Today’s Quiz – Which Elemental Ruler Are You?

Which Elemental Ruler Are You?

Are you a fiery Queen of Wands or an emotional King of Cups? A clear-thinking  King of Swords or a practical Queen of Pentacles?

The great psychologist Carl Jung knew that the Court cards of Tarot show  types of energy systems inside each person. The pictures on the cards are  symbols that express the characteristics of a particularly active energy in us.  Take this fascinating quiz to see which archetypal energies are dominant in you.

Answer the questions, then total your “yes” answers to determine which suit  is strongest for you.

Are You a King or Queen of Swords? – AIR

1. Are you  independent?

2. Are you aggressive?

3. Are you goal-oriented?

4. Are  you curious?

5. Do you have a quick wit?

6. Is your mind full of  thoughts and ideas?

7. Are you a perfectionist?

8. Do you become bored  without mental stimuli?

9. Do you have a tendency to become very involved in  a theory?

10. Do you like to be in a position of authority?

11. Are you  interested in spiritual and philosophical problems?

12. Is the discovery of  new things of vital importance to you?

13. Does your sense of “reality”  depend on a rational order in your mind?

14. Do you have little interest if  other people support, praise, or condone you projects if these projects seem  rational to you?

15. Do you have a need to have reality completely figured  out?

Are you a King or Queen of Wands? – FIRE

1. Do you have a high  energy level?

2. Do you act before you think?

3. Do you thrive on change  and become bored easily?

4. Are you enthusiastic?

5. Do you love to  express yourself in communication?

6. Are you a warm and loyal friend?

7. Do you trust yourself and others?

8. Do you have deep inner  convictions?

9. Are you charming and well liked?

10. Do you support and  encourage others?

11. Do you have a courageous spirit?

12. Do you  concern yourself with what others think and feel?

13. Does your sense of  “reality” depend on what you feel?

14. Do you often need praise to keep  working on a project or job?

15. Are you sympathetic?

Are you a king or Queen of Cups? – WATER

1. Are you refined and  sensitive?

2. Do you often see things differently from others?

3. Is  reality a struggle?

4. Are you vague and somewhat aloof?

5. Do you have  difficulty understanding money?

6. Do you possess wisdom?

7. Do people  come to you for advice?

8. Are facts and details unimportant to you?

9.  Are you emotionally honest?

10. Is it of prime importance for you to  understand yourself?

11. Can you keep working on a project you believe in  without support from your environment?

12. Are you very aware of the  positive and negative in you?

13. Do you consider small talk irrelevant?

14. Do you prize connection to others?

15. Do you wish others were more  sensitive?

Are you a King or Queen of Pentacles? – EARTH

1. Are you  conventional?

2. Do you have a quiet, industrious nature?

3. Are you  practical?

4. Do you value the work ethic?

5. Do you like routine?

6. Do you feel most comfortable discussing daily and worldly matters?

7. Do  you tend to remove yourself emotionally from conflict?

8. Are you complacent  or laid-back?

9. Do you accept nature and its ways?

10. Is  respectability very important to you?

11. Do you have a realistic  understanding of money?

12. Do you like to create a comfortable material  environment?

13. Are you very accepting of others?

14. Are you concerned  about the details of daily living?

15. Do you live in the “now,” in the  present moment?


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