The Witches Digest for Monday, November 13 (The Witches Guide to Mondays)

The Witches Digest for Monday, November 13

(The Witches Guide to Mondays)

Today is Monday, November 13th


Monday is the sacred by of the Moon, personified as the Goddesses Selene, Luna, and Mani. The moon is ruler of flow, affecting the changeable and impressionable aspects of people. If a Full Moon falls on a Monday, then the powers of the Moon are at their most potent.

Deity: Mani

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

Planet: Moon

Tree: Willow

Herb: Chickweed

Stone: Agate

Animal: Crab

Element: Water

Color: Green

Number: 5

Rune: Lagu(L)


Celtic Tree Month of Ngetal(Reed) – October 28 – November 24

Runic Half-Month of Nyd – November 13 – November 27

Goddess of the Month of Cailleach/Samhain – October 31 – November 27


The Pagan Book of Days
Nigel Pennick

Monday’s Conjuring

Monday – is associated with the Moon

Candle colors – white or gray

Crossroads work to learn to read cards, dealing with family matters, Protection, Truth, Peace, Justice

—Old Style Conjure Wisdoms, Workings and Remedies
Starr Casas



Monday: Is associated with the Moon and the colors of White, Silver, Grey and Pearl

Monday is the best time to deal with such matters as: Antiques, Archetypes, Astral Travel, Astrology, Bodies of Water, Children, Domestic Concerns, Dreams, Emotions, Fluids, Full moon magic, Household Activities, Imagination, Initiation, Justice, Magick, Meditation, New-Age Pursuits, Nursing, Peace, Protection, Psychic Pursuits, Psychology, Public, Purity, Reincarnation, Religious Experiences, Shape-shifting, Short Trips, Sincerity, Spirituality, Totem Animals, Trip Planning, Truth, Warding off Doubts and Fears, Water, Women, Women’s Mysteries

Practical Magick for the Penny Pinching Witch
Carol Moyer

The Witches Guide to Monday


In the word Monday, we can see part of the word Moon. In the romance languages such as Italian or Spanish, this day of the week is called Lunes and clearly relates to the word lunar. On Mondays, a variety of magick may be worked. Because Monday centers on the energies of the Moon, things like dreams, feminine energy, health, success in spiritual pursuits, domestic matters, and things of family origin are especially important this day.

Mondays are best for love magick and anything concerning home or family, thus old saying, Mondays child is fair of face, which seems clearly to relate to the themes of love and health.

Angels of Monday are Gabriel, Arcan, Missabu, and Abuzaha. Arcan is known as the king of the angels of air and the “ruler” of Monday. Abuzaha (Abuzohar) serves Monday, and is very responsive to invocations and ritual magick. Missabu is a ministering angel of Arcan.

Check whether the moon is waning or waxing to determine what your spell will be. During waning moons, do spells to rid yourself of obstacles or for wisdom and protection. During waxing moons do magic for increase of any kind or to draw something into your life.

On Mondays, the best hour to work is moonrise. Get this information from your local newspaper, astrological calendar, or almanac.


Gypsy Magic

Monday Is A Day of Witchery, Magick and Enchantment


Think for a moment on all of the witchery, magick and enchantments that you have discovered. Don’t be afraid to adjust spells to suit your own specific needs. Any gentle, illusory, and dreamy charms and spells can be enhanced when you work on the day of the week that is dedicated to the moon. Mondays are a fantastic day to boost your psychic abilities and to tune in to your intuition and empathy. It also gives you the opportunity to work with a different lunar phase each and every Monday, which means in one month you could work four different types of moon magicks on Mondays. How’s that for adding to your repertoire? You are going to have mad skills in no time at all.

So light up those lunar scented candles and add a little mystique to your outfit by wearing an enchanting lunar color. Wear your sparkling silver jewelry and maybe add a pair of dangling silver earrings or a pendant shaped like a crescent moon. Create lunar potions and philters; make a dream catcher and give it as a gift to someone you love. Burn some sandalwood or jasmine-scented incense today to inspire the glamour and magick of the moon. Slice up a favorite variety of fruit that is in season for a snack or share it with your love and enjoy his or her lunar and romantic qualities. Brew up a cup of chamomile tea, enchant it with a little moon magick, and relax and get a good night’s sleep.

Most importantly, get outside tonight and watch the moon for a while. What phase is she in? What color was the moon as she rose? Why not start a journal and write down at what location the moon rises and sets for a few seasons? This is a great way to teach you to tune in and to become more aware of the moon and the influence that she pulls into our lives. Try calling on Selene for her magickal assistance, and call Thoth for wisdom and strength. Get to know the Norse Mani and the Latvian Meness. These gods of the moon have plenty to teach, and if you allow their influence to cycle through your life, you’ll receive many blessings. Be imaginative, and create your own personal lunar magick and witchery. Go on….the moonlight becomes you.

Book of Witchery: Spells, Charms & Correspondences for Every Day of the Week
Ellen Dugan

The Witches Almanac for Monday, November 13th

Festival of Jupiter (Roman)

Waning Moon

Moon Phase: Fourth QuarterMoon Sign: Virgo

Moon Enters Libra 6:26 pm

Incense: Clary sage

Color: White


Correspondences for Monday, November 13tn


Day: Monday ( Moon-day)

Planet: Moon

Colors: Silver and White and Grey

Crystals: Moonstone, Pearl, Aquamarine, Silver, Selenite

Aroma: Jasmine, Lemon, Sandalwood, Moon Oil, African violet, Honeysuckle, Myrtle, Willow, and Wormwood

Herb: Moonwart

The sacred day of the Moon, personified by such goddesses as Selene, Luna, Diana, and Artemis. The Moon is ruler of flow affecting the changeable aspects of people. If a full moon falls on a Monday, its powers are at their most potent.

Magical aspects: peace, sleep, healing, compassion, friendships, psychic awareness, purification, and fertility

Monday is ruled by the moon – an ancient symbol of mystery and peace. Monday is a special day for mothers as the cycle of the moon has long been associated with the female menstrual cycle. Those wishing to conceive a baby would be wise to try on a Monday as the magic of motherhood is strong and pregnancy is in the air.

This is the proper day of the week to perform spells and rituals involving agriculture, animals, female fertility, messages, reconciliation’s, theft, voyages, dreams, emotions, clairvoyance, home, family, medicine, cooking, personality, merchandising, psychic work, Faerie magic, and Goddess rituals

Monday Is Ruled By the Moon


This day of the week is dedicated to the moon and all of her magic and mystery. Mondays are for women’s mysteries, illusion, prophetic dreaming, emotions, travel, and fertility.

Some suggestions for Monday enchantments would include:

*Getting outside and looking for the moon in the heavens. Sit under her light and absorb a little glamour. Call on the moon goddess Selene for practical help in magical issues.

*Invoking the god Thoth for wisdom and insight

*Empowering your silver jewelry under the light of the moon. Wear moonstone or pearl jewelry today to add a lunar and magical shimmer to your outfit. Be mysterious and subtle and wear moon-associated colors such as white, silver, and blue.

*Working spells for safe travel with a simple moonstone

*Gathering bluebells, jasmine, gardenias, or white roses to create a little garden witchery with the flowers that are associated with the moon

*Setting up a lunar Tarot spell today to increase your psychic powers

*Eating a lunar fruit such as a melon to be healthy, serene, and at peace

*Brewing up a cup of chamomile or mint tea and enchanting it for sweet dreams and restful sleep

Smudging: How to do it — how not to do it

I came across a very interesting article from “Shaman’s Drum” which was reprinted for Vision Quest Bookstore. I will attempt to convey the gist of it, along with my views, as a student of the Ways of the Teneh, about it. Smudging is a way of using the smoke from burning herbs as a way to cleanse the body, an object, or a given area of negative influences. I myself use smudging to “cleanse” crystals before using them in jewelry projects I may do, and for protecting my home from some recent “bad vibe”-producing events. (landlord troubles!) I imagine that the skillful use of the proper herbs could help in warding and banishing ceremonies as well, if used properly and with reverence. The three most used plant material for smudging are sage of all types, cedar and sweetgrass.


There are two major genii and several varieties of each genus of Sage that are used for smudging. Salvia, or the herb sage used for cooking, comes in two major varieties: S. officinalis, commonly known as Garden Sage, and S. apiana, commonly known as White Sage. Salvia varieties have long been acknowledged as healing herbs, reflected in the fact that its genus name comes from the Latin root word salvare, which is the verb “to heal” or “to save.” Artemisia is the genus commonly considered “Sagebrush”, and is more common in the wilds out here in California. There are two major varieties to the Artemisia genus: A. californica or Common Sagebrush, and A. vulgaris or Mugwort. There are many other varieties of both Salvia and Artemisia, and all are effective in smudging. Sage is burned in smudging ceremonies to drive out evil spirits, negative thoughts and feelings, and to keep Gan’n (negative entities) away from areas where ceremonials take place. In the Plains Sweatlodge, the floor of the structure is strewn with sage leaves for the participants to rub on their bodies during the sweat. Sage is also used in keeping sacred objects like pipes or Peyote wands safe from negative influence. In the Sioux nation, the Sacred Pipe is kept in a bundle with sage boughs. I would think special crystals could be so protected this way as well.


True cedar is of the Thuja and Libocedrus genii. Some Junipers (Juniperus genus) are also called “cedar”, thus complicating things some. Some Juniper varieties are cleansing herbs, especially J. monosperma, or Desert White Cedar. But for smudging, the best is Western Red Cedar (Thuja occidentalis) and California Incense Cedar (Libocedrus descurrens). Cedar is burnt while praying to the Great Spirit (Usen’, the Source — also known to Plains nations as Wakan Tanka) in meditation, and also to bless a house before moving in as is the tradition in the Northwest and Western Canada. It works both as a purifier and as a way to attract good energy in your direction. It is usually available in herb stores in chipped form, which must be sprinkled over a charcoal in a brazier. I like a piece of charcoaled mesquite for this purpose, rather than the commercial charcoal cake.


Very important to the Sioux and Cherokee nations, its botanical name is Hierochloë odorata. In these tribes, the sweetgrass is braided like hair braids. It could be burnt by lighting the end of it, or (more economically) by shaving little bits of it onto charcoal in a brazier. Again, use charcoaled Mesquite (I believe it comes packaged for barbecue use under the brand name “Red Arrow”) to burn it, not pressed charcoal tablets. Sweetgrass is burnt after smudging with sage, to welcome in good influences after the bad had been driven out. Sweetgrass is very rare today, and traditional Plains people have been attempting to protect the last of it. Myself, I believe that Cedar, which is not endangered, can safely be used this way. Also Piñon pine needles (used more frequently by the Southwest Teneh, like the Navajo and Apache as well as the Pueblo people and the Zuni) and Copal (used by the Yaqui and in ancient times by the Azteca and the Maya) have similar effect. The three mentioned here are readily available either through gathering yourself or, in the case of copal resin, from any good herb shop.

Using Smudging

Burn clippings of the herb in a brazier… not a shell as some “new age” shamanic circles do… it is an insult to White Painted Woman (The Goddess) to do this, especially with the abalone shell which is especially sacred to Her. If the herb is bundled in a “wand”, you can also light the end of the wand that isn’t woody and use that. I like the latter way. Direct the smoke with your hands or with a Peyote (feather) wand over the person or thing you wish to smudge. If you can see auras, look for discolored places in the aura and direct the healing smoke towards those places on the patient’s body. For cleansing a house, first offer cedar smoke to the four directions outside the house. Then, take a sage bough and go throughout the inside of the house, making sure the smoke penetrates every nook and cranny of the house. It might help also, if you have a power animal, to visualize your animal doing these things, to also dance your animal, and if you have a power song, to sing that too. Then finally, run through the house with a white candle that is well protected, to “light up” the house. Careful not to burn it down when you do it!!!

Final Thoughts

Smudging should be done with care, with reverence, and in an attitude of LOVE. Show your respect and honor to the plants that Usen’ has given us for our healing, and they will return the favor by keeping us well and free from disease and negative energy. Aloe Vera plants, though not to be burnt, are good for the cleansing angle as well. Keep one or more potted Aloe Veras in the house (modern varieties are too tender to plant in anything but full shade outside) in organic (wood or ceramic, never plastic or metal) pots. To honor the plant when you transplant it, sprinkle the roots with corn meal and smudge it with cedar once it is transplanted. The spirit of Aloe Vera is a good protective spirit, and if you burn yourself, can also be used to heal your skin. Be sure to ask the plant’s permission before cutting part of the leaf off for the healing juice. If you don’t, the protective power of the plant will cease, and you will be left with but an inert houseplant… and perhaps some bad karma to boot.

Hi-dicho, it is finished…. ENJU!

Michelle Chihacou White Puma Klein-Hass, Author
Published on Sacred Text



Monday is named after the moon. The Latin term for Monday is Dies Lunae (“moon’s day”); in the Old English language, this day was Monandaeg; in Greek, it was Hermera Selenes. All of these different names and languages translate to the same thing: the “day of the moon.”

Working with the different phases of the moon is an important skill that takes a bit of time for Witches to learn. So why not cut to the chase and experiment with the day of the week that is dedicated to the moon in all of its magickal energies and aspects?

Magickally, Monday encourages the lunar energies of inspiration, illusion, prophetic dreams, emotions, psychic abilities, travel, women’s mysteries, and fertility.

Book of Witchery: Spells, Charms & Correspondences for Every Day of the Week
Ellen Dugan


Monday & The Perfect Corresponding Spell


For those times when discretion, tact, and a little magickal strategy is called for, this lunar illusion spell will help to keep you centered and calm. If you need to work magick discreetly, or for those times when being subtly witchy is the way to go, this sort of quietly clever magickal control goes a long way in situations when tempers are frayed and emotions are high. This glamoury-type of enchantment is particularly useful ful when you want to win people over to your side or for when you are quietly working magick to smooth over sticky situations.

Choose your outfit with care. Think of quiet, lunar types of colors with silver jewelry. elry. No matter what your personal style is, whether you slip on a gray business suit, tug on a white sweater, or pull on a comfortable denim shirt in a soft blue, this lunar illusion will work. Take a moment and imagine yourself standing on the quiet moonlit shores of a lake. Feel yourself becoming serene and filled with the power and magick of the moon. Now, wrap a little of the moon’s light and glamour around you. Do you feel more centered and focused? Good. Now believe that you can calmly and quietly handle this situation. Repeat the spell below three times:

The lunar shades of magick are white, silver, and blue

Charm, mystique, and illusion they grant softly to you

Peace and serenity are the order of the day

May this spell smooth all obstacles that are in my way.

Close the spell by saying:

For the good of all, with harm to none

With color and light, this spell is done!

Take a deep breath, and let it out slowly. Now, coolly go and deal with the crisis.

*Note: Remember, this spell works to smooth situations over, not to eliminate them. In other words, you can glide in, fix the situation, and then quietly ease back out. It also makes people see you in a different light, so be ethical and make sure you use this spell fairly.

Book of Witchery: Spells, Charms & Correspondences for Every Day of the Week
Ellen Dugan

Home & Hearth Magick for Monday, November 13th


On Monday, casts for matters concerning the home, emotions and nurturing.

Planetary Influence: The Moon

Household Symbols: Silver platters and bowls, moon shapes

Color: White and Silver

Kitchen Spices: Lemon rind and wintergreen.


Cottage Witchery Natural Magick for Hearth and Home
Ellen Dugan

Monday, Monday…..


Monday is ruled by the moon. Magical work planned for a Monday should involve aspects of the Goddess and any rites to honor her. In Wicca, the phases of the moon are revered as natural symbols of the different phases of womanhood. Spells and rituals invoking change are appropriate for a Monday. The moon rules the tides, so spells involving water are also appropriate for this time. Think of purification and cleansing work that you may need to do. Even consecrating your chalice would be an appropriate work for a Monday. Meditate on the aspects of the Greek maiden huntress, Artemis, twin sister of Apollo, or on her Roman counterpart, Diana of the silver bow. The lunar energy will bless your work if you acknowledge it correctly.


A Witch’s Grimoire: Create Your Own Book of Shadows
Judy Ann Olsen