autoimmune inflammatory bowel  condition known as Crohn’s disease.

Inflammatory bowel disease risk has been tied to arachidonic acid, which may partially explain the  animal protein connection given the levels in chicken and eggs. The anti-inflammatory nature of  plant foods may explain why those eating plant-based diets have less diabetes, fewer allergies, less heart disease, better moods, and fewer chronic diseases in chronic diseases in general.

In health, Michael Greger, M.D.

Daily Feng Shui Tip for Wednesday, May 23rd

The home remedies that I’d like to share on this ‘World Crohn’s and Colitis Day’ all hail from Mother Nature’s pharmacy, but always be sure to see a qualified professional before trying any medicinal protocol. That said, in the case of Crohn’s Disease or colitis, some have alleviated their stomach pain simply by sipping aloe juice, while others swear by drinking coconut milk or extra virgin cold pressed coconut oil. Any or all of these anti-aging drinks can help heal inflammation while also soothing the soreness of intestinal ulcers. Two cups a day of aloe vera juice can do the trick, while a little coconut milk can also help lessen the belly bloat and pain of these diseases. Although dealing with either of these inflammatory illnesses can be a real pain in the butt, trying any of these suggestions can take the pain out of your belly and bring balance back to your body!

By Ellen Whitehurst for