The Magick of Food

Enchanted Circle of Witches®

Written By

Priestess Hypatia


We spend numerous hours cleansing our spiritual space to create a flow of energy that will allow us effective results in our magickal life. We prune, water and tend to our gardens. We dust reorganize and designs our homes. We decorate our altar space, feeding this energetically in honor of the Gods or whatever is part of your belief system. One of the most important spiritual domains that we forget is our body. Yes your body too is a temple, a sacred altar, one that should be honored and respected just as equally. It is through this sacred vessel that ALL energy runs through and impacts our Magikcal world.

Cultures throughout time have practiced time honoring rituals in maintaining the body as a sacred space, we are the vessel that the Magick is radiating through. We create the space within ourselves for all Magick to…

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